Numerical and Statistical tools for images analysis
based on the database from Frascati Tokamak Upgrade
M. Chinnicia , S. Cuomob, S. Migliori c
a ENEA-FIM, Portici Research Center, Via Vecchio Macello – Loc. Granatello – 80055 Portici (Napoli) , Italy
bUNIVERSITA’ FEDERICO II, Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni”R.Caccioppoli”Via Cinthia –80136Napoli , Italy
c ENEA- FIM, Enea Sede, Lungotevere Thaon di Revel n. 76 - 00196 Roma, Italy
The advent of the internet and extensive digital image libraries has entailed the development of rapid and efficient computer-based image searching and browsing techniques. The term content-based image retrieval refers to automatic recovery of images from a database based on a set of graphic features that qualify the images and that are, loosely speaking, similar to the characteristics of a given query image. This contribution (within the CRESCO Project) concerns the application of retrieval techniques and analysis of plasma images coming from Frascati Tokamak Upgrade(FTU).Data from FTU are acquired as movies or single frames. The wide number of information available by visual inspection of the datais often a limitation to real time experimental investigation. It appears that the images from the cameras can help to reconstruct some plasma phenomena and real time analysis could be useful for machine operation. On the other hand, due to the large number of data recorded, visual inspection of the movies is time consuming and often insufficient to correlate the images to other experimental findings.For a profitable use of the signals it is desirable to build specific tools for automatic processing of the images.The problems increases in complexity and cost in terms of hardware and software resources.In this research field the growing demand for computational resources has been a persistent goal of computational scientist.The challenge is to solve these problems with a computational power that could be achieved inexpensively with collection of “distributed” resources. The main goal is to provide both efficient and low cost computing environment by sharing of computational tools.This paper illustrates the acquisition system and the procedures developed for the processing and analysing of FTU images using ENEA-GRID technologies and middleware.In details, data are stored in a suitable database customize to FTU, to be adopt inmathematical and statistical models in order to correlate the images with plasma signals and to search the image information retrieval.