Methodologies Sample: Focus-group Discussion Questions

1.How did you learn about these trainings?

2.Were these your first computer training you attended?

3.Who encouraged you to work with a computer?

4.Will you take higher level courses or other computer program courses?

5.Will you come to the Center or other free Internet place to use Internet and send emails?

6.How are you using or will use the knowledge you got during the course?

7.Are you satisfied with the program of the course? Would you like to learn something else?

8.Would you like to have a course on leadership or something similar?

9.Were there only women in your group?

10.Did you pay for the course?

11.What do you think about women’s positions in Lithuania, in your town, in your work place?

12.What would you suggest to change in the training program: something to improve or to be eased out?

13.What would you like to improve? (Maybe you would like to give some additional explanations)

14.How useful was the course for you?

15.What did you learn better after the course? Are you writing emails? Are you modeling?

16.Do you apply your gained knowledge in your work?

17.Did you find a new job when you learned how to use a computer?

18.Have you been promoted?

19.Are you planning to look for a better job?

20.Are you using an Internet?

21.What are you usually looking for in the Internet? What kind of pages do you browse?

What are you interested in?

22.Will you encourage your friends and neighbors to attend the training?


24.Are you satisfied with the training? Would you like to attend another training?

25.What do you think about women activists’ initiative in organizing such a training for women? (How do you asses the initiative?)

26.Those who use email, did you exchange email addresses? Are you emailing each other? How often?

27.Did you browse ?

28.Do you meet or will meet your group friends after the training will be over?

29.Will you communicate as a club or self-help group? Did you discuss such a possibility?

30. Do you visit the Center or other places to browse the Internet?

31.If you belong to any organization, did the gained knowledge help you?

32.How do you personally feel after the courses? (Did you gain more? less self-confident? Did you feel powerless in front of the computer?)

33.Did the gained knowledge influence your relationship with family or friends in any way? (Do you communicate with your children easier/more difficult after the training)?

34. Did the computer courses affect your life?