On-ground Works Funding Application
The Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board (KI NRM Board) invites you to apply for funding for on-ground works projects.
Priority will be given to applications related to properties in the Cygnet River and Pelican Lagoon catchments.
This round of funding offers you a range of incentives for:
fencing existing native vegetation in blocks to help prevent nutrient loss and protect from grazing livestock or to protect revegetation projects
planting native trees and shrubs to extend existing vegetation, revegetate salt patches, around lagoons and along creek lines etc.
water point relocation to move watering points out of streams and avoid nutrient loss and minimise in- stream sedimentation
stock and/or vehicle crossings to minimise in-stream eutrophication, sedimentation and improve connectivity of aquatic ecosystems by allowing the passage of fish and other aquatic fauna.
If approved for funding, your works will need to be completed and inspected by:
stock/vehicle crossings30 April 2016
all fencing 8 June 2016
revegetation and waterpoints22 June 2016.
Cost sharing
Funding is limited and, depending on number of applications received, will be allocated on priority, as determined by the KI Natural Resources Management Plan. Incentives may vary from those set out below.
This funding is allocated under a cost sharing arrangement. Incentives are based on whether the works have largely on-site benefits to the landholder or largely off-site benefits to the general community.
Thus, different categories of on-ground works attract different rates of incentive funding.
Existing native vegetation (at least 30m wide) in blocks and on watercourses
Revegetation fencing
High priority vegetation (additional $300)
/Up to $2100.00/km
Roadside vegetation (up to 30m in from property boundary)
/10m in: $600.00/km
20m in: $1200.00/km
30m in: $1800.00/km
Direct seeding
30 metres wide
50 metres wide (Technical advice required)
70 metres wide (Technical advice required)
/ $1000.00/ha$1200.00/ha
Protection of plantings / Up to$1000.00/haUp to $1500.00/ha
Water point relocation and stock/vehicle crossings
Incentives for water point relocation and stock and/or vehicle crossings will vary due to different pipe and trough sizes, scale of crossings etc and is subject to completion of a Works Proposal Form (which will be forwarded to you upon lodgement of this application) and a site assessment.
Water points must replace existing points in watercourses.
Incentives offered will be up to 50% of total cost of project.
Preference will be given to projects that are integrated with protection of adjacent remnant vegetation.
Stock/vehicle crossings will need to maintain connectivity of aquatic ecosystems by allowing the passage of fish and other aquatic fauna.Conditions of cost sharing incentives
Expressions of Interest must be returned by 11 September 2015
Works must be completed and inspected by: Stock/vehicle crossings30April 2016
All fencing8 June 2016
Revegetation and waterpoints22 June 2016
All funds will be distributed at the discretion of the KI Natural Resources Management Board.
At any one time, to any one applicant, a maximum may be approved of:
5 km fencing
5 ha for revegetation works
2 creek crossings
3 water points relocated.
If funds are approved, payment is conditional on:
completion of works by the date specified
submission of a complying tax invoice
return of a signed land management agreement
maintaining the fencing, revegetation, water points and stock/vehicle crossings for 10 years.
Other conditions
Projects will be approved in priority order based on principles outlined in the Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Plan. Submissions through Landcare and other community groups are encouraged.
Fencing of high priority vegetation is determined by an assessment and prioritisation process. High priority vegetation includes areas that contain:
threatened plant species
habitat that is important to threatened animals (such as glossy black-cockatoo)
regionally threatened plant communities (such as river red gum, swamp gum and manna gum communities)
large, intact areas of bush.
All previously funded projects must be completed and inspected before new funding can be received.
This project is supported by Natural Resources Kangaroo Island, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.
This expression of interest form will be treated as a formal application for funding.
Please return by 11 September2015
Property trading name: ______
Hundred and Section numbers:______
Landholder’s name: ______
Applicant’s name (if not the landholder): ______
Postal address: ______
Phone: ______Fax: ______Mobile:______
ABN: ______Are you registered for GST?YES NO
Intended projects
FENCING- around existing native vegetation / km required / ha protected(approx)Remnant vegetation in creek lines and watercourses
Block vegetation
Revegetation fencing
Roadside fencing 10m 20m 30m from boundary (please circle one)
WATER POINTS / Number of points
STOCK/VEHICLE CROSSINGS / Number of crossings
No. of tubestock / Area of site planted (ha)
Direct seeding
PROTECTING NATIVE VEGETATION / Area of site to be protected (ha)
If you are planning a revegetation project, please tell us if you require seed or tubestock / (tick applicable)
I will require seed/seedlings to be ordered through the KI Native Plant Nursery. /
I will be purchasing seedlings from an alternative supplier on Kangaroo Island /
I will be collecting my own seed and growing my own seedlings on Kangaroo Island /
Please tell us the methods/s you will be using to protect the seedlings in your revegetation project.
I will be individually guarding all of the seedlings
I will be individually guarding some of the seedlings.
What percentage______%
I will be upgrading the surrounding fence to be native browser proof
Map of property, showing projects planned
Please attach a section map of your property using the following key to mark your projects.
If you do not have a section map, please contact Mark Morris to arrange to have one copied.
Property boundary / ------Native vegetation and revegetation fencing / ----0------0-----
Revegetation / O O O
Existing fence lines / ----/------/------
Water points /
Stock/vehicle crossings / X
Office use only / EOI/WP No / Approved