RESULTS Individual Planning Sheet for New Activists
Instructions: Some of the core values we share as RESULTS activists are Individual Transformation, Learning, and Action (see the Basics on the RESULTS website). Think about the activist milestones (below), what you yourself would like to accomplish in the next four months, and what you would like your group to accomplish together. (RESULTS Groups normally begin their group planning in January, so complete this form using a calendar year timetable)
1. What experiences have I had in other community groups that would be beneficial to our RESULTS Group?
2. What activities would I like to see our Group do this year?
a) Congress (i.e. members approached, # of face to face meetings, # of letters we send, relationships developed with aides)
b) Media (i.e. # letters to the editor submitted & published, editorials, op-eds, meetings with media members, outlets to approach)
c) Community (i.e. find more people w/ shared values, build a coalition, create action network, a joint event, fundraiser, # outreach events)
d) Other — Go wild with new ideas here (i.e. local cable TV show, rock concert beneficiary, foundation sponsors, protest march)
3. What can I bring to our group to encourage growth in our group this year? (i.e. what are 3 things I think I do well and/or that others say I do well? How can I attract/ encourage others to join our group?)
4. Circle or mark the Activist Milestones would I like to achieve by the end of this year?
Milestone #1 / Milestone #2 / Milestone #3 / Milestone #4 / Milestone #5 / Milestone #6 / Milestone #7 / Milestone #8Learn about a RESULTS issue (______) / Prepare and deliver laser talk / Write to MOC and get reply / Get letter to editor published / Send published letter to MOC / Develop relationship with aide of MOC / Ask question at town hall or candidate forum / Meet with a MOC
Milestone #9 / Milestone #10 / Milestone #11 / Milestone #12 / Milestone #13 / Milestone #14 / Milestone #15
Inspire an editorial in the paper and send to MOC / Speak to local group or church about RESULTS issues / Build community network of allies to take action / Organize community forum on a RESULTS issue / Organize a statewide media call / Hold a fundraising event or activity for RESULTS / Attend the International Conference
5. What skills do I want to develop and what will I do to achieve each of the milestones I’ve chosen? Examples of skills:public speaking, writing, computer or web, media, organizational, working with congress, advanced lobbying, building action networks, building coalitions, community outreach, faith-based outreach, developing & presenting workshops, new volunteer mentoring, fundraising, etc.
Milestone # / New Skill Needed (if any) / Actions I will take to develop skill and achieve Milestone