Tanque Verde High School Site Council Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2018
Tanque Verde High School (TVHS) Site Council meeting was called to order by Mr. Malis at 6:04 p.m. in the TVHS Library.
Members in attendance:
A.J.Malis Judy Dasse Lori Gahr Patty Frey ColleenRoh
George Markou Becky Watson Brooke Larson Jeremiah Johnson
Members absent: John Lee
Minutes from February 12, 2018: Move to approve: Patty
Second: Lori Approved
Tax Credit Update
Greatest Need Fund is currently $6225.60, and Community Service Fund: $600.
●Mr. Malis stated there are no additions fromFebruary
●The following tax credit requests werereceived:
○Michael Edwards, TVHS Girls Basketball Head Coach, requested $500 so the teamcouldattendASUBasketballCamponJune16-18.The$500isfortheteam entry fee only. The fee covers all the team members attending. Patty moved to approve the $500 team entry fee, Becky second the motion and the motion was carried.
○Kari Lovering, TVHS Softball Coach, requested $1925.14 for the hotel expense in Payson, AZ for a softball tournament on March 15-17. The hotel is for 17 student athletes in 7 rooms for 2 night stay. Becky moved to approve the request, Colleen secondthemotion.Loriaskedifsitecouncilhadreceivedarequestlikethisinthe past. Mr. Malis stated yes. The motion wascarried.
●TVUSDBoardapprovedsitecouncil’sideaof2credits(studentchoice)andalternativeto satisfying PE requirement for graduation. CTE/FA change can apply right away in the fall. For PE, administration will start to work with superintendent and counselors to comeupwithprocedurestoputinplacebeforethestartofschoolyeartodocument
participation. Site council had discussion and we discussed examples on the PE requirement.
●LoriGahrishelpingDr.Hagermanwithfollow-uppresentationtotheboard3/22/18 concerning AP/GPA weights. Lori will present forapproval.
AdvancED Accreditation Visit Update
●Committee had a lot of great things to say about our school andcommunity
●Thereportwillbesubmittedin14daysafterthevisit;45daysaftervisitwewillgeta report to share with the community. Mr. Malis will present information during the faculty meeting, to site council, and to the TVUSDboard.
School Updates
●BasedonregistrationnumbersfromEGJH,wedidnothaveanyopenenrollmentspots available for the class of 2022. Two spots extended to class of 2021, and one spot extended to class of 2019. Counselors are working with students this week in the computer lab to complete courseregistration.
●SchoolVisionWorkshop3/16/18from8:30-10:00am,TVHSLibrary.Allofsitecouncil isinvited
●Endof3rdquarteristhisFriday.Springsportsareinfullswing.Dramashow3/23-3/24. Spring Break3/26-3/30
●AzMERIT/AIMS/Civics testing first two weeks ofApril.
Future Meeting Agenda Items:
Next Meeting April 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the TVHS Library. Meeting adjourned by A.J. Malis at 6:45 p.m.
Respectively submitted by Becky Watson
Recording Secretary