301 Park Boulevard North

Winnipeg, CanadaR3P 0G8

Tel. (204) 832 9893

Fax (204) 832 9893

Jesús Á. Miguel-García, Prof., Ldo., M.A.



El boletín

Issue 25, April 2006

The Spanish Institute is proud to announce that it has been selected as the recipient of the prestigious MTS Pioneer Business Award. The award will be presented at the 23rd Annual Awards Dinner, April 26th, at the Convention Centre, Winnipeg, at a ceremony where the Lieutenant Governor, the Premier and the Mayor will preside.

Book one of the fall courses before June 1st and get a10% discount. Fall courses start first week of October.


May 15– May 26

25 contact hours

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

July 10 - July 21

25 contact hours

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

August 7 - August 18

25 contact hours

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

September 4 – September 15

25 contact hours

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


Professional on-line customized tuition and support.


The Online Specialist Directory is an initiative taken by the Canadian Council of Area Studies Learned Societies to compile an electronic list of scholars from across Canada with an expertise in one of their affiliated areas of study.


The Foundation Antonio Gala recently donated 50 books and CDs to the Spanish Institute to help in the promotion of the Spanish language and culture in Canada. The award winning and famous Spanish writer Antonio Gala created his Foundation to encourage and support young artists.


The web site from the University of Manitobalisting Hispanic venues and culture in Winnipegcited the Spanish Institute of Manitoba to learn Spanish.

The Times (March 9, 2006, p. 17) and The Herald (March 30, p. 24) featured the Spanish Institute regarding 20 scholarships to attend Spanish language courses in Spain.

The Spanish Institute is proud to support and to promote theInternational Spanish Academies (Academias Españolas Internacionales) in Manitoba. The International Spanish Academies network promotes the quality of Spanish teaching. It is an international effort between the Ministry of Education and Culture of Spain and Canadian educational administrations. It can be set up in schools or sections of a school (elementary, middle or high schools) that are in a position to initiate or are already developing a curriculum of quality education in English and Spanish. The Ministry of Education and Science of Spain makes available resources and programs.


De amigo a amigo, referral program of the Spanish Institute

If you are going to tell your friends about the Spanish Institute, the least we can do is say ¡muchasgracias! You can get a 10% off just by referring our courses to your friends. Best of all there are no limits on the number of referrals you can make.

Here's how it works:

•As a Spanish Institute student you will receive 10% off for each referral that results in the successful course registration of a new customer, or private tuition booked for five lessons minimum.

•To receive the discount, only new students can be referred. No discount will be given for referring existing or returning Spanish Institute alumni.

•Referrals must be submitted to the Spanish Institute via email by the current or former students providing contact details of the friend being referred.

•The new student who was referred to our courses must enroll within six months of the referral being submitted by email. After six months, the referral is no longer valid.

•Referrals will be credited when the current student pays for a new course within one academic year.

Una pareja siniestra

Brindamos por nuestra complicidad

levantando la copa con sangre.

Comemos el cuerpo que nos une

al umbral de la muerte.

El fulgor ilumina el cielo,

hago la señal de la cruz.

Mi arco iris está rayado

de llagas supurantes.

Echo un grito desgarrador.

Mi sombra gemela se burla de mí

y me conduce al infierno.

Louise Dandeneau © Todos los derechos reservados

The Spanish Institute wasoffered complementary free tickets to see the play The Clean Houseby the Manitoba Theatre Centre in an effort to have Spanish speaking individuals in the audience.


The Oficina Económica y Comercial de España in Ottawa published in theire-newsletter the information the Spanish Institute sent about wind energy projects in Manitoba. Spain is one of the world leaders in wind energy.


The Winnipeg Classical Guitar Society presentsDuo Erato(Martha Masters and

Risa Carlson), April 8, 2006 at8 p.m.The Museum of Man and Nature, The Planetarium Auditorium,190 Rupert Ave., Winnipeg.

Martha Masterswon the Andrés Segovia International Guitar Competition in Linares, Spain, in November 2000. She was finalist in numerous other international competitions, including the 1999 International Guitar Competition "Paco Santiago Marín" in Granada, Spain.

Risa Carlson is Chair of the guitar department at the Levine School of Music in WashingtonD.C., and Program Manager and Adjunct Professor for GeorgetownUniversity.


The Ministry of Education and Science of Spain has announced scholarships to teach English in Spain as Auxiliares de Conversación.


Philippe Meunierplayed alegrías, bulerías, rumba, and sevillanas on March 24, for the International Dinner at the University of Winnipeg in the Bulman’s Centre. Multi-ethnic food and entertainment was provided to support the WUSC/Uniterra "Bikes for AIDS" Campaign.

April 30 –May 6, 2006

Campo Viejo, Cavas Hill, Freixenet, La Baronia de Turis, Osborne International, Segura Viudas, Torres.

