Vacancy Information - Cook
Broome Hostel, WA
Aboriginal Hostels Limited(AHL) provides safe, comfortable, culturally appropriate and affordable hostel accommodation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who must live away from home; enabling access to education, employment, health and other essential services.
/ Broome Hostel52 Forrest Street, Broome WA 6725
Provides accommodation for renal patients accessing dialysis treatment at the Kimberly Satellite Dialysis Centre. This Hostel has 20 resident beds.
Vacancy Details
Job Title / CookClassification / APS Level 1
Job Type / Full-time Non-ongoing, Casual
Salary / $41,123 - $44,512 per annum plus superannuation
Location / Broome, WA
Contact Officer / Jacinta Mack, 0436 191 684
Closing Date / 15 April 2018
What We Offer
A diverse and inclusive workplace, AHL offers great employment conditions including attractive remuneration packages, superannuation, salary sacrifice options and an opportunity for training and career advancement. AHL Salary Packaging Program includes a benefit of up to $15,900 per FBT year for mortgage, rent or living expenses, allowing staff to further reduce their tax payments resulting in more net pay.
The Position
Aboriginal Hostels Limited is seeking to engage motivated people who can fill the roles of Cook. We currently have one full-time position available for immediate filling and are also seekingto establish an on-call casual pool.
Duties and Responsibilities1 / UnderthegeneraldirectionoftheHostelManager,orAssistantHostelManager,preparemealsforthehostelresidentsinaccordancewithAHL’spolicies,andFoodSafetyStandardsAustraliaandotherrelevantlegislation.
2 / EnsurethatahighlevelofcustomerserviceisprovidedtoAHLresidentsatalltimes,includingpreparationofmealsinaccordancewithAHL’ssetmenus.
3 / Undertakeroutinekitchentasksincluding:
4 / AllworkplacetaskswillbeperformedinamannerwhichupholdsAHL’scommitmenttosafetyofitsstaffandresidentsbyadheringtorelevantWorkHealthandSafety(WHS)practicesatalltimes.Thisincludestherequirementforanemployeeto:
5 / Other duties as directed.
Whilst this duty statement summarises the purpose of the job and lists its key tasks, it is not a definitive list of all the tasks to be undertaken. Tasks can vary at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the employee. To deliver services effectively, a degree of flexibility is needed and the employee may be required to perform work not specifically referred to above.
Skills and ExperienceAll applicants will be assessed in relation to their ability to perform in accordance with the APS Values and Code of Conduct, the social justice principles of equity and workplace diversity, and occupational health and safety in the workplace.
The successful candidate will demonstrate:
1 / CommitmenttoworkingwithAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoplesandthedemonstratedabilitytocommunicatesensitivelyandeffectivelywithAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoples.Thiscommitmentwillbeshownbyyourcapacityto:
2 / Abilitytopreparemealsinanindustrybasedenvironment,ensuringthesafeproductionofqualityfoodwithoutcompromisetoFoodSafetyStandardsAustralia.
3 / Experienceincommercial cookery, and the ability to managestockrotationwhileensuringtimelyserviceandhygieneofcookingequipment.Goodunderstandingofcleanlinessandhealthstandardsrequiredwhilstpreparingfoodattheworkstation.
4 / Goodcommunicationskillswithacustomerfocus.
5 / Supervisoryskillsandabilitytoprovideon-the-jobtrainingtokitchenstaffinlinewithAHL’sWHSpoliciesandsafeworkpractices.
Desirable Qualifications / Certificate in Food Safety Handling.
Certificate III or Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery.
To be eligible for employment with AHL, applicants must meet AHL's requirements for the following conditions:
Australian citizenship
Obtain a Working with Children Clearance (if required)
Satisfactory National Criminal History Check
Satisfactory Medical Assessment
Satisfactorily complete a Probation period.
This is an Identified Position and Indigenous applicants are encouraged to apply, as well as non-Indigenous applicants with a demonstrated commitment to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The successful applicants will need to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
RecruitAbility applies to this vacancy. Under the RecruitAbility scheme you will be invited to participate in further assessment activity for the vacancy if you choose to apply under the scheme; declare you have a disability; and meet the minimum requirements for the position. For more information see:
Your application must include:
a completed Application Form which includes a maximum one-page statement of claims, and
an up-to-date resume.
Please submit your application form and resume to 15 April 2018.
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