1 / Are you happy with the settling in process? / Yes: 96% / Some of your comments were:
“The staff were very good at distracting my child when he was upset.”
“Staff are very comforting to the children.”
“My child loves coming to school and has made good friends.”
“We are very happy.”
No: 0%
Unsure 4%
2 / What does your child enjoy doing at school / nursery? / Some of your comments were: “ Reading books.” “Chinese new year week.”
“Playing in a nurturing and caring environment.” “Learning new topics.”
“Construction, cars.” “Adult led activities.” “Drawing and painting.”
“Learning.” “Learning choices.” “Role play areas.”
“Phonics.” “Late stay.” “Being on the rainbow.”
“Playing outside.” “Forest school.” “Playing with friends.”
3 / Do you feel staff have fostered good relationships with your child? / Yes:
100% / Some of your comments were:
“He looks forward to going and talks about his teachers.”
“Excellent relationships.”
“He tells me he likes all his teachers and I feel all the staff have good relationships with the children.”
“All the staff who have regular contact with my child interact caringly with him.”
“My child speaks highly of all teachers.”
4 / Are you happy with the routines your child follows in school? / Yes: 100% / Some of your comments were:
“Good positive routines.”
“I am always keen that they spend as much time as possible outdoors.”
“My child is a late August baby and the nursery routines will help the transition to reception.”
No: 0%
5 / Do you feel that you have had opportunities to speak to your child’s key person? / Yes: 96% / Some of your comments were:
“Whenever I feel I need to speak to somebody there is always someone there.”
“They are available daily.”
“Daily access if needed.”
Thank you for your comments. Aside opportunities at our transition meeting and our parent / teacher consultations the staff are always available briefly before school or for a longer chat after school should you need to speak to us about anything. Please either contact the staff directly or write a message in the book (reception and preschool) to arrange a convenient time. Alternatively we would be happy to speak on the phone if that is easier for you. Please just ask!
6 / Do you feel you are involved enough in your child’s education? / Yes: 96% / Some of your comments were:
“I like the topic questionnaires and the updates in the diary.”
“I would like more information on what they are learning and if they are achieving. ie. Phonics”
“Any information on current topics to talk about at home is welcome.”
“My child’s home/school book gives good information about what he is learning about.”
“The planners are a great way to see what the children are learning each week.”
Thank you for your comments. Here are a selection of the ways in which we involve you:
- Topic questionnaires. (Reception and preschool.)
- Homework tasks, reading and maths challenges. (Reception.)
- Weekly sticker detailing activities for the week in the home/school diary. (Reception & Preschool.)
- Verbal handover at the end of a session. (Acorns.)
- Magic moments (for during each holiday)
- Wow tickets.
- Website – information and photographs.
- Parents are always welcome to come into school and help or help on school trips, forest school etc. Please see a member of staff if this appeals to you.
7 / Do you have enough information regarding the EYFS curriculum? / Yes: 92% / Some of your comments were:
“Stickers in the diary at the start of each week are a great idea.”
“Yes, very regular parent’s meetings and reports.”
“Yes the school keeps everyone informed really well.”
“EYFS is a huge scope so to know a lot about it is difficult to communicate but we have regular updates.”
“Maybe the sheet sent home could have more information on what is involved.”
No: 0%
Thank you for your comments. We have provided information about the curriculum in our welcome meeting in the Summer and also in our information booklet for parents. The information is also on the website in the relevant class sections. Also on the website are the “Early Years Outcomes” These are the age related outcomes for children that we use for our planning. On the preschool and reception page you should find the outcomes for the 30-50 month and 40-60 months age ranges. (You will find this be clicking the link that says: “Foundation Stage Assessment Evidence.” There is also a list of the 17 Early Learning Goals. (The goals for the end of the Foundation Stage/Reception.) The outcomes for the relevant age ranges are also on the Acorns page for your information. Should you have any specific questions please ask or let us know via your home/school diary if there is anything we haven’t covered which you would find useful. Please let us know if you are unable to access the website and we can provide hard copies where possible.
8 / Do you feel able to approach your child’s key person / should you have a concern? / Yes: 100% / Some of your comments were:
“Have always discussed any changes / problems.”
“Yes there is always somebody there if I have a concern.”
“Lovely staff who are always willing to help.”
“Staff are always available.”
No: 0%
9 / Do you feel that your child is safe in school / nursery? / Yes: 100% / Some of your comments were:
“I never worry that my child will come to any harm or that he is unsafe.”
“There should be a procedure when something happens to discuss ways of avoiding it in the future / lowering risk (eg. Injuries.)
No: 0%
Thank you for your comments, please rest assured that we do have a risk assessment procedure for avoiding / lowering risks.
10 / Do you have any additional comments you would like to make that you feel may support us in improving our practice? / Some of your comments were:
“I am happy with the experience my child is getting at nursery, he enjoys himself, that’s all that matters.”
“I am very happy with my child’s progress in her first year, Thanks to all the teachers for making her happy and settled.”
“You’re doing a great job. My child enjoys attending school.”
“My child loves coming to nursery and we are very pleased with the setting.”
“Wonderful environment with fantastic teachers my son loves coming to school.”
“Happy with the current setup – thank you!”
“My child is very happy and developing well – thank you.”
“More regular updates on how my child is getting on, what he’s been doing, any concerns.”
- Thank you for your comments. With regards to keeping you updated on progress, we currently have the following ways of keeping you informed:
- Two Parent / teacher consultations.
- Mid-year update report and end of year detailed report.
- Weekly sticker detailing activities for the week in the home/school diary. (Reception & Preschool.)
- Home/school diary (Reception and Preschool.)
- Verbal handover at the end of a session. (Acorns.)
- Learning Journey – These are available for you to look at on request.
- Open door policy. Staff are always available at the end of the school day if you need to chat / raise any concerns.
- If staff have any concerns or anything they specifically need to speak to you about they will always either put a note in the diary to arrange a meeting or speak to you after school.
Thank you once again for all your comments, any questions or anything further to add please speak to a member of staff.
Kind regards,
The Early Years Team.