Instructor: name2 credit hours


Catalog Description:A course designed to prepare the classroom teacher to meet the needs of the music program in the self-contained classroom. Fundamentals of music are stressed along with learning to play the song bells, autoharp, recorder, and guitar. Minimum proficiencies are required.

Purpose:The purpose of this course is to help students develop basic musical skills for use in the elementary classroom.

Course Objectives:As a result of participation in this course, students will be able to:

--Read music equivalent to songs in any K-4 music textbook and be able to perform the music in a variety of ways

--Perform the melody line of a song correctly

a) vocally

b) on the bells

c) on the recorder

d) on the piano

--Perform the accompaniment to their songs

a) on the piano

b) on the autoharp

--Interpret and perform musical signs and symbols

--Identify orchestral and classroom instruments by sight and sound

--Read, write, and perform on the piano major scales and major, minor, and seventh chords using key signatures or accidentals

-- Identify by sight and sound various structures and forms of musical works

--Use their voices effectively and correctly in both singing and speaking

Content Outline:

I. Rhythm

A. Pulse-Steady Beat

B. Accent-Groupings

C. Meter and Conducting

D. Patterns: short/long

E. Duration: note names

F. Reading Rhythms

II. Pitch

A. Pictorial representation: Pitch level song leading

B. Staff: Lines and Spaces

C. Reading pitches

D. Playing melody instruments/singing

III. The Recorder

A. Fingering

B. Reading/playing from written music

IV. The Keyboard

A. Orientation: Finding notes

B. Playing melodies (R.H. only)

C. Playing with two hands

D. Playing scales, chords, accompaniments

V. Scales and Intervals

A. Scale construction

B. Key signatures

C. Aural recognition of intervals

D. Labeling, writing, performing intervals

VI. Chords

A. Triads: hearing/writing/playing

B. Seventh chords: hearing/writing/playing

VII. Harmony

A. 2-chord songs: I and V

B. 3-chord songs: I, IV, and V

C. Accompanying using chords on the autoharp, keyboard

VIII. The Language of Music

A. Signs and Symbols

B. Tempo and Dynamic Markings

IX. Listening

A. Instrument Recognition

B. Musical Forms: AB, ABA, Rondo, Theme and Variations

Instructional Activities:Reading musical notation, learning to play the bells, recorder, keyboard, and autoharp, listening, writing musical notation, performing from written music

Resources:Textbook, Soprano Recorder, Staff Paper

Grading Procedures:Final grades will be based on points accumulated in homework, quizzes, written and performing tests, and participation. Skill grades will be based on levels of competency according to entry level skills.

Rhythm Proficiency15%

Melody and Recorder Proficiencies15%

Harmony and Autoharp Proficiencies15%

Keyboard Proficiency15%

Sight Reading Proficiency10%

Written Tests20%



Attendance Policy:

This course adheres to the policy stated in the MSU Undergraduate Bulletin.

Academic Honesty Policy:

Cheating, plagiarism (submitting another person’s materials as one’s own), or doing work for another person which will receive academic credit are all impermissible. This includes the use of unauthorized books, notebooks, or other sources in order to secure or give help during an examination, the unauthorized copying of examinations, assignments, reports, or term papers, or the presentation of unacknowledged materials as if it were the student’s own work. Disciplinary action may be taken beyond the academic discipline administered by the faculty member who teaches the course in which the cheating took place.

Text and References:

Winslow and Dallin. Music Skills for Classroom Teachers. 8th edition.

Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Publishers.

Soprano Recorder-Baroque Fingering
