Geometry Syllabus
Mid-East Career & Technology Center
Zanesville Campus
Instructor: Mrs. Tara Woods Planning period: 4th period
E-mail: Telephone: 740-454-0101
Room: 472
I would like to take the time to welcome you to Geometry. This syllabus is designed to inform you on the goals and expectations I have for you in this class. The following will give you an overview of what is expected.
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 or equivalent. Please see me right away if you have not met this requirement.
Attendance: The Attendance policy for this class follows the attendance policy as stated in the student handbook. You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings, ready to begin learning.
Materials: You will need to bring a pencil and paper, textbook, and 3 ring binder/pocket folder to class every day. A TI-30 XIIS calculator will be provided for you to use while in class. However, if you would like to purchase one of your own, you may do so. (I have seen them at Wal-Mart for approximately $12.) In your 3 ring binder/pocket folder you will keep all notes, homework, and quizzes from each section. This will help you stay organized and study for tests.
Text: Geometry, Glencoe McGraw-Hill. Copyright 2010.
Course Objective: This course will provide you with the knowledge needed to be successful in Algebra 2. The following topics will be covered in this class:
1. Points, Lines, Planes, and Angles
2. Reasoning and Proof
3. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4. Congruent Triangles
5. Relationships in Triangles
6. Right Triangles and Trigonometry
7. Quadrilaterals
Grading Procedures: Summative assessments will make up 80% of the student's 9 week grade. Examples of summative assessments are homework, tests, quizzes, portfolios and/or projects.
· Homework: There will be approximately 2-3 homework assignments per week.
· Quizzes: There will be weekly vocabulary and/or end-of-section quizzes.
· Tests: Tests will be worth 100 points each. There will be approx. 3 tests per 9 weeks.
Quarterly Assessments: Quarterly assessments will be administered at the end of each grading period and will be counted as 20% of the grade period's total points.
Grading Scale: The grading scale for this class is the same as listed in your student handbook.
A = 92 – 100%
B = 83 – 91%
C = 74 – 82%
D = 65 – 73%
F = Below 65%