Connections: Relationships and Marriage
National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences (NASAFACS)
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Lesson 01: What It's Like to Be Me | Poster Page
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Lesson 02: Understanding Myself Better
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Lesson 03: Your Plan for Life (with timeline)
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Lesson 04: Behind the Scenes | Positive Relationships | Male & Female Media Models
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Lesson 05: Check the Status | Things Change
Grades: 11 & 12 – Adopted 2008
AREA OF STUDY / NASAFACS.13.0. / Interpersonal Relationships: Demonstrate respectful and caring relationships in the family, workplace and community.
CONTENT STANDARD / 13.6. / Demonstrate standards that guide behavior in interpersonal relationships.
COMPETENCIES / 13.6.1. / Apply critical thinking and ethical criteria to evaluate interpersonal relationships.
Lesson 06: Expectations
Grades: 11 & 12 – Adopted 2008
AREA OF STUDY / NASAFACS.13.0. / Interpersonal Relationships: Demonstrate respectful and caring relationships in the family, workplace and community.
CONTENT STANDARD / 13.6. / Demonstrate standards that guide behavior in interpersonal relationships.
COMPETENCIES / 13.6.1. / Apply critical thinking and ethical criteria to evaluate interpersonal relationships.
Lesson 07: Attractions | Getting Acquainted
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Lesson 08: Dating and Emotions | Breaking Up | My Ideal Person
Grades: 11 & 12 – Adopted 2008
AREA OF STUDY / NASAFACS.13.0. / Interpersonal Relationships: Demonstrate respectful and caring relationships in the family, workplace and community.
CONTENT STANDARD / 13.6. / Demonstrate standards that guide behavior in interpersonal relationships.
COMPETENCIES / 13.6.1. / Apply critical thinking and ethical criteria to evaluate interpersonal relationships.
Lesson 09: Family Patterns | Settling Differences
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Lesson 10: Let's Talk | Listening | Types of Filters
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Lesson 11: Handling Conflict
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Lesson 12: Components of Relationships | What Is Love?
Grades: 11 & 12 – Adopted 2008
AREA OF STUDY / NASAFACS.13.0. / Interpersonal Relationships: Demonstrate respectful and caring relationships in the family, workplace and community.
CONTENT STANDARD / 13.6. / Demonstrate standards that guide behavior in interpersonal relationships.
COMPETENCIES / 13.6.1. / Apply critical thinking and ethical criteria to evaluate interpersonal relationships.
Lesson 13: Roadblocks to Relationships | Compatibility Counts Before You Marry
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Lesson 14: Priorities | Household Duties | What About Kids?
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Lesson 15: Making the Decision | Rate Your Mate |The Wedding Marriage License
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Lesson 16: A Portrait | Parenting 101 | Family Album
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Lesson 17: Finances |The Family Budget | Keeping a Job
Grades: 11 & 12 – Adopted 2008
AREA OF STUDY / NASAFACS.2.0. / Consumer and Family Resources: Evaluate management practices related to the human, economic, and environmental resources.
CONTENT STANDARD / 2.6. / Demonstrate management of financial resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the life span.
COMPETENCIES / 2.6.1. / Evaluate the need for personal and family financial planning.
Lesson 18: Our Crisis
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Lesson 19: Family Vacation
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Lesson 20: What I Learned
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For more information on Connections: Relationships and Marriage please contact:

The Dibble Institute
