Newsletter No.19–17 June, 2008

End of Term!

It is hard to believe half a year has been completed. School concludes at normal time on Friday 20 June and resumes at 8.30 am on Monday 14 July. As each day is valued, all boys are expected to be at school for a full day on the last day of term. I trust all boys will use the holidays to reflect on the semester and to reset goals for the second half of the year. I encourage parents and boys to read and discuss the semester reports together using the following four questions and statements as a guide.

  • Celebrate both achievement and effort.
  • Ask is it the best you can do?
  • Choose a couple of areas on which to focus.
  • Plan what will be required by looking at the week in total. Try to avoid committing to too many activities.

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Sport- MBBC to play in the CIC competition in 2009.

One of the challenges the College faces is ensuring we play sport against like minded schools at an appropriate level. To do so, we have offered various sports in which team numbers can be smaller and used both local club and school competitions. While the club games have gone well, we need to upgrade from the local school competition we played in this year.

As background sport in independent schools is separated into primary and secondary school competitions each with their own acronyms! There are separate competitions/organisations for boys schools, girls schools and coed schools as well as other organisations for state schools and catholic schools! Needless to say, there are no clear boundaries and overlaps occur between them all.

Interschool sport starts in Year 5. For boys in Years 5-7 we have been accepted into the Combined Independent Colleges (CIC) competition for 2009. Our application for 2008 had been rejected on the basis of our size, but we were able to persuade the association to look at the broader picture of school sport, and our increased growth. This is a wonderful outcome and means we will play in Saturday morning boys school competition against the junior schools of GPS and AIC schools (eg Churchie, Nudgee, Iona, Villa, Terrace, BBC etc). Sports involved include: athletics, cricket, soccer, rugby, tennis, basketball, swimming and cross country. This will stretch our resources but is a wonderful outcome for the boys!

For secondary school students, from this year we have successfully entered teams into the various supplementary draws of the GPS and AIC. This will continue. Over time, we will also be entering various other independent school competitions in sports such as AFL, athletics and sailing. There are 9 schools in the GPS, the last of which was added in the 1930’s.ral other (predominately catholic eg Marist, Iona, Villanova) schools play in the AIC. More recently founded schools (eg Sheldon, CHAC, Ormiston, JPC) play in the TAS competition, which has 2 levels and is currently a co- ed school only competition

Congratulations to our Year 5, 6 and 7 soccer teams who all led their divisions at the end

of their round robin competitions. The Year 5 team won their grand final and the Year 6 and

7 teams were runners up. This is an outstanding result.


Mrs Nicola Vincent has been appointed as Registrar. Mrs Vincent has been on the staff for 4 years

and was the original admin assistant/assistant registrar. Her role asteacher aide has been filled on

a contract basis through acombination of increasing Mrs Trudy Tait’s (library aide) time and

Mrs Deborah Vardanega, one of our supply teachers.

Telephone: 07 3906 9444 Facsimile: 07 3906 9400 Email: Website:

Postal Address: PO Box 80, Wynnum 4178

- 1 -

I am sad to announce that Ms Julianne de Lange has resigned to take up a promotion position at OrmistonCollege. Ms de Lange has worked tirelessly to build the art program and hercreativity, passion and ability to get the best from the boys will be sorely missed. I am currently seeking a replacement.

Year 6 and Year 9 House Vice-Captains for Semester 2

The following boys were successful in their nomination for House Vice-Captain for the second half of this year.

Year 6 / Year 9
Doherty / Cameron McGregor / Kye Symonds
Dunlop / Angus Walton / Andrew Murphy
Flynn / Matthew Joy / Connor Mashlan
Nicholls / Lachlan Angus / Tyron Hoole

The boys will be presented with their badges at the first Assembly in Term 3.

These Vice-Captains will join the current Student Leadership Team for a breakfast meeting this Thursday morning, 19 June at 7.15am in the Library.

InternationalBoysSchool Coalition Annual Conference

Ms Perry, Mrs Patchett and I will be presenting at the International Boys School Coalition Conference next week. We are giving two presentations – the first is on our Middle School Behaviour Management Program called, ‘Is It true, Is It Kind, Is It Necessary.’ This program focused on how we are supporting boys in their efforts to improve the way they speak to eachother and has attracted wide interest at the conference. The second presentation concerns our environmental education program, ‘Eagle Eye, watching over Lota Creek.’ I will be absent from the College from tomorrow.

Roderick HW Crouch


Memory Verse
God gives peace, and he raised our Lord Jesus Christ from death. Now Jesus is like a Great Shepherd whose blood was used to make God's eternal agreement with his flock. Hebrews 13:20-21

House of the Week Congratulations to Nicholls for being the House of the Week last week.

