Fred Antczak’s 2016-17 Strategic Emphases

1) Continuously Enhance Quality and Rigor in Student-Focused Undergraduate and Graduate Education.

a) At least 90% of undergraduate students in CLAS units participate in two or more other high-impact learning experiences, prior to graduation, in addition to supplemental writing skills and capstone courses In 2016, CLAS will generate baseline data for this metric.

b) In 2017, CLAS will work with CSCE, OURS, FTLC, and PIC to identify opportunities and resources for faculty and undergraduate students to participate in high-impact opportunities. Units will disseminate information to undergraduate students about high-impact learning opportunities.

c) Increase numbers of humanities and social sciences faculty conducting research with students

d) Increase the percentage of CLAS faculty engaging with current best practices in pedagogy. Grow the number of spaces/classrooms on campus dedicated to high-impact practices

2) Continuously Enhance Diversity Throughout the College

a) Continue participation in diversity taskforces (e.g. the Accessibility Taskforce), and in Inclusion activities and trainings

b) Spotlight more diverse pre-tenure faculty in our publications/website and in suggestions to University Communication photographers

c) Global learning is required in each undergraduate major in CLAS. As a regular part of curriculum review, we will analyze each program change request for evidence of global learning, and where necessary, contact units to determine plans for addressing global learning

d) Increase the number of CLAS faculty and staff who participate in FTLC and other workshops, reading groups, etc. related to inclusive teaching practices.

e) Encourage Unit Heads to talk with all faculty who have not yet reached their terminal rank and help them to put a plan in place to achieve that rank

f) Increase the number of staff enrolled in the Excellence Series

g) Encourage underserved faculty to submit sabbatical proposals; work with unit heads to identify means to replace those faculty in the classroom

h) Explore new, inclusive and equitable search approaches, potentially including collaboration with new programs in Inclusion and Equity, exploration of a post-doc program, fine tuning professional development?

i) Rather than attacking thinly on all fronts, target an aspect of diversity. GVSU has done good things dealing with some of the socio-economic barriers and enhancing the LGBTQ support at the university, but can do better with race/culture and ability; so, engage the CLAS faculty/staff who are members of these communities and assess their thoughts on the current state via a survey or some other means that would create a safe environment for people to openly discuss their thoughts and provide solutions.

3) Assure Sufficient Resources: Explore means within departments, the College, the University and beyond the University to Address Funding and Resource Constraints, Guided by Values of Productivity, Equity and Opportunistic Investment

a) Continue to conduct Development fundraising appeals for 2 different CLAS programs each year

b) Continue CLAS on the Green fundraising, and disburse first scholarship for Fall 17

c) Develop the CLAS Innovation Fund

d) Examine cost/SCH ratios and 5-year spending patterns for each unit

4) Assure an Optimal Learning Environment: Build and Sustain an Atmosphere of Inquiry, Integrity, Engagement, Curiosity and Creativity among Students, Staff and Faculty

a) Participate in the Teach-In

b) Continue CLAS Teaching Roundtables and Staff Roundtables

c) Investigate courses with high D/F/W rates to be certain we are providing the best possible instruction and support for those faculty and students

d) Continue to support and collaborate with CLAS Faculty Council initiatives

5) Engage with Community Partners/Collaborators: Foster Partnerships with Relevant External Constituencies Which Enrich the Education of Students While Enhancing the Quality of Life for the People of the Region, the State, the Nation and Beyond

a) Highlight Community Partnerships in our publications and on our website

b) Support and assist all faculty in developing curricular proposals that involve community engagement

c) Raise the number of faculty/units having applied for/received funding for community engagement projects

d) Increase the percentage of CLAS courses that contain a community engagement component

e) Collaborate with the Office of Community Engagement in mutually relevant initiatives

6) Work to Better Serve the Changing Demographic of Our Students

a) Following on Faculty Council’s Out of The Box events last year, dedicate this year to providing CLAS programs (“Reach out and connect” messaging from the Deans and ADs, Unit Head meetings, New Faculty Seminars, Teaching Roundtables, Staff Roundtables, and possibly other initiatives that deal with this issue

b) Continue to run tips and profiles topics addressing “the new majority” challenges and opportunities

c) Fine-tune, within current staffing limits, our advising services by tasking Assistant Dean Schaner to spend more time on projects specific to analyzing the quality of advising and support for all our students

d) Continue support for faculty in providing specific examples and techniques for teaching “the new majority”

e) Increase the number of CLAS faculty who participate in FTLC workshops, reading groups, related to inclusive teaching practices.