Mock Trial
Courtroom Project

Project:Students will design and annotate the look of their ideal courtroom. They will include essential elements to a well functioning courtroom and will annotate their work by including a description and rationale for each design part included.

CreativityYou are encouraged to choose your own format for this project. This means that you can make a traditional paper based drawing, create a computer based floor plan, build a 3D model, make a painting (if that is your area of expertise), or come up with an even more creative way of demonstrating your ideas.

Individual or Group You are being given control over your work. You may work individually or in small groups. If you work in groups, a requirement will be that ALL MEMBERS PARTICIPATE EQUALLY AND THERE MUST BE EVIDENCE OF THIS. (If a person is absent from any portion of this project, they will automatically be moved to an individual project, even if it is near the end of the project work. I want you to choose wisely if you let someone in your group or if you join a group.)

Also, when working on this project, you are expected to bring all necessary supplies to class with you. You may not come to class and tell me that you stuff for you project is at home. If this occurs, you must abandoning that plan and work on a more traditional paper based project that I can supervise you completing in class.

ComponentsYour project must have the following components:

  1. A design on paper or structure or something physical or tangible to turn in.
  2. An annotated sheet explaining every items that is in your courtroom, an explanation of who will use it and what it’s function is.

GradingYou will get the following grades for this project throughout the week.

  1. Initial list of items that you will be including in your project which included a basic rationale for each items. This is due the second day of the project. Because it is a work in progress you may add to this on your final project, but it will form the basis of your annotated sheet. 20 point Minor Assessment for the rough draft.
  2. Final Grade for overall project based on the quality of the two required components. 100 Point Major Assessment- see rubric.
  3. Daily grade for participation (each day will be a minor assessment grade of up to 10 points for working diligently on your project. You will show me what you got accomplished by the end of the class. It must be tangible AND I must see you doing it during class. If you waste time or are off task for large portions of the period, you will get a low grade for the day.)
  4. A Minor Assessment grade for groups that work together for turning in evidence that ALL MEMBERS WORKED EQUALLY on this project. If you work individually you will not be affected by this.

Mock TrialUnit 01- Introduction

Rubric for Courtroom Project

Criteria / 1 / 2 / 3 / Your Score
Courtroom design / Design is minimally thought. Design shows major flaws or is missing many important items or features. / Design is thought out but has one or more major flaws or is missing important items or features. / Well thought out and planned. Items all have a purpose and are placed in or around the courtroom with that purpose in mind.
Visual appeal / Not well constructed or not well put together or not neatly drawn or created. Sloppy work took away from the overall quality. / Work fell in between the two descriptions on this line. (Part were not well constructed or created but other parts were very well done; OR parts were well done, but other parts were incomplete or missing. / very well constructed or put together, OR Very neatly drawn or created and details were clearly paid attention to in the work. It is clear that the student(s) took their time to create high quality work.
Labels / Some of the items are labeled clearly and easily identifiable / Most of the items are labeled clearly and easily identifiable / ALL of the items are labeled clearly and easily identifiable
Quantity of Annotations / At least one major player or component that is critical to a courtroom has been left off the list / All major players or component that are critical to a courtroom are presented / All major players and components that are critical of the courtroom are presented plus at least one that could be considered a bonus or extra..
Quality of Annotations / Most annotations provide inadequate summary, evaluation, and/or reflection. / Some annotations provide inadequate summary, evaluation, and/or reflection / Annotations sufficiently and succinctly summarize, evaluate, and reflect on the source.
Quality of sources / Source is of questionable trustworthiness AND not documented properly in APA format / Sources are EITHER trustworthy OR documented properly in APA format but NOT BOTH / Sources are very trustworthy AND are documented properly in APA format