Award Cards

Congratulations to following students who received award cards last week: Prep - Callum Maybury, Flynn Winterton, Nathan Baker, Izaiah Christ, Bradyn Wallis, Callum Sey Year 2 – Harrison Mostert Year 3 – Conor Dargin-Elders, Patrick Benett, Nicholas Christofis, Nicholas Richards, Jack Taggart, Zac Schofield, Callum Earle, Callum McKechnie Year 4 – Sebastian Wagner, Jackson Rossi, Kyle Falconer Year 5 – Sam Jones


For this Thursday’s tuckshop there are two options a Jumbo Sausage Roll with a Large Daily Juice or Nachos with a small Flavoured Milk. Both meals are $6.50 each. Please fill out the tear off slip to order tuckshop and place in the silver locked box with exact money by Wednesday 10.00am. Tuckshop cannot be ordered on Thursday. No change is able to be given so please include the correct money.

Tuckshop Volunteers

Volunteers are needed this term to collect the boys’ tuckshop from MoretonBayCollege each Thursday. We also need volunteers to count money each Wednesday collected from tuckshop. Without the help and support of volunteers, tuckshop would not be possible. If you have some free time on a Wednesday or Thursday morning please fill out the tear off slip in the newsletter or call the office on 3906 9444.


Vacation Care programs are now out, they are available at the school office or from the OSHC room.

If you need care over the June/July Holidays, please fill out a form and return back to the office asap. Bookings will not be accepted over the phone or via email.

Hours of operation are 7:00am -5:30pm. Sisters, friends and cousins are all welcome at the program.

Parents are reminded if you are new to the program, you are required to complete an enrolment form in addition to the holiday program. If your child has an allergy that requires any emergency medication or epipen, all must accompany your child. Without the emergency treatment your child will not be able to attend. Please have your bookings form in by the 16th June 2008.

Miss Natalie Mossop, OSHC Co-ordinator

Lost Property

A large amount of lost property located near the drink machine next to Year 1 needs to be collected by the owners by the end of this week. Any items that aren’t labelled with names will be donated to local charities.

Wet Weather Information Line

The wet weather information line is available to call at anytime to check to see if your son’s sport matches or any other event will still be taking place whilst there is rain. The number is 3906 9450.

New Absentee Line

If your son is unwell or is not coming to school please call our new absentee line on 3906 9494. Please leave your son’s name, form class and the reason for his absence.

After school Sport

If your son attends after school sport, please send an extra bottle of water solely for this activity.

MBC / MBBC Joint Cultural Afternoon

Last Friday students in Year 4, 5 and 6 travelled to MBC to participate in a Joint Cultural Afternoon with MBC students in Years 2 to 5. The purpose of the afternoon was for our boys, and the MBC girls, to showcase some of the cultural activities they participate in. Each class presented one of the poems they recited at the Wynnum Manly Eisteddfod. The MBC Year 2 - 5 and 4 - 5 choirs sang, the Year 4 - 5 Highland Dancers performed and two students performed solo dance items. The day concluded with a shared afternoon tea. The students enjoyed watching the performances by their female counterparts, and mingling during the afternoon tea.

Mr Evans, Ms Joannides, Mrs Proctor and Mr Pincott

Science Club

Reminder: Science Club for senior students will be held this Thursday from 3.00-4.30pm with Ms Donna Bennett.

Parent Information Night - Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Andrew Fuller has recently been described as an "interesting mixture of Billy Connolly, Tim Winton and Frasier Crane and as someone who "puts the heart back into psychology". As a clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally, specialising in the well being of young people and their families. He is a Fellow of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Learning and Educational Development at the University of Melbourne. The concept of "resilience" offers a coherent framework for the creation of schools that are sensitive to the development needs of young people and their teachers. As Andrew describes, resilience is "the happy knack of being able to bungy jump through the pitfalls of life - to rise above adversity and obstacles." Developing a resilient school community is supportive of the MBBC 3 R's.

Andrew will be working with the staff and boys at the college on Tuesday, 15 July and will also run a parent session on "How to Help Your Child Succeed at School" from 7.30 - 9.00pm at MBC on Tuesday, 15 July.

If you would be interested in attending this session, can you please complete the attached tear-off slip and return it to the office by Monday, 16 June 2008.

2008 Indigenous Literacy Project – Readers’ Quest.

Become involved in making a difference. June 18th - August 29th.

“We couldn’t imagine a world without books and reading” yet many indigenous communities are seriously under-resourced leading to a wide disparity in literacy skills between indigenous and non-indigenous students.

How can we make a difference?

This year MoretonBayBoysCollege would like to encourage all our families (students and parents/grandparents) to participate in the Indigenous Literacy Project Readers’ Quest.

The Readers' Quest is a way that we can share our common love of books and reading while raising money to support Indigenous literacy.

It's simple.

