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  1. Give 2 shortcomings of oral traditions as a source of information in history

-Information may be exaggerated by the informant

-Some information may be forgotten

-Biasness from dormant groups e.g. leaders

-It is difficult to give correct dates and chronology

-It is time consuming

-It is expensive


  1. State any 2 methods of hunting used by early man

-Chasing the wild animals

-Trapping animals

-Chasing animals towards muddy/ swampy places

-Throwing stones to them/ to entangle them

-Digging holes to make them fall into2x1=2mks

  1. State 2 roles of bronze in Benin during the pre-colonial period

-Making weapons

-Used for making ornaments/ decoration

-Used as currency

-Used for making statues, rogues of kings, gods

-Used as an item of trade2x1=2mks

  1. Mention any 4 advantages of using coal as a source of energy during the industrial revolution period

-It was cheap

-It was available in large quantities

-More efficient than other sources of energy

-Burnt for long hours


  1. In what ways did the land enclosure system in Britain contribute to the Agrarian revolution in North America

-Those forced to migrate to America introduced new farming methods

-The immigrants were determined to succeed in agriculture in North America

-The immigrants provided labour

-The immigrants introduced new crops1x1=1mk

  1. Identify the main commodity obtained from West Africa during the Trans-Saharan Trade


  1. What was the main factor that led to the growth of Johnnesburg city

-Due to mining of gold1x1=1mk

  1. One main reason why drum beats were effectively used at dawn was?

-Because of calmness/ could be heard easily


  1. Give 2 essentials of representative democracy

-There should be regular elections

-People to express their approval or disapproval through voting

-Allow universal human suffrage

-Elections be free and fair

-People supremacy should prevail2x1=2mks

  1. Identify 2 reasons why indirect rule was unsuccessful in southern of Nigeria

-Lack of centralized indigenous systems

-Opposition from educated elites

-Communication barriers between British superiors, warrant chiefs and the people

-Lack of homogeneity in the South

-The British annoyed people by introducing new ideas e.g. forced labor, taxes

-Failure of British administrators to understand social and political system of the people

Any 2x1=2mks

  1. Name 2 founders of Pan African movement

-Markws garrey

-W.D. Bois

-Mank-Silvester Williams

-George Padmore

-Brooker Washington


  1. Differentiate between written and unwritten constitution

-Written constitution is contained in one formal document, while unwritten is contained in several documents


  1. Mention any 2 ways in which blockading of the sea lanes disadvantaged the central powers during the first world war

-Blockading the sea denied the central powers essential supplies e.g. food, equipment, troops and raw materials

-Blockading the sea meant the central powers could not move/ poor transportation

-Central powers could not utilize the navy


  1. What is the main political challenge in the Democratic Republic of Congo in post colonial period

-Political instability/ coup de tats

  1. Name 1 country which has Veto power in the united Nations security council






16What is the main role of ECOMOG in west Africa

-To promote peace by posting peace keeping forces to any affected member country


17 Give 2 challenges that faced the FRELIMO party in the struggle for independence in Mozambique

-Shortage of food and clothes

-No external assistance

-Negative attitude by the Catholic Church



18a)Identify any 3 reasons why man began the domestication of crops

-To ensure reliable food supply

-Development of farming tools

-Climate changes

-Increase in population

-Competition between man and predators

-Natural disasters

-Decrease of crops


b)Explain any 6 effects of early agriculture in Egypt

-Improved agriculture led to increased food production

-Settled life

-Increased food production improved living standards

-Surplus production led to increased trading activities

-Promoted specialization e.g. tool making, geometry for surveying

-Promoted formal education e.g. writing, arithmetic and geometry to keep farm records e.g. the calendar

-Urban centers such as Mephlis, Akhetaton, Thebes and Aswan developed as agricultural centers

-Improved transport e.g. sailing on River Nile

-Led to emergence of a new class of people e.g. wealth, priests, scribes e.t.c.

