Famous Scientist Project

An idea for a method to incorporate a differentiated activity into the classroom is the famous scientist project. Differentiated tasks are determined by student interest but can also include student readiness in reading as well. A list of scientists can easily be generated to match the content of the class. Scientists can be assigned to the student or chosen by the student based on their interests. The original famous scientist project came from a Woodrow Wilson Chemistry Institute. Instead of a boring report, students produce a portfolio of 10 documents about the scientist. Five of the documents are required of all students and include a birth certificate, journal writing, resume, letter requesting financial aid and an obituary. Not all of the required information may be available so a system was devised to reflect those portions that were fictional such as birth weight, length, doctor’s name, etc. Students were allowed to write a fictional journal entry but it had to be based on a real life experience of the scientist. Information in the financial aid letter had to reflect the scientist’s actual research and be addressed to the head of the correct government in the proper time frame.

Students were given a list of additional documents from which to choose five for completion. The list includes documents such as a commemorative poem (which must include the author who can be the student), a letter to a scientific peer, a coin, stamp or personalized license plate. Authentic poems, letters, and speeches are easily found on the internet. The coin and stamp could be commemorative and designed by the student, but were required to be from the country from which the scientist had citizenship. The rubric for the project with all choices is attached. Students were required to document their sources on a works cited page. An oral report may be included so that students can share information

This project benefits the students for several reasons. The students must practice their writing skills and become more familiar with several documents that they will use in the real world. It also allows for differentiated instruction for the students based on interest. Students with lower reading levels can be graded using the same rubric but taking their reading level into account.

Famous Scientist Project Rubric

Name ______

Scientist ______

Specified Documents – Each will be graded on the following criteria:

-  correct scientific information

-  complete/appropriate length

-  correct grammar

-  legible and neat

1. Birth Certificate (10) _____

2. Journal Writing (10) _____

3. Letter to the Government (15) _____

4. Resume (20) _____

5. Obituary (20) _____

Set A – Choose two. Each will be graded on the following criteria:

-  correct time frame

-  logical references

-  correct grammar

-  creativity (where applicable)

-  neatness

1. ______(10) _____

2. ______(10) _____

Set B – Choose two. Each will be graded on the same criteria as Set A.

1. ______(10) _____

2. ______(10) _____

Free Choice – Grades on the same criteria as Set A

1. ______(10) _____

2. Works Cited page (5) _____

Total (130) _____

Famous Scientist Project

Scientist File

You will prepare a file on a scientist which will include 10 documents.

-  Five specified documents

-  Two documents each from two sets of optional choices

-  One free choice of document

Specified documents:

a)  A birth certificate for the scientist designed and filled in by you

b)  A journal writing by the scientist as a teenager

c)  A letter from the scientist to the government (country/time of the scientist’s life) requesting funds for most important project.

d)  Write the scientist a resume (at end of life to show all accomplishments)

e)  An obituary notice

Optional Set A: Choose 2

a)  A wedding invitation (only if really married)

b)  A letter from the scientist to another scientist of the same time period. It must be a real letter

c)  An editorial cartoon concerning the scientist

d)  Design a front page for a newspaper to be published on the day of or the day after the announcement of the scientist’s most important contribution to science. Other headlines for the day must be from the same time period.

e)  A commemorative poem (include author)

Optional Set B: Choose 2

a)  A design for a commemorative stamp or coin to be issued by the country in which the scientist spent most of his/her working life

b)  Suppose the scientist lived in a time when automobiles were in use. Design a personal plate which would be unmistakably that scientist’s (without using the name)

c)  An epitaph

Free-choice: Do 1

a)  This may be one of the above documents not already used

b)  You may choose anything that fits the category of document with the teacher’s approval.

  1. For example: speech given by the scientist


Name ______

Scientist ______

Rubric for presentation

5 – Eloquent presentation; masterful control of science content and vocabulary.

4 – Scientific concepts are used correctly with specific details; enthusiastic with body language that increases effectiveness.

3 – Scientific concepts are very general; body language is not effective not distractive

2 – Scientific concepts are not well used; more reading than oral presentation; body language does not work to the speaker’s advantage

1 – Presentation poorly done

Body language such as eye contact, posture, and body movements are used effectively

5 4 3 2 1 _____

Vocal qualities such as rate, volume, articulation and enthusiasm are good.

5 4 3 2 1 _____

The scientist and his/her accomplishments are clear (x3)

5 4 3 2 1 _____

Science concepts are presented accurately. (x2)

5 4 3 2 1 _____

All the components are present in the portfolio. (x3)

5 4 3 2 1 _____

The job resume is complete. (x5)

5 4 3 2 1 _____

The portfolio is neat and presentable (x3)

5 4 3 2 1 _____

Presentation is interesting.

5 4 3 2 1 _____

Sequence of information is organized.

5 4 3 2 1 _____

TOTAL (100) _____