Bay Area Regional Children’s Committee
May 17, 2013, Belmont
Sylvia Deporto / San FranciscoJudith Lefler / BayAreaAcademy
Nick Honey / Sonoma
Robert Taniguchi / Monterey
Loc Nguyen / San Mateio
Paula Robertson / Marin
CWDA Review:
- CCL is having a full academy class for licensing October 28 to November 1 in San Diego. They will be open another one as it seems needed.
- Attempted Visits: A survey will be sent to counties about their protocol
- The ACL in reference to closing referrals is being pulled because of the confusion about when the referral starts. CDSS says it is the day the risk is assessed. Various counties are doing it differently
- ICWA will be in Temecula from 6/25-27. One of the topics at the ICWA conference will be about families invoking678 saying a child is a part of a non-federal tribe;some ICWA still applies (except for the noticing) and they are AB12 eligible. Active efforts and preferential placement applies
- NYTD Surve:. Counties are urged to make sure their youth complete their surveys. If the state does not reach the required level, penalties could be levied on the entire state.
- Harris decision: When a relative is denied they are able to get their live scan results, but not their rap sheet or their CLETS
- Who is a case worker? Can a PO do a visit for a social worker? The consensus is that they cannot. The child welfare worker needs to visit
- Annual progress service report is due to the state. It is a long document so allow time to complete it.
- CSAC (Child Sexual Abuse Victims) There was a discussion about SB738 which will add new codes to WIC to cover human trafficking victims. This will require a multi disciplinary task force including juvenile probation and law enforcement. Perhaps even FBI. These cases will come into our jurisdiction and we will need build procedures to handle them. Placement will be an issue.
- Mental Health:Out of county advocates want the mental health case to transfer with placement so that children can get services quickly
- Immigration Reform bill suggests that if parents are arrested child welfare be contacted
- Congregate care reform is attached to the current budget. Younger children will require director approval for congregate care as will children who have been in congregate care for extended time.
- CWDA convening July 11& 12 will be at the Sheraton Sactramento and will be limited to the director plus one. There will be a webinar that others can attend.
- CWDA Conference is October 2-4. Conference topics are still being looked at.
- CalSWEC research and development is looking for letters of intent with a rural emphasis.
- AB1089 addresses regional center services when a child is transferred from one jurisdiction to another. Services cannot be delayed. Currently the child has to be re-assessed in spite of the fact that there is an assessment in place already.
- SB528: should there be enhanced TDMs for foster youth in placement with parents. LA has a criteria that places them in “whole family home”
- Butterfield: CDSS has submitted their right to appeal but may not actually appeal. The wording now looks to ask for release of CWS contact information if the contact has direct material connection to the death.
- Katie A-Greg Rose made it clear that juvenile probation will need to participate in Katie A
- Data Cleanup We have been given lists of D Dup reports. They are starting now with the clients and caregivers and will go on from there
Group home support letters: San Mateo has spoken further with references regarding Steele-Corbett as well as with the home. The group home has agreed to provide an exit plan for children at the beginning of the placement
SB39: None
BAERS:There is difficulty getting minutes from the meetings. They are two months behind. BAMM is behind as well. We have asked them to our August meeting. Loc will ask them to send us the draft on the ICT protocol that they are working on.
BayAreaAcademy Update: The budget is static so if more CORE is needed, there is not more funding for it This would impact the other services they have been able to give us. The travel budget is extremely tight through June.
Katie A: Readiness assessments need to go to Judith
Retreat and Location: We are looking at doing a retreat in lieu of a meeting. The possibilities are September 6, October 11 or 18th. Judith will send out a doodle.
Mandated Child Abuse training:Is there any standard for these trainings? Sonoma did a presentation to the board and was told to expand it and present it to the community. The statewide prevention council does training for the CAPCs who often do these trainings. San Francisco uses the CAPC. San Mateo contracts it out. Monterey has a former analyst who works for CAPC and does the training. They use a standard power point to present. Various Marin CWS staff do the trainings with a power point. Marin’s CAPC also does training
BARRC schedule:
June in Martinez
September 27 will be TAB and BARRC
November will be the 22nd
Parole Inmate Placement:: Who has jurisdiction of children born to incarcerated parents? The county of origin of the inmate is the county that has jurisdiction of their children
CSA Peer Review: BAA met with Ellie about the CSA. The state’s long range plan is for the county to take on the review with very little input from the state. The RTA’s role is to be at the invitation of the county. If BAA funds the county’s facilitator it comes out of our contract with the academy.
Safety Organized Practice: BAA had planned to do a regional convening on SOP but there is now a statewide convening planned. We believe that we should do the statewide convening and wait and see if a regional one is still desired. We do not want this conflated with the practice model convening. We believe the directors need to get together and have a facilitated dialogue in order to reach a philosophical accord before the next convening.
2B Workgroup: We do not have any representation in this workgroup. There is a cap on the number in the core group. Loc and Valerie will take this forward to Diana.
Latino Practice Group: At the next CWDA meeting they are going to be asking counties for information about Latino centric services. The questions that are asked are service oriented but that it not the only thing to think about. Latinos are very diverse. It is important that we are culturally competent and ask people where they are from.
Policy Group: Monterey has been chairing this group. The individual who was the chair has promoted and a new chair will need to come forward. It is crucial for this group to have an invested chair.
Next Meeting June 21st 40 Douglas Dr, Martinez
TAB at 9:30 and BARCC at Noon