OSHA 300A Summary Form Posting Required
February 1st - April 30th
Under the OSHA Recordkeeping regulation (29 CFR 1904), employers are required to prepare and maintain records of serious occupational injuries and illnesses using the OSHA 300 Log. Beginning February 1st and ending April 30th, a summary of the injuries/illnesses entered on the 2016 OSHA 300 Log is required to be posted using “OSHA Form 300A – Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.” Other than a few exempt industries most are required to comply with recordkeeping requirements.Which industries are exempt from the OSHA recordkeeping regulation?
Partially exempt industries include establishments with specific low hazards like retail, restaurants, finance, insurance, or real estate industries and are listed in Appendix A to Subpart B. Also, any facility with ten or fewer employees does not have to routinely keep injury/illness paperwork.
Which industries are required to maintain recordkeeping information and post the OSHA 300A Summary Form? Below are some examples but this is not an all-inclusive list:
Automobile Dealerships
Freightliner Facilities
Collision Centers
Stand-Alone Repair Facilities
Manufacturing Facilities
Chemical Storage Facilities
My facility is not exempt, what do I need to do?
At the end of each calendar year each establishment must:
1. Review the entries on the OSHA 300 Log and ensure that all information is complete and accurate.
2. Create an annual summary of injuries/illnesses using the OSHA 300A Summary Form.
3. Certify the Summary Form.
4. Post the Summary Form in a conspicuous area(s) where employees normally see postings. Between February 1st and April 30th postings cannot be altered, defaced, or covered by other material.
How can I find these OSHA forms?
KPA has provided OSHA forms under the accident tab in myKPAonline.com. The PDF forms are auto-populated with accident information that has been entered. Additionally, OSHA Recordkeeping forms can be found on the OSHA website.
How do I fill out these forms?
If all injury information entered into the KPA accident tab is complete and accurate then the OSHA recordkeeping forms will be auto-populated with the exception of some of the Establishment Information.
Using the KPA website after the OSHA 300A Summary Form is printed, please ensure that the following items are added to the Establishment Information before it is posted: (1) Industry Description, (2) Standard Industrial Classification code (SIC) or North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS), (3) Total hours worked by employees in 2016, and (4) Certifying official signature.
Example OSHA 300A Summary Form:
1. Industry Description - Write a short description. Ex) Car Dealership, Collision Center, Manufacturing Facility, etc.
2. SIC code OR NAICS code. Codes can be searched here.
3.Total hours worked by employees in 2016
Include hours worked by salaried, hourly, part-time, and seasonal workers as well as hours worked by other workers subject to day to day supervision by your establishment (e.g. temporary help service workers). Do NOT include vacation, sick leave, holidays, or another non-work time, even if employees were paid for it. If your establishment keeps records of only the hours paid or if you have employees who are not paid by the hour, please estimate the hours that the employees actually worked. If this number isn’t available, you can use this optional worksheet to estimate it.
4. Cerifying Official
Who is considered a company executive to certify the 300A Summary Form?
· An owner of the company
· An officer of the corporation
· The highest ranking company official working at the establishment
In addition, OSHA has provided a brief 15-minute tutorial instructing how to fill out recordkeeping forms.
Can you post the OSHA 300 Log with the Summary Form?
Yes, but if the posting area is accessible by others (e.g., members of the public) the employer must remove or hide all names of the injured or ill employees as set out in Section 1904.29(b)(10).
What if I forgot my login to the KPA website?
Please contact the KPA Support Line at (800) 486-0400 to reset your password.
Do I have to send injury/illness information to OSHA by February 1st?
No, but paperwork associated with occupational injuries/illnesses must be retained onsite or online for a minimum of five years. However, if injury/illness information is requested by the Bureau of Labor Statistics then that request must be fulfilled within a designated timeframe. Additionally, current and former employees, or their representatives, have the right to access injury/illness records. Employers must give the requester a copy of the relevant record(s) by the end of the next business day.
Are there additional recordkeeping deadlines after February 1st?
Yes, effective July 1, 2017, OSHA will require certain establishments to electronically report injury/illness data to OSHA based on the criteria listed in the table below:
* Click certain high-risk industries to see what industries are included.
KPA will be developing an integration between myKPAonline and the OSHA website prior to the July, 2017, electronic reporting deadline. For additional information regarding OSHA’s “Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illness” requirements, please contact the EHS Product Support Team at 866-642-9628 or email .