Work Activity:
Plasma Spraying of various tubes and other parts /
Thornliebank Industrial Estate Glasgow G46 8JW
Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111
Tube spray booth
Thornliebank Factory
Those at Risk / Y/N / Comments - enter names or general groups
Star Employees:
Other workers:
General Public: / Y
N / Only those trained in the operations involved and authorised by the Production Manager
Staff working in the vicinity of the tube spray booth
- Moving Machine Parts (Rotating drive shaft and tube)
- Shock (From welding equipment)
- Fire (from build up of aluminium dust)
- Burns (from plasma spray process)
- Non-Ionising radiation (ultra-violet light)
- Harmful substances (Ozone, nitric oxide)
- Dust ( aluminium dust)
- Fume (weld fume)
- Noise (from the spray gun)
- Asphyxiants (carbon dioxide, nitrogen)
- Pressurised Cylinders (carbon dioxide, nitrogen)
Control Measures(existing or planned)
Control / DetailsPPE: /
- Safety boots with a heel, good grip and steel toe cap (200 joule)
- Flame resistant overalls,
- Ear defenders,
- Aluminised gloves,
- Aluminised apron,
- Welding screen with grade 9 or better lens and built-in battery operated clean air supply.
Equipment: /
- In order to reduce the possibility of a build up of airborne dust within the confines of the spray booth, the wet dust and fume extraction system must be running whenever spraying or maintenance work is being carried out.
- The drive shaft will possess considerable torque and must be guarded.
- Emergency stop buttons will be fitted inside the booth and in the vicinity of the grit blast equipment.
- There will be a clear marked area on the floor around the in-feed to alert other staff of rotating tubes, the marked area will be a prohibited area except for the authorised operators.( Note: rotating tubes in this area are very easily stopped by hand, therefore do not represent an entanglement hazard).
- The lifting beam will be tested and certified by an approved authority.
- The air compressor will receive a supply of fresh air from outside of the booth.
- All fans pipes and motors within the booth will be electrically grounded.
Information, Instruction, and Training /
- Only authorised operators may use the spray equipment.
- Any authorised operator will have received practical training from the manufacturers.
- A copy of the instruction manual will be available at all times for easy reference by any authorised operator.
- Clear instructions on the operation and periodic maintenance of the exhaust ventilation will be available. This maintenance will be carried out in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
Control Measures Continued
Control / DetailsInformation, Instruction, and Training
Continued /
- The authorised operator will be made aware of the dangers of asphyxiation from the build up of nitrogen or carbon dioxide within a confined space.
- Only competent persons will change the nitrogen and carbon dioxide packs
- No welding or cutting repairs should be made to the equipment before the equipment is washed down to remove all metal dust.
- Work pieces should be kept as close to the inlet of the exhaust ventilation as possible, so as to maximise its performance.
- Operators will take regular breaks.
Supervision: /
- The Production Manager will appoint the authorised operators and ensure that they are appropriately trained by the manufacturer.
- The Production Manager will appoint a competent person to carry out the 14 monthly ventilation inspection, he will also maintain records of the inspection which will be kept in his office for reference.
- As an atmosphere of aluminium dust and air is a fire hazard; the Production Manager will instigate a regular cleaning program for the booth, to ensure that a build up of aluminium dust on beams, the floor and in corners, does not occur.
- The Production Manager will ensure that the air compressor has a written scheme of examination
Environment; /
- Air inlet vents must not be obstructed, otherwise the extract rate may fall below the recommended values.
- Ultra-violet radiation is emitted as part of the welding process, this is quite normal for this type of activity and protective measures are well documented. See PPE
- The plasma produces traces of ozone and nitric oxide; these traces will not pose a hazard providing the extract ventilation is in operation.
- The booth will be kept clear of paper wood oily rags and all other combustible materials.
Procedures, documents etc /
- The wet exhaust ventilation system must be inspected at 14 monthly intervals by a competent person, the inspection must confirm that an air flow velocity of 200 ft/min is being maintained over the work pieces. The volume flow rate must also be maintained at 200 CFM for every square foot of booth opening.
- The COSHH assessment for METCO 54 NS aluminium powder must be read and understood before working with the plasma spray equipment or carrying out any maintenance of the equipment within the tube spray booth.
Signage /
- Mandatory notices will be posted on the doors to the booth, demanding the use of ear defenders, welding mask, respirator and other PPE.
- A prohibitory sign stating “No access for unauthorised persons” will also be posted on the doors and around the marked area of the in-feed.
Emergency action/procedures /
- A fire alarm klaxon and beacon will be placed in a prominent position within the booth, as the noise from the spray equipment and the use of ear defenders may prevent the external fire alarm from being heard.
- A low Oxygen alarm will be fitted and maintained within the booth
- A fire extinguisher suitable for type D metal fires will be available outside the booth
Access: /
- Clear access will be maintained immediately outside of the booth to allow for a clear unobstructed exit in an emergency.
Noise: /
- The Noise assessment carried out by TTS shows that the second action level is being exceeded. Therefore, the booth is designated an ear protection zone; it is mandatory to wear ear defenders when the equipment is in operation.
Risk Evaluation of Identified Hazards
Likelihood / Highly unlikely = 1 / Unlikely = 2 / Likely = 3Severity / Slightly harmful = 1 / Harmful = 2 / Extremely harmful = 3
(Likelihood x Severity = Risk level) 1 = Trivial, 2 = Tolerable, 3-4 = Moderate, 6 = Substantial, 9 = Intolerable
Identified Hazards (base scores on existing or planned control measures) / Triv' / Tol' / Mod' / Sub' / Int'
- Moving Machine Parts (Rotating drive shaft and tube) 1x2
- Shock (From welding equipment) 1x2
- Fire (from build up of aluminium dust) 1x3
- Burns (from plasma spray process) 1x2
- Non-Ionising radiation (ultra-violet light) 1x1
- Harmful substances (Ozone, nitric oxide) 1x1
- Dust ( aluminium dust) 1x2
- Fume (weld fume) 1x1
- Noise (from the spray gun) 2x1
- Asphyxiants (carbon dioxide, nitrogen) 1x2
- Pressurised Cylinders (carbon dioxide, nitrogen) 1x1
1 / 2
2 / 3
Note:Moderate scores; Thought should be given to reducing risk, but the cost and time requirements of prevention
should be carefully considered and limited.
Substantial: Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced, for work in progress, urgent
action is required. Considerable resources may have to be allocated.
Intolerable: If unlimited resources cannot reduce risk, work will be prohibited.
Is risk adequately controlled using the above control measures Y/N / YES / If "NO" State further action requiredState further action required:
Note : This risk assessment is only valid when all control measures are in place before the work or activity commences and will be reviewed 3/6/2000 or earlier if the nature of the work changes or there is a dangerous occurrence.
Assessor: / (Print) C Haslam / (Sign) / Date 3/6/99References:
METCO Plasma Spray Gun Safety Instructions
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment regulations 1998
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations 1989
TTS Environmental survey report dated 18 September 1998