A Theory of Mass Culture
(By Dwight MacDonald)
1. What is the difference between "high culture," "popular culture," and "mass culture?"
2. What does the term "kitsch" mean? What language is it from?
3. Does MacDonald believe that the audience for mass culture is "passive" or "active?" Why does he believe this?
4. Who, according to MacDonald, uses mass culture to exploit the masses? How does this work?
5. What is Gresham's Law in culture?
6. Who and what are the "Lords of Kitsch?"
7. According to MacDonald, how did high culture, until about 1930, attempt to defend itself against the encroachment of mass culture? Was it successful? Why or why not?
8. Why does MacDonald believe that "there is nothing more vulgar than sophisticated kitsch?" What does he mean?