Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy
9035 Golden Sunset Lane • Springfield, VA 22153
703/440-9447 (O) • 703/455-1531 (F) •
Michael W. Thompson
Chairman and President
Dear Virginia Government Official:
Enclosed is an invitation to the “2006 Innovations in Government Conference” scheduled for June 23, 2006 at the Dominion Resources Corporate Center in Glen Allen. This important annual conference is hosted by the state’s highly respected non-partisan public policy foundation, the Thomas Jefferson Institute. It is held in partnership with the Office of the Governor, the Secretary of Technology and the General Assembly’s Cost Cutting Caucus. Deloitte, a leading proponent of innovative approaches to government, is the sponsor of this year’s conference.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Transforming Government through Information Technology” and brings together a group of highly knowledgeable experts. This year’s conference will look at how the effort to make government more efficient, more transparent and more results oriented can be made significantly easier by bringing technology into the mix as a full partner. This conference should not be missed. Over 120 key government leaders attended last year’s conference and the comments from those attending were positive.
This conference is once again aimed at those who are the decision makers in government; those who make government actually work; and those who must change government as our society and our economy change. This conference will bring fresh and creative ideas to the forefront for in-depth discussion and a full question and answer periods so that ideas can be more fully aired.
Our “kick off” speaker will be Secretary of Technology, Aneesh Chopra, who will put into focus the importance of this conference and what he and Governor Kaine are concentrating on in this important area of technology use for creating a modern state government.
Delegate Chris Saxman, Chairman of the General Assembly’s Cost Cutting Caucus and Geoffrey Segal, Director of Privatization & Government Reform for the nationally respected Reason Foundation will talk briefly on how the state legislature is working to support efforts to make state government more efficient and what is happening in state and local governments around the country.
William Eggers, a Director for Deloitte Research in its public sector practice has written several books and articles on creating a better performing government “Governing by Network,” is a fascinating guide and a “working handbook” outlining how a new culture of leadership and the use of new technology tools can be brought together in various ways to help government do its job. Eggers will discuss how government is changing, the public’s expectations of government and how technology will change government over the next few years.
Former Secretary of Technology, Don Upson, president of ICG Government with offices in Richmond and Northern Virginia, will be speaking to us on how technology can be a critical ally in the effort to make government more competitive, more efficient and streamlined.
Sudhaker Shenoy, CEO of Information Management Consultants, will discuss how the same technology that has transformed business can do the same for government. (invited)
Glenn Davidson, Former Chief of Staff for Governor Doug Wilder and current Leader at Equaterra Public Sector Group, will discuss how best to access technology for state government.
Too often programs like these do not leave enough time for serious “drilling down” on the issues. This conference dedicates time for this specific purpose. It is the discussion and question and answer periods that will bring these ideas into sharper focus.
Please make plans to attend this important conference and register today by faxing your registration form or going to our website and registering that way: You will need to copy the form, fill it out, and email it to us.
There is a nominal registration fee of $25 to help cover costs. Please make that check payable to the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. Our federal ID number is on the Registration Form.
I look forward to seeing you at this conference.
Mike Thompson
Michael W. Thompson
Chairman and President
Thomas Jefferson Institute’s
2006 Innovations in Government Conference
“Transforming Government through Information Technology”
Sponsored by: Deloitte
In Partnership with the Office of the Governor, Secretary of Technology
and the Cost Cutting Caucus of the General Assembly
June 23, 2006• 9:00 a.m. to 2:50 p.m
Dominion Resources Innsbrook Corporate Center • 5000 Dominion Blvd.
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Innovations in Government Conference Schedule on June 23, 20006
8:30 a.m. Registration/coffee
9:00 a.m. – 9:05 a.m. Welcome: Mike Thompson, Thomas Jefferson Institute
9:05 a.m. – 9:20 a.m. “The Cost Cutting Caucus: Ally in Government Change”
Del Chris Saxman, Cost Cutting Caucus Chairman
9:20 a.m. –9:35 a.m. “What’s Up Around the Country?”
Geoff Segal, Director of Government Reform, Reason Foundation
9:35 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. “Promoting Administrative Efficiencies”
Honorable Don Upson, former Secretary of Technology
10:20 a.m. -- 10:30 a.m.. Break
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. “Governing Forward”
William Eggers, Director Deloitte Research
12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Box Lunch
12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. “Using Technology as a Partner in Government Reform”
Sudhaker Shenoy, CEO, Information Management Consultants (invited)
1:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Break
1:30 p.m. – 2: 15 p.m. “Cost Effective Options for Accessing Technology”
Hon. Glenn Davidson, Leader of EquaTerra Public Sector Group
2:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. “Overview of Virginia Government Efforts”
Honorable Aneesh Chopra, Secretary of Technology
2:45 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. Wrap Up
Mike Thompson, Thomas Jefferson Institute
Thomas Jefferson Institute’s
2006 Innovations in Government Conference Registration Form
June 23, 2006
Dominion Resources Corporate Center
5000 Dominion Boulevard, Glen Allen, Virginia
______Yes, I will be attending the “Innovations in Government Conference” on June 23rd
______Enclosed is my $25 registration fee
______Check being mail to address below _____ Paying at the door
(Check to: Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy)
Federal ID Number: 51-0280185
City: , Virginia Zip
Office Telephone:
Office email:
I would like to have invited these additional individuals (list names, addresses and emails)
Directions: go to Map Quest on the internet and find your specific driving instructions.
Written directions will also be sent upon registration.
Complete, copy and email this completed Registration Form to:
FAX this completed form to: 703/455-1531
Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy • 9035 Golden Sunset Lane • Springfield, VA 22153
Office phone: 703/440-9447 Office fax: 703/455-1531 Office email: