Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in

‘Yr Aelwyd’, Tregynnwr at 6.30pm on Thursday 17th October 2013.

PRESENT: Cllr Selwyn Thomas (Chair), G.P. Bevan, Elwyn Williams, Sandra. Thomas. D. J. Watson, A. West, L Whatley, R.O. Griffiths, P Totterdale. S. Howells, Dafydd Williams

APOLOGIES: Councillors G. Lloyd & M. Jones.

1.  Chair’s Announcements

a)  The Chair reported on the sad passing away of Mr Vivian Evans (Nantycaws) who had served on Llangunnor Community Council for many years. The Council held a minute silence in his memory.

b)  The Chair welcomed Cllr Dafydd Williams to his first meeting.

c)  The chair reported that he had attended a very productive meeting at Parc y Swn, CCC to place two new drainage points at the location.


RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting and Planning Sub-Committee held on September 19th 2013 - (minute 1013 – 2): Proposed by Cllr L. Whatley and seconded by Cllr D. Watson.

3.  Matters Arising

Matters raised / resolved outside meetings: September / October 2013.

a)  Park Entrance – in the current financial climate there is a ‘hold’ on all capital expenditure in the Technical Department. Spoken to Paul Murray he has a couple of urgent jobs to be done. Meeting in next few weeks to assess situation and hopefully most urgent like Llangunnor Park can be completed. It was unanimously resolved (Minute 1013 – 3a) that clerk write to CCC expressing their concern that this work had not been carried out even though the Council’s H & S officer had identified it as a hazard. Cllrs were continually putting the barriers back up. Cllr E. Williams to also approach officers involved.

b)  Parcyswn – see under chair’s announcement.

c)  Hedgerows in Tregynnwr – CCC - “I have spoken to Ground maintenance and they will have a look this week to see what hedgerows are over grown. If it is the trees that are overhanging behind the electric sub-station as Ian indicated, they are in the owner/occupiers property in Bryn Meurig, we would not cut them, but I am not sure I am talking about the same thing. I will see what Huw comes back with and will let you know”

d)  Dog Fouling – passed to Enforcement Officer.

True Record

e)  Gullies in Pensarn – response from CCC “With regards to the gullies near Pets at Home and Mataland, just to let you know that these are actually located within the 'privately' owned section of the retail park. Basically as the gullies are not positioned within the public highway limits, unfortunately we cannot provide any assistance on the matter. We will however arrange for the road gullies along Stephens Way to be inspected and cleaned out as required.” Resolved that clerk write to CCC asking if the appropriate gullies had been cleared.

f)  Power Lines Pensarn – response from CCC “There is a minimum height of 5.2m this is increased to 5.8m above highways - this is an industry / HSE standard. No - highways does not have power to enforce this or even to measure the clearance due to the danger of electrocution”. Awaiting response from Western Power. Now received reply from Western Power, all businesses now connected to underground power line, only streetlights being powered from overhead lines. Working with CCC to sort this out, hoping that overhead lines will be removed in next few months. Cllrs were happy that this was finally to be resolved.

g)  Site visit Pensarn – John McAvoy Wednesday 23rd at 1.00 p.m. outside ‘old’ CCC Building.

1. The state of the road, but particularly the pavements in the area.

2. Was there a reason why the yellow lines were not extended as far as the bridge at the bottom of Babell Hill.

3. Some of the yellow lines have been 'cut' short, e.g. outside 3A's caravan - cars are now parking in these 'blank' spots.

4. Concern was expressed that cars that go towards the school from the Babell Hill direction are slowed down by the calming measures but once passed the one just after the school they speed away quickly towards Penymorfa - can anything be done to prevent this??

5. There is still concern in respect of the junction coming from the retail area out into Pensarn.

6. Concern regarding children rushing into road from Sticle path.

7. Parking on pavements.

8. Yellow lines junction of Babell Hill / Haulfryn.

Resolved that Cllr Selwyn Thomas, E. Williams, A. West and R. Griffiths meet with JM.

h)  Skateboard Equipment – it was reported at the last meeting that the Town Council were upgrading some of the equipment at Carmarthen Park. The Town Clerk has confirmed that these items will be relocated within Carmarthen Town.

i)  Sticle Path – CCC – “Andrea Jones from the Client section was with us and we would like to trial a section either side of the steps with the cold applied material so we can have a direct comparison for future reference due to the perceived issues with the existing surface. We also agreed to install a couple of sections of additional guard rails and warning signs. I would be grateful if you could confirm if you are happy for us to proceed with these measures”. – resolved (Minute 1013 - 3i) that clerk write to CCC agreeing to this work being carried out.


j)  Changes in Planning Regulations – This link is useful, they are very complicated and take a great deal of working out.
http://www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/English/environment/planning/applications/Pages/Doyouneedpermission.aspx let me know if you require further information.

