Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership
Application Form 2015– 16
Guidance Notes
Aberdeenshire ADP is currently reviewing their commissioning and performance process with a view to having new processes and procedures in place for the next financial year(16/17). In the meantime we have identified an under spend for this year (15/16) and we would like to ensure is used for the benefit of substance misuse activities.
We are asking for applications to be submitted which clearly link to the information below and identify which actions, in the delivery plan, that activities in your application would contribute to.
Submitting the Application
Please send your application to by 9th November 2015
Current information on Aberdeenshire ADPs Aims etc
Aberdeenshire’s delivery plan updates and builds on Aberdeenshire’s strategy, “Healthier, Happier, Safer” to achieve the ultimate goal that:
People live rich, meaningful and autonomous lives free from harm due to alcohol or other drugs
Our Priorities for the Next Three Years - As a partnership we want to see the following outcomes achieved
Prevention & early intervention
Adults and children will be better informed to make their own decisions about their use of alcohol and other drugs resulting in fewer drinking or using drugs at levels that are damaging to themselves or others. We’ll achieve a culture of responsible drinking across the whole population that makes abstinence or alcohol consumption within responsible drinking limits the norm.
Protection and harm reduction
People misusing alcohol or drugs, children, families and communities will be safer, well-supported, have improved life-chances andlive in an environment where alcohol and other drugs are less readily available.
Treatment and recovery
People will be able to access the treatment and support they need and be effectively supported on their personalised recovery journey through improved access to community co-production and greater use of voluntary organisations to bolster recovery capital and more focused use of specialist services to deliver the recovery interventions only they can provide.
Previously marginalised communities will be empowered and supported to make a difference by getting involved and using their insights to create local solutions and have a positive influence on all aspects of service planning, community planning and licensing in their area
Summary of Aberdeenshire ADP’s 3 year work plan outcomes are illustrated in the next diagram
Completion of Funding Request Form
Project Title – A name for your project
Project Description – This section gives you the opportunity to give a complete over view of the proposed project or service. It is important to evidence that this service / programme are addressing an identified community need. Please also include if this is for any specific target audiences and in which areas of Aberdeenshire it will be available.
Name of Organisation submitting application – Please provide full contact details
Other partners providing services within this bid–Details of any other organisations delivering services as part of this project and if funding applied for is to cover their costs as well as your own –collaborative application
Anticipated Project Lead/ Accountable Officer - The person who represents the organisation or service that is leading this application should complete this section. This person will be responsible for completing monitoring forms with in a set timescale which will be presented to the Commissioning Performance and Finance Group who will monitor the effectiveness of this project / service.
Overview of Project in relation to outcomes – Please describe how this project will deliver on national outcomes and targets, enhance current activities etc
Anticipated Project start date – Refers to date that the service will be able to be accessed by the target audience
Which Tier of Service and which part of the Customer Recovery Journey does this relate to – please see appropriate diagrams (Page 3 and 4) and identify which is most suitable for the project
Anticipated Project Duration: Refers to how long the project will operate
Funding Amount Requested – Refers to how much money your project requires from Aberdeenshire ADP
Match Funding Details - External or funding from core budgets along with other resources also need to be highlighted. This figure and the amount requested would give the total cost of the project
Details of what funding to be used for – Breakdown of what funding will be used for including staff hours – please highlight what the ADP funding will pay for and what match funding covers.
Anticipated Outcomes this funding will achieve – Please include all anticipated outcomes including the numbers of people benefitting from this project, the Delivery Plan Actions this will contribute to, types and numbers of client progressions etc.
Referrals questions – how would you advertise this new project to ensure you receive referrals or requests for your services and who do you see as the main referral sources. What discussions have taken place in regards to this and give examples of who is supportive of this project and why.
Explain why there is a need for this project and how you have evidenced this – information on need and why and how this has been identified
Do any other organisations in Aberdeenshire offer something similar and what discussions have taken place – How have you researched if current project idea is unavailable in the area, or if there is already similar services what are the impacts and capacity for additional provision.
Document how you plan to measure outcomes and feed this back to the ADP - Please state what is being put in place to ensure the project / service is delivered as stated in the application.
Any anticipated barriers or risks to the implementation of this project– any potential risks or actions that would need to be cleared before project could start, e.g. recruitment issues, premises required etc.
Any other additional information – please only complete if you have important information and the proposed project or your organisation that has not been included anywhere else in the application.