Budget and Strategic Alignment Communications, Proposals, Decisions Timeline: Fall 2008 to Present

SABRRC: Strategic Alignment and Budget Reduction Review Committee

ACBSP: Advisory Council on Budget and Strategic Priorities

OUS: Oregon University System

November 12 / Budget Update to the Faculty Senate / The Provost presented a budget update at the Faculty Senate meeting / PPT on Web
November 12 / SABRRC memo to Senior Administrators / The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs sent a memo to senior administrators regarding the submission of reports/proposals to the SABRRC, and provided important future deadlines. / http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/documents/memo-first-deadline.pdf / Web
November 11 / Q&A re Budget Reductions, Alignment, Long-term University Goals / To develop a better understanding of alignment of colleges into divisions and how reductions in budgets over the next two years will affect the university both now and into the future, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee called for anonymous questions or concerns to be submitted via its Web site. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee forwarded that feedback to OSU leadership for response. / http://oregonstate.edu/senate/BudgetResp..pdf / OSU Today & web
November 10 / Degrees for Elimination / The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs sent OUS a summary regarding our degree program elimination process and outcome. / Email from VPAA to OUS
November 6 / Budget Update from the Provost / The Provost continued the dialogue regarding the university budget, academic alignment and decision-making processes related to both of those areas in a special "state of the budget" communication / http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/provost-dialogue-11-06-09.html / OSU Today & web
November 2 / College communications / All academic deans communicated with their colleges regarding the divisions and the appointment of the executive deans / Emails from Deans to their faculty and staff
November 2 / Divisional Alignment / The Provost announced the appointment of the four Executive Deans / INFORM
October 26 / Degrees for Elimination / Based on feedback from faculty and deans, three programs were removed from the list of degrees slated for elimination or consolidation: Resource Management (BS); Wood Science and Technology (BS); Radiation Health Physics (BS) / Email from Provost to Provost’s Council
October 23 / Faculty Senate web site / The Faculty Senate created an anonymous web site where budget ideas, questions, and concerns could be shared with Faculty Senate leadership, who in turn, shared the input with administration. / Web
October 23 / President’s “Preparing for a Better Future” Letter / The President wrote to the campus community to reflect upon challenges and opportunities facing the University, including enrollment, access to courses, financial aid, near-term budget challenges, future goals, the OSU 2024 profile, cost-reduction activities, etc. He also provided a link to responses to questions and input from faculty and staff. / INFORM
October 16 / Retention Efforts / Memo from the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs regarding salary increases specifically for retention cases / Email from VPAA to Provost’s Council
October 15 / Ecampus Course Development / The Provost asked the academic deans to think about opportunities to pursue the development of additional Ecampus online sections for existing courses that are at or near critical capacity / Email from Provost to Provost’s Council
October 15 / Student Advising / The Provost created a Faculty Senate/Academic Affairs task force to create an executable plan for improving first-year student advising / Email from Provost to Susie Brubaker-Cole & Kim McAlexander
October 14 / University Housing & Dining Services / The Provost shared the decision that UHDS will have a dual reporting line to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs and the Vice Provost for Finance & Administration / Email from Provost to VPSA & VPFA
October 14 / Telecommunications & Network Services / The Provost shared the decision that Telecomm & Network Services will have a dual reporting line to the Vice Provost for Information Services and the Vice President for Finance & Administration / Email from Provost to VPIS & VPFA
October 9 / Budget Documents / The Provost shared Budget Savings Documentation, along with a Budget Savings Calculations Explanation document / http://webdev.cws.oregonstate.edu/pubs/budget/documents.html / Web
October 8 / Budget Update from the Provost / The Provost shared the Strategic Alignment and Budget Reduction Implementation Plan with the campus community.
The implementation plan included actions and a timeline for the decisions approved by the President. Appendices included a summary of the approved proposals, cost reduction targets for 2009-10, and FAQs.
