Timekeeper Procedures

Revised June 2016

Payroll reporting for student employees at ISU is successfully accomplished using these steps:

Ø Provide for periodic review by supervisors throughout the current pay period.

Ø Resolve timecard exceptions throughout the current pay period.

Ø Review the departmental roster at the end of the pay period.

Ø Review timecards at the end of the pay period.

Ø Apply manager/supervisor approvals.

Ø Apply sign offs.

Ø Run the report and submit to the Payroll Office.

Detailed instructions for each step follow.


** Provide for periodic review by supervisors throughout the current pay period:

Throughout the pay period, daily or periodic reports can be provided to supervisors in several ways:

· Supervisors may be authorized to log on to Kronos and view/approve time records.

· Or….the timekeeper can screen print each timecard and distribute to appropriate supervisors.

· Or….from the Timecard view, click on the Reports tool located just underneath the Time Period window; select Time Detail and print. (Figure 1)

· Or….on the Total Hours by Employee genie, select the ST – All Home and Transferred In group in Show window at the top and the Time Period desired. (Figure 2)

· Or… the widget named General and select Reports. (Figures 3 & 4) From the list of reports, select either of the Time Detail reports (find it easily by clicking on the + preceding All). Choose the parameter options including the group and time period. Options are also available for emailing to one or more recipients or to print. Then click on Run Report. At the next screen, click on Refresh Status to check for completion, then preview if desired.

** Resolve timecard exceptions throughout the current pay period:

Timecard exceptions are defined as a missed punch or a long work interval and must be resolved prior to completing the approval and sign off processes. Long intervals worked must be corrected if in error, or marked as reviewed if correct. Missed punches will exclude timecards from being signed off and must be corrected.

· The alert icon at the top of your session is a feature that alerts you to a timecard exception in the current pay period only. A number displayed on the icon tells you how many exceptions exist within your access group; clicking on the icon will return a list of employees whose timecards have exceptions. (Figure 5) When all exceptions are resolved, or if there are none, no number will be displayed on the icon.

o To resolve a missed punch: click on the name, double-click on the red box in the missed punch field, and enter the time. Tab and click on Save. Missed punches will exclude timecards from being signed off and must be corrected.

o To resolve a long interval: click on the name, select the field in which the time is in red font (indicating a long interval). If the time is correct, click on Mark as Reviewed. Otherwise correct the time and Save.

· Alternatively, use the widget named ISU Timecard Exceptions to display exceptions by name or by exception type. (Figure 6) The time period and/or group may be changed as desired on this feature.

· Alternatively, use the Reconcile Timecard genie from the Timekeeping widget to sort your group by the Missed Punch or Long Interval columns to find timecards with an action needed. (Figure 7)

· Remember that corrections, including those to missed punches, should be accompanied by an appropriate comment. Click on the Comment tool within the timecard or right-mouse-click on the punch and select Add Comment. (Figure 8) A new tab will be created at the lower left of the timecard and will display any comments relative to the selected timecard view.

** Review the departmental roster at the end of the pay period:

At the end of each biweekly pay period, timekeepers and department heads will receive via email a roster listing student employees with jobs in each Banner org within their employee group. The roster will include name, ID, position/suffix number, pay rate, primary or secondary job designation, and indicate whether or not the student has an available federal work study award for the job.

· Confirm that new hires are displayed with correct position/suffix and pay rate.

· Confirm approved rate increases.

· Recognize that student employees with jobs designated as secondary will appear on your Kronos roster only when they have hours worked (i.e., transferred in) on your job. Their Home Org is elsewhere.

A roster of Graduate Assistants will be sent via email to timekeepers and department heads listing those with assistantships in each Banner org within their employee group. The roster will include name, ID, position/suffix number, hours per pay and primary or secondary designation. All Graduate Assistant jobs should be primary.

· Confirm all GA’s holding assistantships in your org appear on the roster.

· Confirm the hours per pay.

· Assure there are no terminated GA’s appearing on the roster.

