Fayetteville, Arkansas
January 20th & 21st, 2006
President - Scootr
Vice President - Tree
Secretary - Dawn
Treasurer - Bookkeeper
Security - AB
Ambassador - Horace
Founder - Chief
STATE REPRESENTATIVES: Total 22 (21 show, 1 no show)
AL – SchepMD - Dale
AR – KickstandMN - Heater
CA – SpurzMO - Angel
CO – LockwasherNH - Devin
CT – YosemiteNY - Skeeter
FL – Big John OH - Tubby
ID – no showOK - Slambo
KS – GatorPA - Batman
KY – JackTX – Gambler
LA – Bubba SmithUT – Chris
MA –RickWI - Stretch
Merchandise - Ice
Chapter Development - AB
Public Relations - Caveman
National Webmaster - Thug
Trademark Specialist – Rockit
Friday, January 20, 2006 meeting was called to order at 08:00am
Welcome to Arkansas: Tree / NEB Welcome to new Chapters, FL, LA and CT.
Attendance: Dawn / NEBRoll call was taken. ID, UT and Ambassador not present.
Item 5.1 & 5.2 – Nominations / Elections
Chief / NEB
Discussion: Poor support from the NB and their responsibilities to the NB & NEB. State Reps need to be more responsive and communicate more with feedback positive or negative. If any email is sent out to the State Reps, everyone should respond if only to say they received the email. Position as a State Rep is a National position and what you do affects not only your State but the whole BACA Nation.
Note: UT State Rep and Ambassador showed up
Item 5.8 & 12.1– Overseas Development
Chief & Scootr/ NEB
Discussion: A need to establish procedure and protocol for future endeavors including expenditure of monies.
Case in point: A trip taken to Australia by 2 NEB members. A vote taken at the 2005 National Meeting was to have Australia cover the cost of the trip. It was later decided by the NEB, with the exclusion of the NB to take the trip and pay for it out of national funds.
Scootr accepted full responsibility and an apology was given to the NB on behalf of the NEB for not bringing them into the discussion on paying for the trip to Australia.
Item 5.3 – Voting history of State Reps & NEB
Chief / NEB
Discussion: Line item vote accountability for State Reps so that members can know what is being voted on and how their State Rep voted accordingly.
Motion # 1 - Chief / NEB2nd – Angel / MO
All items voted on by each individual member of the NB will be made available on the BACA Extranet.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 28
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 1 – National Bylaw Article 4 Item 3a & 3b
Scootr / NEB
Discussion: Item 3a indicates that everyone is required to be a member of BACA for 2 years prior to being eligible for the National Board. That would mean chartered chapters would not have a seat on the board until they have been chartered for 2 years. Changing Item 3a would make Item 3b repetitive.
Motion #2 - Slambo / OK2nd – Gator / KS
Strike verbiage in Article 4 Item 3b and change it to read “reserved”.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - absent from roomSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 27
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 0
Absent - 1
Motion Passed
Motion #3 - Tree / NEB2nd – Lockwasher / CO
Change Article 4 Item 3a to read: To be eligible to serve as a NEB Member, a Member must be an active BACA Member in good standing with his/her local Chapter and have had a working knowledge of the principles and structure of BACA for a minimum of 2 years, and have served on the NB.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 28
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 2 – Update on Sestrom Lawsuit
Gambler / TX
Discussion: An update was given on the current status of the Sestrom Lawsuit in TX. Discussion about the pros and cons of having liability insurance. It was decided that if you have insurance then your Chapter has something to go after if being sued and it probably best not to carry any to do any “security” as individuals.
Spurz – CA, Yosemite – CT, Jack/Tate – KY and Bubba LA will form a committee to check into insurance rates and will report back to the NEB within 90 days.
Item 3 – Artwork approval / copyright infringement
Heater / MN
Discussion: Copyright infringement as it pertains to designs and/or artwork from motorcycle clubs.
Resolution – If you think there might be a problem, don’t do it.
Item 4.1 – The approval process for having state merchandise made.
Tubby / OH
Discussion: Costs involved in making a prototype for a merchandise item by a Chapter can be costly.
If National decides to pick it up as a National Merchandise Item who bears the expense of the manufacturing costs?
