Town of Goshen Council Meeting GoshenTown Hall Janurary 12th, 2016 10West Main Goshen
Town Council meeting- 7:00
A. Pledge of Allegiance-Fred Jensen
B. Prayer-Kathy Peterson
C. Disclosures-None
D. Public input/Reports Non Agenda Items
Henry complained about the amount of dogs that are running loose in the area. Kathy also had a complaint about the dogs and mentioned that a notice had been sent out during the summer to inform everyone that the dogs needed to be kept on a leash. Fred suggested that animal control be called if the dogs continued to be a nuisance.
Kathy mentioned leasing out the snack shack for the summer. She wants people to think about it and it will be run through the agenda next month. Fred wanted to advertise the idea.
The Fridell’s would like to know if they need to pay impact fees for there new home Fred wanted to quickly discuss the impact fee. Fred stated that the impact fee was included in the building permit but Lewis Fridell stated that the permit had not been pulled yet. Fred stated that the only thing they needed to worry about was the sewer and they would have to go through the county to do that. He said that if there were to be a resolution to all of this it would need to be put on the agenda. Rachel confirmed that you only had an impact fee if there was not an existing building there before.The council Members and Fridell’s along with there contractor discussed they would use Rhett Wilson’s Building Permit as an example and charge the same fee’s as the Wilson’s.
E. Agenda
1. Approval of Minutes- Kathy Peterson motioned to approve minutes, Gary Steele seconded, minutes were approved. Vote was unanimous.
2. Swear in Kathy Peterson and Josh Cummings for new council members.
Rachel swore in Kathy and Josh.Both council members signed the Oath of Office
3. Appoint Treasurer and ReappointTown Clerk/Recorder.
Kathy motioned to appoint Daryl Nealfor Treasurer, Nan Black seconded it, voting was unanimous. Nan Black reappointed Rachel Pena as the Town Clerk/Recorder. Gary Steele seconded it, voting was unanimous.
4. Goshen Elementary (Lynnette Degranffenried) Discuss safe walking route plan.
Josh Cummings discussed pot holes in place of Mrs. Degranffenried. The pot holes are by the bus zone and they are causing parents to drive into the bus lane. Mrs. Degranffenried is concerned for the students safety and wanted to know if the Town of Goshen would take care of it. Fred stated that if we had any extra cold mix we would put some in there but it is initially the schools property and responsibility. Mrs. Degranffenried also asked about school zones signs for Center Street and the South side of Town. Fred stated that we are only in charge of the highway but if the school purchased the signs then the employees could hang them.
5. Pass the Resolution on Water Bill Late Fees.
Council raised the late fee to 15.00 instead of 5.00. This was done because the amount of late water bills has been getting very high and the fee was raised in an effort to hopefully bring those numbers down. Fred made the motion to pass the Resolution on 01/12/2016 but since they did not have the resolution paper then they re-voted today. All voted in favor, voting was unanimous (Resolution # 1-12-16)
6. Epic Engineering update for Chlorinator @ Spring.
Fred stated one of the places the chlorinator building could be on is on Bass’s property he had tried to call Basses and did not get a response If the building can not be on Bass’s property then Fred would need to meet with the Department of Natural Resources to see if he can get permission for a 50 by 50 plot to be placed on BLM property. Fred also explained once again the Chlorination process and suggestions that have been made, current structure, steel door, solar powered will all be close to the road. It will also be more convenient to take water samples and checking the chlorinator on any of these two locations. Kathy questioned why could the Chlorinator not be put at the Spring? “Fred” there will be easier access, no pump will be necessary since there is pressure down in the canyon.
F. Adjournment-7:40 pm/Kathy Peterson motions to Adjourn Josh Cummings Seconds, all in favor, vote unanimous.
Those in attendance: Fred Jensen, Nan Black, Josh Cummings, Kathy Peterson,Rachel Pena, Henry Smith, Lindsay and Bruce Farnsworth, Lewis and Marsha Fridell, Glen & Sherrie Evans, Paul Black,