Decisions included:
§  Divisional administrative structures
§  Administrative system guidelines
§  Academic system guidelines
§  Research guidelines
§  Student success recommendations
§  Specific administrative and academic support unit cost savings in:
§  Academic Affairs, International Programs, Student Affairs
§  Graduate School
§  Information Technology
§  University Advancement
§  Finance & Administration
§  President’s Office
§  Outreach & Engagement
§  Machine Shops
§  Academic Program Elimination and/or Consolidation / Letter from the Provost:
Implementation Plan: http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/Implementation-Plan-10-8-09.pdf
http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/Appendix-C-FAQs-oct-8-09.pdf / INFORM & web
October 8 / President’s “Setting our Course” Speech to the Faculty Senate / The President’s speech covered OSU in 2025, current circumstances, managing costs and moving forward, growing our resource base and strategic investments, charting and staying the course, and metric comparisons with our aspirational peers / http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/president/state_university_address2009.html / Web
October 8 / Youth Development Education / The Provost shared the decision that the Department of Youth Development Education will be aligned with the Division of Health Sciences / Email from Provost to R. Rennekamp
October 7 / SABRRC Invitation / The Provost invited the members of the Strategic Alignment and Budget Reduction Review Committee to serve / Email from Provost to SABRRC
September 30 / ACBSP meeting with the President / ACBSP recommendations approved by the President included:
§  Divisional administrative structures
§  Student success recommendations
§  Specific administrative and academic support unit cost savings in:
§  Academic Affairs, International Programs, Student Affairs
§  Graduate School
§  Information Technology
§  University Advancement
§  Finance & Administration
§  President’s Office
§  Outreach & Engagement
§  Machine Shops
§  Academic Program Elimination and/or Consolidation
The final recommendations did not include moving the College of Education administration to the OSU Cascades Campus. / Meeting
September 29 / Faculty Senate Special Session re Budget / The President and others presented an update to the Faculty Senate, including:
§  an overview of budget projections and revenue information
§  a reminder of decisions that were made by the President in July
§  Administrative system guidelines
§  Academic system guidelines
§  Research guidelines
§  Administrative and academic support unit cost savings
§  An overview of ACBSP proposals still under consideration
§  Divisional alignment
§  Move College of Education admin to OSU Cascades Campus
§  Structure for student success
§  Consolidation and elimination of degrees / http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/Faculty-Senate-Special-Session-9-29-09.pdf / PPT on web
September 27-28 / Provost’s Council Retreat / The Provost’s Council met over two days to discuss the divisional alignment proposals and the College of Education proposal / Meeting
September 18 / Budget Allocations / The Provost and Vice President for Finance & Administration provided the University with unit budget allocations for 2009-2010 / Email from Provost & VPFA to Provost’s Council & VPUA
September 17 / Marketing, Media, Events functions / A committee was charged by the Provost to oversee the consolidation and streamlining of media, marketing and events management across the University / Email from Provost to committee
September 17 / IT functions / A committee was charged by the Provost to oversee the consolidation and streamlining of IT functions across the University / Email from Provost to committee
September 17 / Machine Shops / The Director of Facilities Services was charged by the Provost to compile an inventory of machine shops at the University, including FTE and other resources, in the context of the needs of the University, by November 15, 2009, with the goal of working with the relevant academic units to consolidate the shops and monitor progress/cost savings / Email from Provost to Director, Facilities Services
August 26 / FCG Report to President & Provost / The Faculty Consultative Group provided findings associated with the August 20, 2009 deliberations on Academic Degree Programs Proposed for Elimination and/or Consolidation to the President and Provost / Email from Faculty Senate to President & Provost
July 17 / ACBSP FAQ / An updated FAQ was posted to the State of the Budget web site / http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/7-17-09faq.pdf / Web
July 15 / Statement from President Ray / The President approved ACBSP recommendations that fell under four areas:
1.  Administrative system guidelines that are designed to eliminate redundancy and consolidate structures and processes;
2.  Academic system guidelines that are designed to reduce courses, degrees and minors with low enrollments; and restructure units at the department level to minimize administrative costs and promote growth in key areas;
3.  Administrative efficiency decisions associated with academic support functions and central administrative units;
4.  Reductions to the statewide programs, which include the Agricultural Experiment Station, Extension Service and Forest Research Laboratory.
In addition, he forwarded an ACBSP proposal that would create divisions of academic colleges, while maintaining the current college structure and a relocation of our College of Education to OSU Cascades Campus. / Web link isn’t working / INFORM & web
July 13 / ACBSP meeting with President Ray / The ACBSP submitted proposals and recommendations to the President. Recommended for approval:
§  Administrative System Guidelines, to reduce system redundancies, eliminate unnecessary functions, and eliminate or consolidate structures and processes.