Link to be circulated.

k)  Daffodil planting – Cllr Watson confirmed that Charlie’s had agreed to provide daffodils bulbs for planting on verge in front of store.

l)  Traffic Statitics – Apologies from CCC, amended statistics available for next meeting

4.  Council Website – Cllr D. Williams now leading on development of site. He went through site with members couple of issues agreed a) site colour to be green b) welsh to be put first. Chair thanked Cllrs Williams and Whatley for their work on site and it was agreed that link be circulated to members before next meeting.

5.  To receive a report from the Parks Sub-Committee.

Cllr Watson reported that he was currently working with CCC on producing map of park for use in any public consultation event.

6.  To receive reports from Members representing Council on other Bodies.

·  Cllr E. Williams reported that Parents / Governors meeting had taken place, very productive. Couple of points raised a) some parents had complained of timing of meeting. b) some confusion of category of school, Cllr Williams to report both back to next meeting of governers.

·  Cllr S. Howells had attended One Voice Wales AGM, CD for clerk to see regarding Data Production

7.  To approve the schedule of accounts – it was Resolved (minute 1013 – 7) proposed Cllr A. West and seconded Cllr S. Howells that the following be approved (unanimous).


A)  Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:


1. E Williams Playing Field (30/09/13) 75.00

2. C.J. Thomas Salary – Oct 2013 532.60

Office Allowance – Oct 2013 85.00

IT Allowance – Oct 2013 30.00

3. Donation Canon Aled Griffiths Retirement 20.00

(Chair’s Fund).


4. HMRC – 2nd Quarter 498.72

5. CCC – Grass Cutting 12/13 1143,60

6. CCC – Computer Domain 23.95

B)  Council to note receipt of income:

No income received.

8.  To receive Correspondence and agree responses – (Minute 1013 – 8)

No / Nature of Correspondence / Agreed Action
1. / Carmarthen Town Regeneration Forum (details enclosed) / Clerk and Cllr E. Williams to attend
2. / Carmarthen Environment Partnership (details enclosed – three reps can attend) / Cllr Whatley and Cllr Watson to attend
3. / Swansea Bay Awards 2014 – request for funds. / Noted
4. / The Royal British Legion.- invitation to Rememberance Service – 10th November. / Noted
5. / CCC – Invitation to meet with Exec Board – Monday 18th November. / Cllr R. Griffiths and Cllr E. Williams to attend.
6. / Notice of Code of Conduct Training / Noted
7. / CAB – Invite to AGM (24th October) / Noted
8. / Hywel Dda Health Board – Annual Quality Statement. / Noted
8. / Age Cymru Sir Gâr, Invite you to attend its Annual General Meeting. / Noted.

9.  Christmas Tree / Lights – Following a discussion it was unanimously resolved (minute 1013 – 9) that a) lights be turned on on Thursday 21st November at 6.00 p.m.) b) school chair be invited to turn on lights c) school choir be invited to attend d) Emrys Williams be asked to liaise with Mr Elvi regarding the tree e) Cllr Whatley contact Wyn Davies regarding power for PA system.


10.  Road markings Elder Grove – following a discussion it was agreed that as this was not a problem for the majority of residents, things be left as they are for the now.

11.  1st World War Commemeration – following a discussion it was agreed that Clerk contact school to see if they had any plans involving the children and that Council would support as necessary.

12.  Any other business.

a)  Clerk to contact CCC regarding road leading down to KFC.

b)  Gullies adjacent Spic and Span full of leaves.

c)  Sticle Path – lot of overgrown/overhanging trees, Clerk to contact CCC.

d)  Rotten Trees outside Aelwyd and two outside shop. Clerk to contact CCC.

e)  Van selling meat in car park in Pensarn. Clerk to check with CCC if necessary permissions have been given.

13.  The next meeting will be held on Thursday 21st Novemeber at 7.00 p.m. following on from turning lights on Christmas Tree

Confirmed as a true record ______(Cllr Selwyn Thomas – Chair)

Date: 21st November 2013.