ChemistryMrs. Swonger
Introduction -Welcome to chemistry, which is a division of science dealing with matter and energy and the changes they undergo. We will cover the areas of inorganic chemistry which include but are not limited to; properties of matter, chemical reactions, atomic structure, states of matter, measurement and solutions.
Daily Supplies:
*e-book – Discovery Techbook,
*Paper and writing utensils.
*Scientific calculator– your phone calculator may not be used in the classroom.
Classroom Information
1.No food or drink in science classrooms.
2. A tardy slip will be required for students entering the room after the bell.
3. Respectful behavior is expected at all times.
4.You will receive three Chemistry Coupons each quarter. Use for hall passes, one day late assignments or 0.5% extra credit per quarter. Hall passes will be allowed after the first ten and before the last ten minutes of class and not during quizzes or tests.
5.Late assignments will not be accepted without a Chemistry Coupon (1day late only) and cannot be used for lab reports.Lab reports are accepted one day late for half credit.
6. If you are absent you are responsible for getting the missed assignments, handing in work due and making up assessments when you return. If you are absent the day a long-term project is due, you must still turn it in on the original due date. Prearrange to have the project dropped off at school before the final bell of the day or turn in prior to the due date. Unexcused absences result in zeros for the day’s work.
7. Quizzes and tests announced prior to a one-day absence will be taken on the day you return. (If you miss the review day or a day when no new material is given, you will still take the quiz/test as scheduled, so please check the schedule for the week.) For multiple day absences you will have the same number of days missed to make up work.
8.Write neatlyplease. Illegible writing may result in deductions.
9.Please see me before you get behind or if something isn’t clear. Arrange a time with me either before or after school.
10.A pair of closed toe shoes should be stored in you locker for use in lab. Don’t forget them.
11. Homework completion is essential for success and may be graded for completion. However, there will be an occasional grade taken on homework the day it is due, so please be ready every day.
Class work, which is completed during the period with the use of homework, notes, etc., will be done periodically and also graded on occasion. Class work questions will be similar to the homework.
12.Quizzes will be given during each unit and are rarely unannounced. They will concentrate on chapter learning targets with problems similar to those in the homework or class work.
13.If you miss a lab, a set of materials will be kept for 3 days following the original day of the lab in order for you to complete the work. At the end of the third day the materials will be re-shelved and you will receive a zero. You maynot work unsupervised in the lab.
Use the following formula to calculate your grade at any point during the year: total points earned divided by total points possible.
Chapter Assessments (include lab practicals)50-100 pts
Quizzes10-30 pts
Class work/Homework5-30 pts
Formal Lab30 pts
Minilab10/15 pts
Alternative Assessments50-100 pts
Semester Exams account for 10% of each semester grade.
Grading scale:100-90% A89-80% B79-70% C69-60% D59-0% F
You will be asked to complete formal reports for many of the labs you do in class. These must be completed in your lab book for full credit. Other minilabs will be handouts that you fill in and complete.
Formal Lab Report Format
1.Lab reports should be written in blue/black ink. Pencil should be used for graphs and calculations.
2.Write only on the front side of paper. Use complete sentences and proper grammar.
3.This is a report so write legibly as neatness counts toward your grade.
4.If a mistake is made, never scratch it out or use white out. Mark one line through it and record the correct answer beside the error. Ex. 34.7 g 37.4 g
5. Include the following information on the outside cover page.
Your Name
Partner’s Name
Class Period
6.Follow the format below for writing all formal lab reports. Include all headings given in bold print.
TITLE:Rewrite the title of the lab on the top line of the page.
PURPOSE:Summarize the objectives for the lab. What are you supposed to accomplish?
“The purpose of this lab is to…”
PROCEDURES:A brief description of what was done in the lab. It should be bulleted or in numbered steps. If given a handout with the procedures, you may write, “See handout.”
DATA:Organize the information collected during the experiment into table form. They should be large, neat(always use a ruler) and include units. Observations are brief descriptive statements that should be “honest” records even if they do not reflect what the “correct” answer should be. Always label x-axis and y-axis, and include a title for all graphs (typically y vs. x). You will make a carbon copy of the data.
& QUESTIONS:SHOW ALL WORK!!Every time you multiply, divide, add… show it.
Calculations should be numbered in the order of the lab.Calculations should
have units and follow sig figs.Answer all questions with complete sentences.
CONCLUSION:This should be in paragraph form. In drawing your conclusion, look again at the purpose and decide whether or not you established its validity. State your results. Discuss possible sources of error and percent error if calculated. Focus on results not procedures. No personal pronouns such as “I, we, my, our, etc.” should be used.
Course Of Study
Properties and states of matterEquation writing and balancing
Physical and chemical properties and changesMathematics of chemical equations
Mixtures, elements and compoundsHeat of reaction (enthalpy, entropy and Gibb’s free
Chemical reactionsenergy)
Scientific notationPeriodicity
Measurement and significant figuresGas laws
Metric conversions and factor-label problem solvingMolecular shape and polarity
Atomic structureLiquids and solids
Electron configurationSolutions
Chemical formulas and bondingAcids, Bases and salts
The mole conceptHonors Chem Additional topics:Redox Rxn, Equilibrium
Percent composition, empirical and molecular formulasOrganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry
Equation writing and balancing
Detach along dotted line and return only this lower portionby ______
Please sign below to indicate that you and your parents/guardians have read and understand the guidelines and expectations for this course. Please attend school regularly, be diligent in your efforts and try every day! I look forward to an enjoyable and successful year and hope you do as well.
Student signature
Parent/Guardian signature(s)
Parent/Guardian e-mail