§  Academic System Guidelines, to reduce low enrollment courses, degrees and minors, and structure units at the department level with critical faculty numbers to promote growth and minimize administrative costs.
§  Administrative efficiency savings, associated with academic support functions (IT; marketing, media and events; academic services) and central administrative units.
Recommended for campus input:
§  A divisional college structure that, while maintaining current colleges, brings them together in divisions aligned with OSU’s signature areas of distinctiveness.
§  Changes in Statewide Public Service programs, to provide sustainable programs consistent with budgets and that better aligns them with the divisional structure.
§  Set of degrees for elimination and/or consolidation. / Letter: http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/memo-to-president-ray-7-13-09.pdf
PPT: http://webdev.cws.oregonstate.edu/pubs/budget/documents.html / Meeting; web
July 1 / Budget Update from President Ray / The President wrote to the campus community about the state of the budget and the ACBSP process, recommendations / http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/6-30-09-budget-message-ed-ray.html / INFORM & web
June 17 / IT & Marketing/Media/Events / The Provost sent consultant summaries/recommendations related to IT, Marketing, Media, Events to the Provost’s Council for review and input / Email from Provost to Provost’s Council
June 15 / Update from the President and Provost / The President and Provost wrote to the campus community in appreciation for the past academic year, with a reminder about the work of the ACBSP / INFORM
June 12 / Tenure Relinquishment Programs / The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs provided information to the campus community regarding tenure relinquishment programs / Email from VPAA to deans, chairs, etc
June 10 / Provost’s Council / The Provost discussed early ACBSP thinking regarding program reductions and strategic alignments with the Provost’s Council, including elimination of some degree programs. Deans were charged to have preliminary conversations with affected units. / Email from Provost to Provost’s Council; discussion at meeting
June 2 / Faculty Senate Presentation re Budget / The President and Vice President for Finance & Administration presented to Faculty Senate, including an update on the budget context.
The Vice Provost for Student Affairs represented the ACBSP and discussed some proposals:
§  Administrative system guidelines
§  Academic system guidelines
§  Other ACBSP ideas, including student success proposal, partial consolidation of college structures, higher level of self support for CVM, CoP / http://webdev.cws.oregonstate.edu/pubs/budget/documents.html
The forum was videotaped and is available on the web at http://oregonstate.edu/media/zsfkk / PPT on web
May 27 / Provost’s Council & Cabinet Review / Early ACBSP proposals were presented to and discussed with the Provost’s Council and the Cabinet, including:
§  Administrative system guidelines
§  Academic system guidelines / Email from Provost to Provost’s Council; PPT presentation
May 21 / Budget Update from President Ray / The President wrote to the campus community about his current understanding of the state of the Oregon budget and its impact on Oregon State University.
The expectations at that time included:
§  $12-15 million reduction over the next two years to OSU's Education and General budget.
§  $18 million dollar reduction in Statewide Public Services
§  The Campus Public Service Programs (The Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute and the Institute for Natural Resources), facing 15 percent reductions would have to reduce instructional and research services for the units that work with them
§  The College of Engineering would sustain a 15 percent reduction in funds from the Engineering Technology Industry Council (ETIC) - funds that support faculty, teaching and research
§  The OSU Cascades Campus would sustain the 15 percent reduction / http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/budget/campus-message-5-21-09.html / INFORM & web
May 13 / Amended Guidelines for 2007-09 Budget Reduction / The Provost provided amended guidelines for requests to review and approve filling vacant positions. / INFORM
May 13 / Campus feedback / Questions and comments were collected via the Faculty Senate web site and the State of the Budget web site and were submitted to the ACBSP. ACBSP members reviewed the documents and responded to input that included a name or email address. / Email from Faculty Senate to ACBSP
May 8 / IT & Marketing/Media/Events / The Provost wrote to the Provost’s Council regarding streamlining and consolidating IT, Marketing, Media, Events, and the plan to hire consultants to investigate and recommend changes and savings. / Email from Provost to Provost’s Council & Cabinet
May 1 / Budget Update from the Provost / The Provost provided the campus community with an ACBSP work update, and a link to the PPT from the April 30 Special Session of the Faculty Senate. / INFORM