Presentation to the Joint Committee for Agriculture, Food and The Marine.

The Irish Greyhound Owners & Breeders Federation (IGOBF) is in existence for over forty years and is the controlling body of all Regional Greyhound Owners and Breeders Associations (GOBAS).

It is subject to a written Constitution, and is administered by a democratically elected National Committee consisting of Officers and Representatives from each of the Affiliated Associations.

The primary objectives of the Federation are:

  1. To co-ordinate the efforts of all Associations, to safeguard the rights of the members and to promote their best interests in so far as they relate to the breeding, rearing, maintaining, training, racing, coursing and selling of greyhounds.
  2. To make effective representation and contributions to the Irish Greyhound Board, Irish Coursing Club and to the Minister with responsibility for the Irish Greyhound Industry.
  3. To ensure the IGB, Boards of Directors, Track Management and the ICC do not act to the detriment of the members of GOBAS.

DailEireann has recognised the Irish Greyhound Owners & Breeders Federation as a valuable asset to the Irish Greyhound Industry by including it on the register of nominating bodies under the Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Acts 1947 to 1972


Greyhounds hold several unique distinctions among their canine brethren. Not only are they the oldest pure bred dog dating back to the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt but they are the fastest dog on earth. Greyhounds can run as fast as 45mph and can average 30mph for a distance of as long as a mile.

Those of us who have chosen as a hobby greyhound racing have created a massive industry of employment for many people. Be it in the dog food business, vet and veterinary supplies, pet and pet supplies, Ministerial portfolios, greyhound board personnel, track management and maintenance, regulatory committees etc. etc. etc. Be advised gentlemen greyhound racing in its initial stages was run by people like us without pay.

This huge tree of industry with many branches, many of those branches were allowed to grow wild and untamed instead of being clipped and cut from time to time to allow the base the nourishment it needs to withstand the weight at top. This tree of industry will not weather the storm under its top heavy branches.

There is at present a serious threat to our hobby and the Industry it has created. The reason we have here today is because we requested a meeting with the Joint Committee for Agriculture Food and the Marine two and a half years ago to voice our concerns about the massive decline in our industry. The fact that the Board, a semi state body was set up as a regulatory body but has since diversified and in so doing has created the massive debt that is now overshadowing the Industry.

Our three main concerns are:

Non implementation of Rules and Regulations

Financial Situation

Drug Issues.

We must take note and remember No Dogs = No Jobs = No Industry

Brigid Frank

Chairperson Irish Greyhound Owners & Breeders Federation

16th October 2015