** Review timecards at the end of the pay period:

To review the individual timecards in your group, use a detail genie (either Total Hours by Employee or Reconcile Timecard genie from the Timekeeping widget). Select the applicable Time Period (Current or Previous Pay Period, depending on today’s date) and ST-All Home and Transferred In for the Show window. (Figure 5)

· Select your group of employees by clicking on the first name and dragging your cursor to the end of your group. (Alternatively, you can select the group by clicking on the first name, holding CTRL and SHIFT, then click on the last person’s name. Or you can hold the CTRL key down while clicking on only certain names on the list. Or you can click on the down arrow next to Actions [right above the name column] and click on Select All.)

· With your group selected, right-mouse-click and select Timecard, which takes you to the timecard view for the first person you selected. Use the arrows to the right of the ID field to toggle back and forth among the selected group.

· Assure that transfer codes are in place for all times worked, and are properly formatted if entered directly on the timecard.

· Assure that the Callback code has not been selected in any Transfer column, since the Callback code is a pay code not available to student employees.

· For student employee groups who do not clock by phone but rather must enter their hours worked themselves, assure that the required employee approvals are in place.

· NEW - Assure that no edits have been made to the timecard other than those made by the timekeeper. Under the Audits tab at the bottom of the timecard select from the drop down next to Type of Edit the category “Punch (add/edit/delete)” as the Type of Edit. Sort the User column and review any edits/adds that have been made. These can be seen in the Type column as “Edit Punch”. The User column will indicate the username of the person who edited the timecard.

· For Graduate Assistants, assure that the required employee approvals are in place and assure all transfer codes for all jobs are correct.

** Apply Manager/Supervisor Approvals:

At the end of the pay period or after the student employee’s last shift of the pay period, all reviews and appropriate edits should be complete and then the manager or supervisor approval is to be applied. Approvals can be applied using any of the following methods:

· Approve Timecards widget – located on the blue bar on the right side of the application. (Figure 9) Click to open, then click on the question mark (?) on the first chevron to display instructions. After each task is completed, click Next to move to the next task. (Figure 10)

· Reconcile Timecard genie – located within the Timekeeping widget. Click to open, and then select all or individual timecards ready for approval. Click on the Approvals tool and select Approve. (Figure 11)

· Timecard – the approval tool is also located on each timecard and can be applied individually.

· To undo an approval applied by any method, click on the Approvals tool and select Remove Approval.

** Apply Sign Offs:

After all approvals are in place, the departmental timekeeper should select the appropriate group and pay period on the Reconcile Timecard genie, then click on the Approvals tool and select Sign Off. To check that the Sign Off has been successfully applied, click on the Refresh bar next to the Time Period field. A check mark will be displayed in the Signed Off column of the genie for those whose records are signed off. (Figure 12)

** Run the report:

· Open the widget named General and select Reports. (Figures 3 & 4) From the list of reports, select ISU Employee Hours by Labor Account (Excel). (Figure 13)

· Establish parameters:

o In the People field, select ST-All Home and Transferred IN.

o Time Period is either Current Pay Period or Previous Pay Period, depending upon when you are running the report in relation to the pay period.

o Responsibility Area for which you are reporting: (Figure 14)

§ For campus employers, the Responsibility Area is your 4-digit org code.

§ For off-campus employers, the Responsibility Area is the middle four letters in the student position number. Examples: if the position number is WKSRED, enter KSRE in Responsibility Area field; if the position number is WKSSAC, enter KSSA in the Responsibility Area field.

o The box on the far right displays selected pay codes. Click on <<Remove All (eliminating unnecessary codes) and the pay codes will move to the left box labeled Available.

o From the list of Available pay codes select Overtime and Regular while holding down the CTRL key; click on Add>. The pay codes Overtime and Regular are now in the box on the right labeled Selected.

o Output format may be either .pdf or Excel.

o In the blue tool bars toward the top of the page, click on Email and enter your email address. The report will now run and be emailed to you.

· On the report status screen, click Refresh Status and continue clicking until the Status column reflects Complete, then click on View Report.

· The report lists the name and ID of each employee in your selected group along with the account string that contains the org and position/suffix, the pay code and the number of hours worked during the selected period. The Pay Code Summary at the end reflects the sum of hours by pay code. (Figure 15)

· Review the report for accuracy. Is the Time Period correct? Do the people and hours appear appropriate? If not, repeat the report process to obtain a correct report.

· Final step: Once you have determined that the report is correct, forward the email version to . Enter the pay period ID and 4-digit org code on the subject line (i.e., ST-21 0550). Payroll reporting is complete.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15