-Led to the development of religion e.g. offering


19.a)What factors led to the development of Trans Atlantic Trade

-Increased demand of goods

-Establishment of plantations in the new land

-Production of firearms

-Existence of merchants in West Africa

-Existing trade links between Europe and West Africa

-Presence of ship building technology

-Success of experimentationAny3x1=3mks

b)Explain the results of trans-Atlantic Trade on the people of West Africa

-Depopulation due to people taken as slaves

-Intertribal wars increased

-Growth of empires like Asante, Fante

-Economic decline in West Africa

-Decline of Trans-Saharan trade

-Growth of rich merchants e.g. Jaja of Opopo

-Growth of urban centers along the coast

-Led to colonization of West Africa

-Creation of Sierra Leone and Liberia as homes of freed slaves

-New goods in W. Africa

-Led to decline of some kingdoms e.g. Ketu


20.a)Give 3 developments that have taken place in road transport system since 1750

-Tarmacing of roads hence durable

-Construction of bridges

-Strengthening and widening of roads

-Dual carriage for easy transport

-Motorways have been constructed

-Development of fly over and under passes


b)Results of air transport

-Provision of fastest means of transport

-Growth of international trade

-Provision of employment opportunities

-Development of agriculture e.g. through spraying

-Assisted in the reduction of farm accidents e.g. fighting fire

-Making an aerial survey and cartography

-Enhanced wildlife management

-A source of revenue

-Improved security

-Improved space exploration

-Improved international co-operation

-Helped in tourism industryAny 6 x 2 = 12 mks

21a)what factors facilitated European colonization of Africa in the 19thcentury

-Collaboration by some African societies

-Europeans used superior military tactics

-Christian missionaries pacified Africans

-Discovery of quinine and anti-malaria drugs

-Co-operation between European powers

-Some African societies had been weakened by wars, diseases, slave trade

-Some African communities signed treaties ignorantly


b)Describe 5 reforms that were introduced by the German’s in Tanganyika after the majimaji uprising

-Abolition of communal cotton scheme

-Abolition of forced labor in European farms

-Corporal punishment forbidden

-Better education and medical for Africans provided

-Arab Jumbes and Akidas were replaced by locals

-A new governor sympathetic to Africans was appointed

-New governor censored newspapers that supported Europeans

-Extra taxation rejected

-Kiswahili made official language

-A department was established to monitor Germany E.A affairs



22.a)Economic activities of the Ashanti

-Practiced local trade/ regional trade

-Practiced craft industry e.g. basketry, pottery

-Iron working –made iron tools e.g. hoes, arrows

-Cultivated crops

-Hunting and gathering of fruits and roots

-Practiced mining

Any 3 x 1 = 3mks

b)Political organization of the Ashanti

-It was a centralized state divided into three divisions namely Nucleus, Amatoo and conquered states

-The overall ruler of the empire was the Asantehene. Kumas was under the direct control of the Asantehene

- The conquered states were ruled by their kings but treated as provinces of Ashanti

-The Asantehene ruled with the help of confederacy of kings called omanhene who took the oath of allegiance to ensure loyalty to the asantehene

-Omanhene represented the king in the province and paid tribute to the Asantahene, paid soldiers in times of war

-The empire had a standing army for defence

-The sacred golden stool acted as a symbol of unity

-There was a well established judicial/ court system based at Kumas under the Asantahene

-The office of the Asantahene was hereditary

-The odwira festival strengthened the spirit of solidarity


23a)Aims of revival of East African Community

-Harmonization of fiscal and monetary policies

-Encourage free movement of persons by easing border crossing

-Trade liberalization and development

-Development areas of common interest e.g. Lake Victoria and its basin

-Develop infrastructure e.g. roads, railways

-Develop reliable energy supply in the region

-Development of human resources, science and technology

-Promote co-operation in legal and judicial affairs

-Strengthen political co-operation so as to attain peace and security in the region

-Harmonize trade policies and relations with other regional and international organizations

Any 3 x 1 = 3mks

b)Challenges facing the new East African Community

-Members are pre-occupied with internal affairs at the expense of the union

-Uneven level of economic development e.g. Kenya has undue advantages over others

-Duplication/ member countries belong to other regional organizations e.g. comesa, SADC

-Insecurity along common borders caused by banditry, cattle rustles e.t.c.

-Member states produce similar goods

-Lack of common currency

-Poor transport and communication network

-Conflict over exploitation of common natural resources e.g. use of Lake Victoria Any 6x2=12mks

24a)Types of election in the USA government

-Election for the president/ presidential election

-Election of senators and members of house of representative

-Election for state governors and legislatures


b)Main features and functions of Indian parliament

-Bicameral in nature

-The Lok-Sabha-(lower house)

-Powerful house

-Prime minister is chosen from majority party or parties/ coalition in the house

-Members of the Lok-Sabha serve for five years term

-The Lok-Sabha consolidates national views, advises, commands and punishes stray leaders.

-Rajya Sabha-(upper hose)

-Has 250 members out of which 12 are nominated by the president

-It is never dissolved

-1/3of its members retire at the end of every 2 years

-State legislature handles legislation on criminal and civil procedures, marriage and divorce.

-Legislative is multi- party.

Any 6 x 2 = 12