Pre- AP 9 Curriculum Guide
Authors: Jennifer Allinder (Jefferson County International Baccalaureate School), Kathleen Dotts (Huntsville High School), Merri Smith (Shades Valley High School), Leah Stoudenmier (Loveless Academic Magnet Program), Susan Caraway (Clay Chalkville High School), Wendy Warren (Alabama Reading Initiative) Betsy Brooks and Regina Johnson (A+ College Ready), and LTF English staff Doris Rutherford, Sheila Curlin, Debra McIntire, and Michelle Stie-Buckles
4th Nine Weeks:
Theme: Values That Define Society
Goal: I can independently discover literary themes and authors’ purposes and explain how those ideas are conveyed through characters and the hero’s journey, through conflicts, and through literary and rhetorical devices.Objectives:
I can recognize the following syntactical techniques: antithesis, juxtaposition, elliptical clauses or phrases, anaphora, epistrophe, polysyndeton, parallelism, repetition, etc., and explain how these devices contribute to the meaning of the work or the author’s purpose.
I can evaluate perspectives from literary critics and develop my own ideas about their arguments.
I can analyze fiction to discover themes and explain how those themes are developed.
I can examine documents and speeches to determine rhetorical devices that are used in each and explain how they contribute to meaning/purpose.
I can write an analysis of an argument that explains how and why an author uses rhetorical strategies.
I can debate issues found in contemporary life that are raised to awareness in literature.
I can examine an event or other subject from a variety of media sources and compare which of the details are emphasized in each source.
20120 ALCOS Standards: (Numbers listed are for ALCOS numbers of standards)/Common Core
Grade 9 Reading Standards for Literature
Key Ideas and Details
1. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition.
2. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition.
3. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition.
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
9. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
Reading Standards for Informational Text
Key Ideas and Details
10. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition.
11. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
12. Cumulative standard; see second nine weeks for definition
Craft and Structure
13. Cumulative standard; see second nine weeks for definition
14. Cumulative standard; see second nine weeks for definition
15. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
16. (RI.9 – 10.7) Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.
18. (RI.9 – 10.9)Analyze seminal European documents of historical significance (e.g. Magna Carta; English Bill of Rights; The Social Contract, or Principles of Political Right), including how they address related themes and concepts included in United States’ documents of historical and literary significance.
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
19. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
20. Cumulative standard; see 2nd nine weeks for definition
21. Cumulative standard; see 1st nine weeks for definition
Production and Distribution of Writing
23. Cumulative standard; see 1st nine weeks for definition
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
26. (W. 9 – 10.7) Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
27. Cumulative standard; see third nine weeks for definition
28. Cumulative standard; see second nine weeks for definition
Range of Writing
29. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
33. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
35. Cumulative standard; see second nine weeks for definition
Language Standards
Conventions of Standard English
36. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
37. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
39. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
41. Cumulative standard; see first nine weeks for definition
Thematic Focus: The literature study for this last nine weeks focuses on the values important to society and how those values define that society. Some guiding questions for this unit are as follows: What are the important values to which society needs to adhere? How do they affect people’s lives, their behaviors, and their actions? How does literature challenge/support these values?
Suggested Literature selections:
Novel: Lord of the Flies by William Golding or Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Short Story: “The Necklace” by de Maupassant
Poetry: Independent study through the Poet Focus Research Project
Nonfiction: speeches by George W. Bush, Maya Angelou, Albert Gore, Jr. (from LTF Appeals through Syntax Lesson; selections found in research for debate (see LTF lesson Writing an Argument and Debating on Fahrenheit 451); The Declaration of Independence; various quotes from John Locke.
Vocabulary study and mechanics review: Vocabulary from texts studied (see LTF Vocabulary study for both of these novels on the LTF website) will occur throughout the nine weeks as well as mini lessons on grammar and mechanics as needed based on student writing assessments. In addition, students will work on the Poetry Foundation Lesson from LTF outside of class
Week / Suggested Activities / Skills Addressed (cumulative—only new skills added each week) / LTF Lesson Suggestions / Notes1 / · This nine weeks will begin with students becoming familiar with literary criticism through the LTF Poet Focus Research Project.
· The teacher explains the Poetry Project that students will work on that is based on the LTF Poet Focus Lesson but adds one component: students must add another source to the biography of the poet that is from a multimedia source. In their presentation of the biography, they must include a comparison of the details presented by those two sources.
