1) Double-click on the picture, or click once on the picture, then on the Edit tab.
2) To automatically improve the brightness and contrast of the image, click on the Auto-adjust Image or Auto Enhance button on the left.
3) To rotate the image:
1) Click on Rotate.
2) Click on the Left or Right button.
3) Repeat as necessary.
4) To crop the image:
1) Click on Crop.
2) Click & drag a Selection Rectangle around the image area you want to keep.
3) Click on Apply.
5) To see the image a little smaller, click on Fit to Windowat the upper right, then on 25% or 50%. (This only makes the image on the screen smaller. See the next step to make the actual image size smaller.)
6) To resize the image (this means the actual physical size of the image), click on one of the following:
1) Click on Wallet Size, 4 X 6 photo, 8 X 10 photo,or whatever size you want.
2) Click on E-mail Attachment to reduce the size to the best size for e-mailing.
3) Click on Web page display to reduce the size to the best size for displaying on a web page.
4) Click on Custom Size, then type in the size in pixels (dots per inch) for the width and height you want.
7) To save the scanned image, click on File, then on Save As.
8) Change the Save as Type: toJPEGfiles (*.jpg).
9) Type in a file name, such as Baby Pix.jpg.
10) Change the Saved to: location to the Desktop or the My Pictures folder (which is in the My Documents folder).
11) Click on the Save button.
12) Close the HP Image Zone program. (In the future, if you want to see or work with thesame picture again, double-click on the HP Image Zone icon on the Desktop.)
1) Open the America Online program or your e-mail program (such as Outlook Express), and compose a new e-mail message.
2) Click on the Attachments button, then click on the Attach button.
3) Change the Look in: location to the Desktop (or wherever the Baby Pix.jpg file, for example, is).
4) Click on the Baby Pix.jpg file, then click on Open.
5) Repeat steps 2 through 4 for any additional files you want to attach.
6) Click on the Send or Send Now button to send the e-mail.
1) Click on Print, then on Quick Print. (Or click on Index Print to print a “contact sheet” showing all of the pictures in the HP Image Zone “desktop” or main window.)
2) Change the Paper Type: to whatever paper you are using (for example, Plain paper or HP Premium Photo Paper, Glossy).
3) Change the Paper Size: to whatever the paper size is (for example, Letter size, Legal size, Borderless photo 4 X 6 with tab, Borderless photo 5 X 7, Borderless photo 8 X 10, or 8 1/2 X 11, etc.)
4) Click on the Properties button.
5) Click on the Paper/Quality tab.
1) Change the Print quality: to Maximum dpi, Best, Normal, Fast Normal, or FastDraft (which uses the least amount of ink and prints the fastest).
6) Click on the Finishing tab.
1) Under Document Options, click to put a check mark next to:Print on both sides (you must turn the paper over and reinsert it into the paper tray manually here unless you purchase a “duplex” unit that will automatically turn the paper over).
7) Click on the Basics tab.
1) Under Orientation, click on Portrait orLandscape, depending on whether you want to print the page normally or sideways.
8) Click on the Color tab.
1) Under Color Options, click to put a check mark next to: Print in grayscale. (This will print in black & white only and save color ink.)
9) Click on OK.
10) Click on Print.
Note: Your printer may have slightly different commands and button. Please make changes to these instructions as needed.