Wines of Spain"Celebrity Grape Stomp", Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006. This is an ancillary event of the Winnipeg Wine Festival held with the partnership of the Spanish Trade Commission. Come out and enjoy the time honored tradition of stomping grapes, sample the exceptional wines of Spain, enjoy fine tapas and Spanish music and have a few laughs as your favorite local personalities stomp grapes for charity. The event will be held at Blaze Bistro at the Delta Winnipeg and tickets are $25.00 each. Tickets:

Jesús Á. Miguel García was invited to participate in the seminar led by Rev. Leonard Schmidt to study the Spiritual Canticle of St. John pf the Cross, 16th century Spanish poet and mystic, on March 17. Next study meeting: 21 April.


The ManitobaMuseum presented songs, dance and music from Latin America and Spain on March 25.

Philippe Meunier, March 11, 8:00 p.m. Jazz Español, MacNally Robinson Booksellers, Grant Park, Winnipeg.

Spain is one of the top countries where its citizens can travel without needing visas, according to a study by the Zurich-based firm Henley & Partners AG. Spaniards can visit 127 countries. Spain was tied with Norway, Switzerland and Belgium, following Finland, Denmark and the United States whose citizens can visit 130 countries without visas. Germany, Sweden and Ireland, 129; and Britain, France, Italy and Japan, 128.

(Source: Winnipeg Free Press, February 11, 2006)

Spain Air and Air Transat has announced new fares and departures from Toronto; second ticket at half price or $375. It is also offering Spain packages. Contact your travel agency.


¿Género o sexo?¿Es correcto decir «violencia de género» o se ha de decir «violencia doméstica» o «violencia contra las mujeres»?

El nuevo uso de la palabra «género» en conceptos como «violencia de género» es ajeno al español. Se empezó a usar —por culpa de una mala traducción— en las noticias sobre la Conferencia mundial de Pekín sobre la mujer, así como en los documentos oficiales de dicha reunión. A ello se añadía el hecho de que algunos representantes de la administración del Estado también comenzaban a usar género fuera del contexto habitual en español. En 1989 el profesor venezolano Alexis Márquez Rodríguez decía: «...En castellano una cosa es sexo y otra es género. Sexo, para los hispanohablantes, tienen las personas, los animales y algunas plantas. Género sólo lo tienen las palabras, y no todas. De modo que podemos decir que una persona es de sexo masculino o femenino, pero de ninguna manera que es de uno u otro género. Así mismo, podemos decir que un sustantivo es de género masculino o femenino, pero no de uno u otro sexo. El sexo es una categoría biológica; el género una categoría gramatical. ¿Es esto tan complicado que no pueda entenderse?» «Tal impropiedad, sin embargo, es algo frecuente, sobre todo en quienes han estudiado en países de habla inglesa, o suelen leer textos escritos en esa lengua. Porque, en efecto, en inglés existen los dos vocablos (gender/sex), pero en una de sus acepciones, precisamente la que se refiere a los géneros gramaticales, son sinónimos. En castellano no». «De manera que en nuestro idioma confundir sexo con género es una impropiedad, que puede deberse a ignorancia, a descuido, a capricho o a colonialismo mental. En todo caso, es importante que los profesionales sepan que su responsabilidad no abarca sólo a la ciencia que cultivan, sino también al uso con propiedad de la lengua, que es patrimonio cultural común». «Todo lo dicho hasta aquí vale, desde luego, en relación con el sentido gramatical de la palabra género. Ésta tiene otras acepciones que no corresponden al caso que hoy nos ocupa». «...El aspecto meramente gramatical está del todo claro: en castellano sexo y género no son sinónimos. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en inglés —no sabemos si también en otros idiomas— en nuestra lengua no se puede aplicar la palabra género a los seres humanos en relación con su clasificación desde el punto de vista sexual. En castellano, las personas no tienen género sexual, sino simplemente sexo. Y a la inversa, las palabras no tienen sexo, sino género gramatical. O sea, que para nosotros la palabra género, desde ese punto de vista, sólo es aplicable a las palabras, pero no a las personas ni a los animales que biológicamente poseen sexo».

Organizer: Children’s Hunger Fund Canada’s fundraising event

Speakers: Dr. Allan Ronald, “Poverty: My responsibility?”

Gail Fones, Registered Nurse, “Reflections on Uganda”

Guest host: Brian Barkley (CJOB Radio station)

Guests: Robin Chestnut, juggler and comedian

Anders magic

Pelo Loco spa/salon

Date: Saturday, April 22, 2006, 7:30 p.m.

Venue: Caboto Centre, 1055 Wilkes Ave. Free parking and refreshments

Tickets: $30 (portion tax deductible)

Information: 237



The Spanish Institute

community conscious

ethically run