· Teacher takes students to the library to do their poetry research. (Teacher can do quick observation-based formative assessments as (s)he works with students in the library to ensure that students understand the assignment, are on task, and are meeting the objectives for the assignment. )
· Students take the LTF Multiple Choice tests on “Those Winter Sundays” and “My Father’s Hats”
· In groups, students discuss their answers and the reasons why some answers are correct and others incorrect. Teacher can use the discussion as a formative assessment. (Please remember that these types of MC questions are very difficult and should not necessarily be used as a test grade.) / Reading Strategies: Annotation, Inference, Seminar/ Discussion
Elements of Research
Literary Forms: Verse
Figures of Speech:
Sound Devices: alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia / Poet Focus Research Project (Grade 9)
Multiple Choice Diagnostics on “Those Winter Sundays” and “My Father’s Hats” / LTF Poet Focus Research Project is found on the LTF website under Lessons and Overviews (grade 9)/Elements of Research. Additional sources for the extra biographical source can come from a variety of multimedia sources like DVD’s, online videos, etc. Teachers may want to find some of these sources ahead of time to be able to guide students to them easily.
Multiple Choice Diagnostics on “Those Winter Sundays” and “My Father’s Hats” are found on the LTF website under Grade Level Assessments (9th grade)/Comparison and Contrast
2 / · Read “Ozymandias” and discuss the following: characterization of Ozymandias, irony, poetic structure, and the values that Ozymandias seems to have had. The teacher should allow the students to discuss their own opinion about the appropriateness or inappropriateness of Ozymandias’s values.
· With teacher guidance and instruction, students will complete the PAT Foundation Lesson: Theme and Point of View Using Ozymandias. (Students can do some of this lesson in small groups. Teacher feedback will be important as students move through the lesson.)
· Students will have some library time for their poetry research
· All of the poetry lessons will be done in class. Teacher needs to give a reading timeline for the novel and encourage students to begin reading the novel at home and working on connection to meaning journals at home. Teachers should plan to monitor students’ reading and the completion of the journals at least once a week during the novel study. / Literary Elements: Irony, characterization, theme, point of view, symbolism
Mechanics: punctuation
Composition: analytical / PAT Foundation Lesson: Theme and Point of View Using Ozymandias / PAT Foundation Lesson: Theme and Point of View Using Ozymandias is found on the LTF website under Lessons and Overviews (Grade 9)/Literary Elements
See appendix for model connection to meaning journals for the novel. Teachers will need to create some of these types of journals for students as they work through the novel. Students should have different journals for different sections of the novel.
3 / · Students will present their Poetry Projects from the Poet Focus Research Project (summative assessment)
· Students will complete practice exercises on syntactical techniques; they will need to work through these lessons and then apply them to the short story or the novel they are reading and to their own compositions. Teachers can select passages from “The Necklace” or the novel and have students analysis the passage for the use of these syntactical and rhetorical devices and discuss the effect of them on the story or novel.
· Students read “The Necklace” and complete the journal that connects literary devices, conflicts, etc. to theme
· Students complete a timed writing about theme of “ The Necklace” (formative assessment)
· Students peer edit those timed writings.
· Using information from the peer edit, teacher suggestions, and the LTF lessons already completed and/or suggested, students revise the timed essay focusing on revision of syntax, supporting detail, and commentary. (Revised essay is the summative assessment.)
· Students continue reading the novel and working on the dialectical journals that will guide students through various literary elements and their connection to meaning / Grammar: sentence beginnings, sentence variety, sentences, balanced sentence, loose/cumulative sentences, periodic sentences, syntactical techniques of : antithesis, juxtaposition, asyndeton, ellipsis, parallelism, polysyndeton, anaphora, epistrophe, anadiplosis, epanalepsis, antimetabole, inverted order, rhetorical fragment, rhetorical question
Reading Strategies: Determining audience
Determining the author’s purpose
Determining the main idea
Literary Elements: Detail, Diction, Imagery, Mood, Style, Tone, Symbolism / Foundation Lesson: Learning Advanced Syntax Techniques
Appeals through Syntax (module 10)
Foundation Lesson: Sentence Variety / LTF Foundation Lesson: Learning Advanced Syntax Techniques is found on the LTF website under Lessons and Overviews (grade 9)/Grammar/Syntax Techniques
LTF Lesson Appeals through Syntax is found on the LTF website under Lessons and Overviews/Grammar/Syntax Techniques
See appendix for “The Necklace” journal and timed writing prompt.
See appendix for peer editing form; see also the rubric for grading the peer edits
LTF Foundation Lesson: Sentence Variety can be found on the LTF website under Grammar/Sentence Variety
4 / · Students continue reading the novel and dialectical journals.
· Teacher may want to administer meaningful reading quizzes to check comprehension. Other ways to assess are to use student-created poetry about the novel based on LTF’s Poetry of Phrases lesson, having students complete bare-bones paragraphs, and Killgallon-style activities.
