DECEMBER 8, 2010
9:30 a.m. Convene in Regular Session
Matters Initiated by the General Public
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE #2010-055, Raymond J. May and Helen M. May (continued from November 10, 2010). The property owners applied for a Certificate of Compliance on August 3, 2010. The Lassen County Surveyor has determined that the subject parcel is eligible for a Conditional Certificate of Compliance. Therefore, the Technical Advisory Committee is being asked to determine the conditions required for a Conditional Certificate of Compliance for the subject property. The subject property was created by the Grant Deed recorded on August 10, 1972, at Book 257 of Lassen County records, page 612. The current owners acquired title to the property on September 25, 2007, by deed recorded at Document #2007-07229. Lassen County Ordinance 475 defined requirements for subdivisions at the time the current owners acquired title to the subject property. The project site is located approximately 12 miles southeast of Wendel, adjoining the south side of Connection Road (Co. Rd. 348). APN’s: 133-140-45, 46. Staff Contact: Brad Danielson, Surveyor.
LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT #2010-073, Freeman and Theobald, to adjust the property lines between two parcels totaling 1.004 acres. Before adjustment Parcel A is 0.538 acres, and Parcel B is 0.466 acres in size. After adjustment Parcel A will be 0.484 acres and Parcel B will be 0.520 acres in size. Both parcels are zoned R-1-B-D (Single Family Residential, Building Site and Design Combining Districts). The project site is located approximately 2,000 feet east of Westwood within Pine Town, at 464-000 and 464-020 Edgewood Circle. APN’s: 125-201-14, 15. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
* USE PERMIT #2010-079, Mary Beth Laguna, to allow a 1,384 sq. ft. second dwelling on a 3 acre parcel. The existing residence is 2,068 sq. ft. in size. The parcel is zoned A-2-B-2 (Agricultural Residential, Building Site Combining District, 2 minimum parcel size) and is designated “Rural Residential” as identified by the Janesville General Plan Amendments, 1993. The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15303(a) of the Guidelines. The project is located at 463-485 Main Street, .25 miles southeast of the intersection of Main Street and Sears Road in Janesville. APN: 129-610-33. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
Distribution:County Planning & Building Services County Fire Warden’s Office
County Environmental Health Dept. County Assessor’s Office
County Road Dept. County Surveyor
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TAC Agenda 12/08/2010