Davina Pruitt-Mentle

Professional Preparation

Virginia Tech Major: Animal Science/Bio-Chemistry B.S. 1982

Minor: Biology

Lynchburg College Secondary Curriculum and Instruction-Science M.Ed. 1990

University of Maryland Education Policy and Leadership Ph.D. 2007


University of Maryland Director, Educational Technology Outreach 7/2000-present

College of Education

Montgomery County Schools

Wheaton High School Sept. 1994 -June 2000

Teaching: Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry and Matter and Energy

Global Access Technology Liaison Sept. 1998 - June 2000

Global Access Technology Chairperson Sept. 1996 - June 2000

Technology Club Advisor Sep t. 1996 -June 2000

Girls Computer Club Advisor Sept. 2000 -June 2000

Montgomery College

Part-time Chemistry faculty. Jan. 1996 - June 1998

Prince George’s County Schools

Oxon Hill High School Sept. 1991 - June 1994

Taught AP, Bio-Organic, Honors, ChemCom Chemistry, Earth Science.

Navel Research Laboratory Chemistry Fuels Division 1992-1996

Part time Contractor/Research

Charles County Community College

Part-time Chemistry faculty. Jan. 1992 - Dec. 1995

Rustburg High School

Biology Teacher Aug. 1990 - June 1991

Lynchburg College

Graduate Assistant 1989 – 1991

Central VA Community College

Instructor Summer 1990

Virginia Intermont College

Faculty Nutrition, Genetics, Reproduction, Physiology, and Anatomy 1982-1985



Pruitt-Mentle, D. (forthcoming). " Developing content for professional development through outreach ", In C.Borthwick and M.Handler (Eds.).

Pruitt-Mentle, D. (forthcoming). Using excel to build simulations, games, interactive tests, and Animations.

Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2007). Cyberethics, Cyber safety, and Cybersecurity: Implications for the Educational Community NECC. Annual Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA.

Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2007). Teachers' Use of Universal Design. National Educational Computing Conference (NECC). Annual Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA.

Pruitt-Mentle, D. & Mentle, R. (2007) Using Excel to Build Simulations, Games, Interactive Tests, and Animations. National Educational Computing Conference (NECC). Half-Day Workshop, Atlanta, GA.

Pruitt-Mentle, D. & Mentle, R. (2006) Using Excel to Build Simulations, Games, Interactive Tests, and Animations. National Educational Computing Conference (NECC).Full day workshop. San Diego, CA.

Thombs, M., Leneway, R. & Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2006). Laws and Ethics: A teacher education response to NETS*T VI. National Educational Computing Conference (NECC). Annual Conference Proceedings, San Diego, CA.

Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2006). UMCP Edl Technology Outreach online course assessment and evaluation model. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL.

Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2005). Technologies Impact on New Immigrant and Low-Income Students. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference Proceedings, Phoenix, AZ..

Pruitt-Mentle, D. (2005). UMCP ET-PRO On-line Course Assessment and Evaluation Model. Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Regional EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Smolin, L.; Lawless, K.; Leneway, R.; Irvine, V.; Pruitt-Mentle, D; Judd, D.; and Radinsky, J. (2005). Models of in-service professional development: an exploration of effective practices. Panel Presentation presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Smolin, L.; Lawless, K.; Leneway, R.; Irvine, V.; Pruitt-Mentle, D; Judd, D.; and Radinsky, J. (2005). University/School Professional Development Partnerships: A Sharing of Models and Evaluation Issues. Symposium Presentation presented at the SITE Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Pruitt-Mentle, D., Abdullah, J. and Leonard, C. (2004). CIPS Learning Cycle. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Constructing Ideas in Physical Science (CIPS).

Pruitt-Mentle, D., & Olivia, L. (2004). Mining the Data in Teacher Candidate Assessment and in Professional Development for Student Achievement. Proceedings of the MICCA Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.

Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. Multimedia Design for Instruction. NECC 2003 - June 29-July 2, 2003: Seattle, Washington

Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. Maryland Teacher Technology Standards (MTTS): Helping Teachers Meet the Challenges. Teaching With Technology Conference, University of Maryland, College Park: April 4, 2003

Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. Cyberethics: Promoting Responsible Use of Technology in the 21st Century Classroom. Notre Dame Prepatory School, Towson, MD: January 14, 2003

Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. Collaboration Between Business, Local School Systems and the University. Maryland Technology Showcase - Baltimore, MD: December 5-6, 2001

Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. University and County Partnerships: Professional Development Courses in Technology for Practicing Educators and Administrators. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, WebNet 2001 World Conference - Orlando, FL: October 23, 2001


Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. NetTech: Shelter in the Eye of the Hurricane. Multimedia Schools. January/February 2000

Fulton, Kathleen, Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. Background paper for the technology expert panel on assessing technology based proposals. Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Dept. of Education August 31, 1998

Pruitt-Mentle, Davina. Participation in a Technological World: The Meaning of Educational Technology in the Lives of Young Adult Central American Immigrants NECC San Antonio, TX: June 17-19, 2002

Synergistic Activities

Davina Pruitt-Mentle is Director of Educational Technology Outreach for the College of Education at the University of Maryland at College Park where she provides professional development for educators throughout MD, VA, and DC. Her 20 years of high school, community college, and university teaching experience are complemented by her Ph.D. research where she continues to investigate the relative utility of informal educational technology programs for students and adults in urban settings. Work directly related to the CyberWATCH proposal includes: the highly successful Young Scholars Program, 21st Century Environments: Students, Learning and Technology (for details see http://www.edtechoutreach.umd.edu/YoungScholars/YSP2003index.htm) which allows students to explore multiple careers opportunities related to technology; State Cyberethics Seminars for area educators, and the development of cyberethical scenarios for the Maryland State Teacher Technology Standard (ST5), as well as both graduate and pre-service courses for teachers related to cyberethics and cybersecurity. She is an active member on numerous university, state and national technology initiatives including: Chairperson - PGs County Economic Development, Technology Education Subcommittee-Tech Council of MD; Research and Evaluation Sub-Committee, Committee on Technology Education, MD Business Roundtable; Educational Subcommittee – PG County Chamber of Commerce; Howard County Public Schools Technology Advisory Committee- Chairperson; UMD IT Advisory Committee (ITAC); UMD Continuing Education Advisory Committee (CEAC),College representative; UMD – e-Learning Consortium, College representative; DCPS Math and Science Consortium Partnerships; Greater Metro University Consortium, College representative; College Technology Initiative Committee-NCATE Accreditation Committee; MD State Technology Plan Committee - Research and Evaluation Sub-Committee; Online teacher and administrator assessment tool consortium; University College and Programs Collaborative IT group; Research for Better Schools – DCPS; MAR*TEC – Assistive Technology Initiatives; 21st Century Skills Partnership; State On-line e-portfolio Consortium – college representative. She has presented both her research and professional development program throughout the country, including NECC, Educause, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Association of Internet Researchers, the Maryland Technology Showcase, Maryland Education Media Organization, the University of Maryland Teaching with Technology Conference, and MICCA. She is an expert in integrating technology into the preK-20 classroom whereby she combines her knowledge of the classroom, technology, current and emerging standards, with research and subject matter experts throughout the University.