· Teacher and class discuss the different characters and their responses to the conflicts within the novel. What values do characters have? Are they the same values that are important to the fictional society? What textual evidence supports the idea of the characters having these values? How do these values compare to the values we hold? How does the author present societal values? Are the societal values good or bad, the same as the characters’ or different? Teacher may want to have students work through the LTF Lesson: Conflict and Theme to help students make the connection of how conflict supports the development of the theme.
· Teacher introduces the debate assignment, Writing an Argument and Debating Based on Fahrenheit 451. If teaching Fahrenheit 451, use the LTF lesson for the debate preparation. If teaching Lord of the Flies, use the LTF lesson as a model and see appendix for websites and information that will be useful in adapting the lesson for Lord of the Flies. (Teacher needs to follow the timeline in the LTF lessons that has the preparation and the debate covering a 15 – day period. Formative assessments can occur as teachers check information from sources, time on task, preparation of argument, etc.) / Elements of Research: Paraphrase, emotional, ethical and logical appeals, evaluation of sources, use of print sources, use of the internet, introduction, thesis, body, commentary, evidence, conclusion / LTF Lesson: The Poetry of Phrases
LTF Lesson: Conflict and Theme
LTF Writing an Argument and Debating Based on Fahrenheit 451 / LTF Lesson: The Poetry of Phrases is found on the LTF website under Grammar/Phrases
LTF Lesson: Conflict and Theme is found on the LTF website under Literary Elements (Module 8)
LTF Writing an Argument and Debating Based on Fahrenheit 451 found on the LTF website under Lessons and Overviews (Grade 9)/ Literary Techniques
5 / · Students continue reading the novel and the dialectical journals.
· Teacher may want to check comprehension with meaningful reading quizzes, etc. One assessment might be to use the LTF Lesson Post Mortem of the Protagonist to see what the students understand about the main character and his values. This lesson should be completed with students in groups in the classroom.
· Teacher continues to discuss aspects of the novel with students, clarifying points and discussing either censorship with Fahrenheit 451 or the need for laws with Lord of the Flies.
· Teacher and students utilize library time for the debate preparation / LTF Lesson: Post Mortem of the Protagonist
LTF Foundation Lesson: Using Concession and Counter Argument might be helpful in debate preparation / LTF Lesson: Post Mortem of the Protagonist is found on the LTF website under Lessons and Overviews (grade 9)/Literary Elements
LTF Foundation Lesson: Using Concession and Counter Argument is found under Lessons and Overviews (grade 9)/Composition/Types (Modes)
6 / · Teacher and students finish their discussion of the novel.
· Students will complete an Imaging summative assessment
· Teacher and students utilize library time for debate preparation and make plans for actual debate / See appendix for Imaging Summative Assessment
7 / · Student debates occur (2-3 days)
· Students will re-take the Ninth Grade Assessments (multiple choice)
· Students and teachers will self- assess and reflect on the multiple choice / LTF Ninth Grade Assessment / Ninth Grade Assessment to use as the post-test should be the same multiple choice test students took in September. It is found on the LTF website under Creating Quality Assessments/9th Grade/Grade Assessments.
8 / · After having discussed societal values from the novel of choice, teacher brings in a copy of quotes from John Locke about the role of government and The Declaration of Independence for students to compare the ideas presented in each and discuss important American values. Teacher should have students identify the influence John Locke’s work has on the Declaration.
· Students then complete the LTF lesson Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Writing an Analytical Nugget Using a Game of Catch in preparation for writing a rhetorical analysis paper. Preferably, the teacher will adapt the lesson to a passage from the novel since the text used by LTF in this lesson does not fit the theme of the nine weeks. This lesson is intended to help students understand what is involved in writing a rhetorical analysis essay of a text and will be applied to The Declaration of Independence.
· Students write a paragraph explaining Jefferson’s use of one of the rhetorical devices that contributes to the persuasion of The Declaration of Independence (summative assessment) / See appendix for website for The Declaration of Independence and a handout of particular quotes by John Locke about freedom, government, etc.
LTF Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Writing and Analytical Nugget Using a Game of Catch lesson is found on the LTF website under Lessons and Overviews (Grade 9)/Structural Elements
See appendix for writing prompt for paragraph on The Declaration of Independence
9 / · Week 9 is generally review and semester exam week. Teachers can use their own multiple choice questions that reflect the literature studied as part of the semester exam. The appendix also has several prompts that can be used for an essay as part of the semester exam / See appendix for prompts that can be used as part of the semester exam