  1. Complete the tear off slip from the bottom of today’s newsletter. Put the slip & a donation of $5 per participant (student/parent/grandparent) in an envelope and place in Administration’s silver box by 18/07/08. You may begin reading immediately.
  2. Read ten books in total, choosing at least sevenfrom the specially prepared, age appropriate, Readers' Quest booklists (see below) or Accelerated Reader list (for students involved in AR).Participants are able to choose up to three non-booklist books if they wish.
  3. Record each book you read on your Reading Record Form, included in today’s newsletter (see below).
  4. Return your Reading Record Form to the library when you've finished to receive an award.
  5. Our Readers’ Quest will conclude on Friday the 29 of August. All completed forms must be submitted by this date.
  6. Commencing on Monday September 1 the library will host a week of activities – our own Book Week. We will celebrate the success of our boys and draw their attention to the wonderful cause they have supported by completing this Readers’ Quest. We will also acknowledge the amazing depth of Indigenous literature, both modern & dreamtime. September 3rd is Indigenous Literacy Day.

World Vision Global Leadership Convention

On Wednesday 4 June 2008, Matt Schofield, Matt Moy, Daniel Kyranis and Josh Ferguson attended a World Vision conference at Chandler. The conference aimed to educate young Australians about child labour in India. There were many schools which attended this event.

The event began with the boys being divided into four groups. Everyone sat in their new group and then joined another group to make a group of eight. Our first task was to make match boxes, using paper. The aim was to work off a debt of $50. Each match box had to be the right shape and if it wasn’t good enough it was smashed and we got an even higher debt. If our dept exceeded $60 we would be punished. A punishment was to place a tennis ball under you chin and leave it there for the remaining time. After two hours each group was allowed to stop.

Everybody then headed back into the main room and were told about children in India had to do it that for 16 hours a day. The second part of the day was a debate about child rights. The third part of the day was talking to people who had been to India and seen the conditions these children have to work in. They also discussed the 40 Hour Famine. The end of the day was summed up with the boys discussing ideas they had for the famine.

The boys would like to thank the College for the opportunity to attend this event. We look forward to holding the 40 hour Famine at MBBC.

Matt Schofield, Year 10 Vice Captain


Well done to all boys who played in the concert last night. For a boy who missed their guitar lesson today, they have been rescheduled for Thursday 19 June at exactly the same time as they would have been on Monday. There will be ensemble practice this Wednesday, and as always please contact me with any enquiries regarding this matter.I would also like to see all guitar students this Thursday at 10.30am.

Mr Kyri Peace, Guitar Tutor

Reader’s Cup

On Tuesday 10 June, five Year 7 boys: Nicky Sabulis, Lachlan Keen, Michael Wong, Craig MacKechnie and Steffen Mitchell entered a competition called “Reader’s Cup” The boys had to read six books to make their way through the competition. The Readers Cup challenge was held at CalvaryChristianCollege. Fifteen other teams attended the challenge but only four teams could enter the final round. Unfortunately the MBBC team didn’t make the final cut, though they got very close.

Bunya to the Bay 2008

Congratulations to Brandon Jansma and Matthew Wood (Year 8) for their selection to the group of River Ambassadors that will participate in this year’s Bunya to the Bay experience.

The two boys will attend an Orientation Weekend on June 21-22 at the Stanley River Environmental Education Centre to meet their fellow Ambassadors and learn more about this exciting opportunity.In late August, the boys will undertake a 15-day journey of walking, cycling and canoeing from the top of the BrisbaneRiver catchment in the BunyaMountains to the mouth of the river at FortLytton. It promises to be a fantastic adventure for both boys.

Junior Boys Soccer – Met East Schools Soccer Knockout Competition

Further to the success of the Junior A team last Thursday night, this team will carry on into the Met East Schools Soccer Knockout Competition next term.The first game will be held at Brisbane Wolves (Boundary St, Tingalpa) at 11am on Friday 18 July against the winner of the Gateway District. Further details will be available next term. Reminder: Training will be held for this team after school on Tuesday 15 July

Uniform Shop News

MBBC scarves are available for sale at the Uniform Shop – only $16.50!

These are a great gift idea, as well as a fantastic show of support for the College.

Holiday trading hours:

Friday 20 June – open until 3.30pm

Monday 23 June – open from 8am to 4pm

Friday 11 July – open from 8am to 4pm.

Middle and SeniorSchool Outdoor Education Program

Year 7-8 MoretonIsland Camp -September 8-12

The Year 7 and 8’s should be looking forward to their MoretonIsland experience this year. The boys will be camping at the Comboyuro campground at Bulwer, on the northern end of MoretonIsland. Highlights of the week long trip include snorkelling at the Tangalooma wrecks, sand tobogganing, and more!

Year 9 MoretonIsland Camp - September 8-12

Held at the same time as the Year 7/8 camp, the Year 9 program includes more challenging components such as a few long walks and being responsible for their own set up, pack up and cooking for the week. The Year 9 boys will walk up to the Comboyuro campsite to join the Year 7/8 group for the last night.

Year 10 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition