WMO RA I Sub-regional WIGOS Workshop for Central Africa
29 April 2014 – 2 May 2014, Brazzaville, Congo
Draft report
WMO RA I Sub-regional WIGOS Workshop for Central Africa
29 April 2014 – 2 May 2014 , Brazzaville, Congo
Draft report
I. Opening of the workshop
At the kind invitation of the Government of Congo, the RA-I Sub-regional WIGOS workshop for Central Africa was held in Brazzaville, Congo from 29 April 2014 to 2 May 2014. The workshop was formally opened on 29 April 2014 at 09:30 a.m.
On behalf of the WMO Secretary General, Mr Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Chief of the WIGOS Project office thanked the authorities of Congo for hosting the workshop. He emphasized the importance of this workshop as it is an opportunity to define a clear vision for what we would like to accomplish through WIGOS in the sub-region. He therefore encourage all the participants to participate actively.
The Vice-President of RA I and chair of the RA I Task Team on WIGOS, Dr Amos Makarau, also thanked the government of Congo for their invitation to WMO to organize the WMO RA I Sub-regional WIGOS Workshop for Central Africa in Brazzaville. He recall the importance of WIGOS and WIS for the RA I and that 3 sub-regional workshops have already been organized in Harare for Southern Africa, Abidjan for West Africa and Casablanca for North Africa.
On behalf of the Government of Congo, the Director General the Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ANAC) Mr Marcellus Boniface Bongho welcomed the participants[1] to Brazzaville. Knowing that a successful implementation of WIGOS and WIS will require substantial resources, he assured the workshop that the government of Congo will provide more resources to the Meteorological service of Congo. Already, 12 Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) were installed and the government in the process of establishing a National Climate Centre.
II. Adoption of the agenda and working arrangements
The agenda of the meeting and working arrangements were adopted[2].
III. The WIGOS Concept and Implementation
Dr Amos Makarau, Chair of the RA I Task Team on WIGOS presented the RA I WIGOS implementation plan preparations, the purposes of the sub-regional workshops, the RAI WIGOS Governance and Working Structure, the activities planned for 2013-2015 and the challenges facing the implementing of WIGOS in RA I.
Dr Lars Peter Riishojgaard made a presentation on the concept of WIGOS as a key WMO Foundation for meeting the observing needs of Weather, Climate, Water and Environment Services
Mr. Steve Foreman presented the WMO Information System (WIS) : the Global status of its implementation and the Discovery, Access, and Retrieval (DAR) component of the system.
Mr. H. Kontongomde presented the RA 1 WIGOS Implementation Plan : the key points and Milestones.
These presentations helped the participants understand the overall concept of WIGOS, and WIS, the management requirements for the Sub-region and the key activities areas for their implementation.
Mr. Felix Hounton presented the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) highlighting the importance of WIGOS and WIS for the framework as observations and data collection are pillars for GFCS.
IV. Observing Systems in the Sub-region of Central Africa
The representatives of Cameroun, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, ,Gabon, Central African Republic, Sao-Tome & Principe made presentations on the status of the observations network and the Telecommunications system in their countries and highlighted the main problems their NMHSs encounter[3] :
· Several silent Synoptic and upper air stations
· Problem of data transmission: SSB radio, GSM for automatic Weather stations are used for the transmission of data from synoptic stations; observation of climatological and agro-climatological stations as well as rain-gauges are received monthly though postal mail.
· New telecommunication systems (Internet) and mobile phone telephony, if available, could be used for the collection and transmission of meteorological data
· Observing station instruments and equipment are obsolete
· Maintenance of equipment is not always performed
· Lack of coordination with partners having their own observations networks
· Lack of qualified staff
· The Table Driven Code Forms (TDCF) encoding (in BUFR or CREX) not performed in some countries. However, ASECNA is currently working to ensure that the migration from TAC to TDCF in the ASECNA member countries is effective by the deadline of November 2014
· Insufficient sensors (instruments / equipment) especially with regards to marine meteorological and oceanographic observations
The representative of ASECNA made a presentation on the contribution of his agency in the development of the GTS in the ASECNA member countries and its evolution towards the WMO Information System (WIS). He also informed the workshop that automatic generation of TEMP and PILOT message in BUFR started in November 2013 : while the transmission of SYNOP messages in CREX and CLIMAT in BUFR from Station to National Meteorological Centre started in February 1st 2014
Several participants didn’t have a clear understanding of WIGOS and WIS. However, after the presentations by the WMO Secretariat, the participants acknowledged a better understanding of WIGOS and WIS, their objectives, benefits, impact and the overall implementation process. The issue of the national focal points for WIGOS and WIS had has been clarified.
V. Development of the Sub-Regional WIGOS Implementation Plan for Central Africa
The participants developed a table of the current situation of the Observing network in the sub-Regional of central Africa and identified future sub-regional priorities and major gaps of the Sub-regional working body to consider.
The main priorities which need to be solve as a matter of urgency were noted:
1. The particular situation of the Central African Republic due to the political instability in this country with the observations network completely destroyed except the station of Bangui. (Annex 1).
2. Telecommunication: The telecommunication link between Brazzaville and Kinshasa need to be quickly re-established. (A side meeting during the WMO 66thsession of the Executive Council in June 2014 between the PRs fo Congo, DR Congo, and WMO will discuss the problem to find a solution)
3. The Upper-air network in the sub-region. All the upper-air network stations in Central Africa are silent. (Action: ASECNA)
4. Lack of trained staff in the maintenance of Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) particularly for Cameroon and Congo
To ensure an effective implementation of the WIGOS and WIS in the sub-region, a Road map was developed for the implementation of WIGOS in the sub-region of Central Africa (Annex 2).
VI. National WIGOS Pilot projects
Congo and Cameroon decided to implement a national WIGOS pilot projects starting with and inventory of the all the stations in each country, followed by formal contact with all the potential partners on the national WIGOS project and a two days seminar with the participation of WMO to formalize mechanisms of collaboration.
VII. Development of the Sub-Regional WIS Implementation Plan for RA I
The participants recommended the nomination of a WIS focal point in each country of the sub-region of Central Africa.
VIII. Closure of the meeting
The Chair of the RA I Task Team on WIGOS, Dr Amos Makarau expressed his satisfaction for outcome of the workshop: a Sub regional WIGOS/WIS activities table has been finalized and a road map developed. He thanked WMO for its commitment for the implementation of WIGOS in all WMO Regions, particularly in Africa.
The Chief or the WIGOS project office, Mr. Lars Peter Riishojgaard thanked, the Permanent representative of Congo Mr. Camille Loumouamou and the Government of Congo for a well organized workshop. He thanked the participants for their presentations which provided a clear comprehension of the observing networks of the sub-region of central Africa.
Before closing the workshop, the Permanent representative of Congo Mr. Camille Loumouamou thanked the participants for their contribution, proactive discussion and the fruitful outcome of this intense and excellent session. He thanked WMO for choosing Brazzaville to host the workshop and asked the participants to report on the outcome of the workshop to their respective Permanent representatives and Directors.
The session was closed on 2 May 2014 at 13:06.
1. Etat des Lieux du Réseau d’Observation et de Télécommunication en Afrique centrale
2. Draft Table 2 of WIGOS activities
3. Road Map for the Preparatory Phase of the Implementations of WIGOS in Central Africa
4. Terms of References (ToR) of the RA-I Sub-regional Group on WIGOS
5. Terms of reference for National Focal Points WIS and GTS (FP WIS-GTS)
6. Agenda of the Sub-regional WIGOS/WIS workshop in Brazzaville
7. List of participants
Etat des Lieux du Réseau d’observations et des Télécommunications en Afrique Centrale
CONGO / RD CONGO / SAO-TOME / GABON / RCA / CAMEROUN / TCHAD / ASECNAStations silencieux / Constats / - SYNOP: 1 station à supprimer du volume A, 1 station par manque de personnel
- Pilot: 6 stations par manque d’équipements ou de formation / - SYNOP: 85 fermés et non déclarées à l’OMM; 15 stations silencieuses par manque de BLU, d’équipement et de personnel
- RS et Pilot: 5 stations à réhabiliter / - SYNOP: 1 station par manque de moyens de télécommunications et de personnel
; 1 station irrégulière pour problème de télécommunications / - SYNOP: 9 stations par manque d’équipements ou de formation, 3 stations à réhabiliter; 2 stations non inscrites au volume A
- RS: 2 stations non inscrites au volume A
- Pilot: 6 stations
par manque de consommables / 1 Station de RS
- Bangui
1 station opérationnelle sur 14
- 13 fermées. Causes evenements / 2 stations de RS
- Ngaoundere
4 stations fonctionnelles sur 20,
16 fermées manque d’équipements
- / 2 Stations de RS
-Sarh (Faya Largeau)
22 stations dont 17 opérationnelles
5 fermées
- / - RS CONGO: 2 stations par manque de consommables
Axes d’amélioration / - Personnel à affecter dans 1 station
- Personnel à affecter dans 2 stations Pilot
- 4 stations PILOT à supprimer du vol A / - Projet BM (démarrage début 2015)
- Assistance de la chine en équipements / - Personnel à affecter et moyens de télécommunications à améliorer
- Situation à régler en interne entre la INM et ENASA / - Toutes les stations synoptiques à réhabiliter par ASECNA (6 le seront à court terme)
- Insertion des 2 stations RS dans le volume A
- La dotation en consommables se poursuivra (ASECNA) et une réhabilitation est prévue / - Le groupe de travail de la sus-region devra faire des propositions de priorité en liasion avec le PR de RCA dans la cadre de WIGOS
- Toutes les stations synoptiques à réhabiliter par ASECNA (6 le seront à court terme)
- / - L’ASECNA assurera l’équipement et le fonctionnement des stations d’aérodromes dans tous les pays. / - 5 a re-ouvrir / -
TELECOM / Constats / - Moyens de télécommunications non au point / - Liaison CMN-CRT indisponible
- BLU pour la collecte nationale HS / - Liaison CMN-CRT défaillante / L’insuffisance de l’infrastructure du réseau national de télécommunications / Système de télécom détruit- mais 1 commutateur de message existe a l’aéroport de Bangui / GSM pour les stations automatiques, internet, téléphones / - téléphonie mobile
commutateur de message installé / COM station-CMN au Gabon
Axes d’amélioration / - BLU numérique à installer dans les stations par la DMN / - Projet BM (démarrage début 2015)
- Assistance de la chine en équipements
- Envisager la connexion CMN-CRT via Internet à court terme / Envisager la connexion CMN-CRT via Internet à court terme
- Renforcer la coordination entre Principe et Sao / ASECNA / - Plan d’équipement de la RCA a faire par le RP en liaison avec le groupe de travail de la sous-région
- Solliciter la coopération sous-régionale / Nouveaux BLU numériques
Logiciel pour encoder les messages des stations automatiques / Nouveaux BLU numériques
avec l’ASECNA / Constat / Certaines stations silencieuses sont sous la responsabilité de l’ASECNA par manque de consommables (Ex: produits fongibles pour les RS). Mécanisme de collaboration DMN-ASECNA par toujours clair et bien défini
Axes d’amélioration / Un cadre de concertation ASECNA-OMM et DMN existe, il doit doit être amélioré. L’OMM doit réactiver les rencontres avec l’ASECNA; les pays non membres de l’ASECNA peuvent contacter l’ASECNA pour un partenariat.
L’ASECNA est interpellé pour gérer au mieux les stations gérées par elle, mais qui sont mal entretenues
Equipements / Constat / - Inexistence d’une centrale d’achat commune qui permettrait de faire des économies d’échelle
- Inexistence d’un centre pour l’étalonnage
Axes d’amélioration / - Impliquer la CEEAC
- Nécessité de mettre en œuvre la centrale d’achat
- L’ASECNA mettra en place un centre Régional d’Instrumentation (CRI) dans la sous-région
Remplacement des équipements / Constat / - 14 baromètres à mercure
- Tous les thermomètres sont à mercure / Pas de baromètres et thermomètres numériques / Baromètre Principe à Mercure / La plupart des infrastructures météo (réseau d’observation et de télécom) sont à refaire / Tous les équipements sont obsolètes
Axes d’amélioration / - 4 baromètres remplacés
- Le reste en cours d’achat / Aucun processus amorcé / - Equipements à mercure remplacés à Sao-tomé
- Equipements à Mercure de Principé à remplacer / - 3 baromètres remplacés
- Le reste le sera avec le réhabilitation de ces stations
Personnel / Constat / Insuffisance du personnel dans tous les pays
Axes d’amélioration / - Plan de formation disponible
- Intégrer le personnel formé
- Meilleure prise en charge du personnel / - Rechercher les ressources pour le financement du plan quinquenal élaboré
- Meilleure prise en charge du personnel / - 5 techniciens niveau 3 formés et à intégrer
- Projet de formation de 4 ingénieurs et capacitation des cadres existants en cours
- Meilleure prise en charge du personnel / - Rechercher un centre de formation pour le personnel nouvellement intégré
- Exécuter le plan de résorption des déficits en personnel
- Meilleure prise en charge du personnel / Besoin de former du personnel a al maintenance des stations automatiques
Cas spécifique de la République Centrafricaine (RCA)