Motion #4 - Slambo / OK2nd – Gator / OK
Make an amendment to the Merchandise Policies & Procedures that if National picks up a Chapter’s prototype, National will reimburse that Chapter for all manufacturing costs.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - NAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 27
Opposed - 1
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 4.2a – National Bylaws Article 2 Item 3
Tubby / OH
Discussion: Discussion on how to handle the situation of Members if they aren’t fully able to maintain Member status per the current National Bylaws
Motion #5 - Slambo / OK2nd – Jack / KY
To read: To become a Member of BACA a participant must maintain 80% attendance at Chapter required rides/events for one year and must maintain that attendance yearly to stay a Member of BACA with the exception of a medical condition and the unanimous vote of the Chapter’s Board of Directors.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – N
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 27
Opposed - 1
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 4.2b – How deceased Member’s patch should be handled.
Tubby / OH
Discussion: Serious, in-depth and emotional discussion was made as to how to handle a deceased Member’s patch. Whether it should be turned in, buried with the Member, etc. An initial vote was taken with the results being a tie, so it was decided that the subject would be tabled until the following day so that the State Reps could discuss it further among themselves and with their Chapter’s Members in attendance.
Motion #6 – (01-20-06) Slambo / OK2nd – Angel / MO
AL - abstainKY - YNY - abstainPresident -N
AR - abstainLA - abstainOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - NMD -NOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -NMN - YPA - NTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - abstainTX - YSecurity – absent
FL - YMO - NUT - NAmbassador - N
KS -abstainNH - abstainWI - NFounder - N The only provision allowed for retiring a patch will be to bury the BACA patch with the Member.
In Favor – 10
Opposed - 10
Abstain - 7
Absent - 1
Motion tabled until 01-21-06
Item 4.3 – Article 4 – 4e -The 10 person per State limit
Tubby / OH
Discussion: Item was readdressed and other options discussed.
Motion #7 - Lockwasher / CO2nd – Kickstand / AR
To change wording as follows: Restrict National Meeting accommodations to the NB, NEB and 10 Members per State or 2 per Chapter. Past Board Members are invited to come and are not included in the State limit.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - NUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 27
Opposed - 1
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 5.4 – DC Trip
Chief / NEB
Discussion: 1. Details of his historic trip were recounted to the Board.
2. Request of info on past BACA Kids for research efforts in the future such as effects on kids, etc. Requested due in 30 days from each Chapter.
3. Committee will be needed to help in developing research.
Item 5.5 – BACA Book idea revisited
Chief / NEB
Discussion: The stories need to be heard, published and distributed to the country. The world needs to know what we do and we can provide that to them very simply in a book of stories. There will be stories from the families and one from a Member of the Chapter. The funds raised will go to BACA National to be used however it is deemed necessary. Only a few stories have been received to date. A timeline of 60 days was given for all Chapters to turn in their stories.
Item 5.6 – Chain of Command
Chief / NEB
Discussion: The seriousness of violations to this simple rule has caused tremendous problems. There needs to be a discussion on this process and sanctions against anyone either participating in this activity or perpetuating it.
Item 5.7 – Financial information accessibility
Chief / NEB
Discussion: Whether there is a means by which this information can be more easily accessed, to avoid any resemblance of impropriety. It was decided that all financial information can be requested in writing via registered mail.
Item 5.9 – Website security
Chief / NEB
Discussion: Security Officer’s role in website sabotage and how this will impact his/her role with the National Webmaster.
Item 6.1 – Small Chapter growing pains
Rick / MA
Discussion: Ideas on some tactics other Chapters used when they first started out.
Possible subject for a breakout session option for future National Meetings.
Item 6.2 – Getting your foot in the door
Rick / MA
Discussion: Ways for smaller and newer Chapters to have success in getting in with local DA’s Offices, Child Services, etc. Suggestions made on how to get things going with agencies.
Item 7.1 – Merchandise Policy
Scootr / NEB
Discussion: The current merchandise policy & procedure document indicates that merchandise created by any Chapter which does not comply to the merchandise policy must be destroyed and may not be distributed.
Motion #8 – Scootr / NEB2nd – Slambo / Ok
Merchandise using the BACA logo which has been altered in any way and is determined by the National Trademark Specialist to be an incorrect usage of the logo thereby jeopardizing our trademark may not be distributed (even as a give-away) and must be destroyed.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 28
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 7.2 – Consequences for non-compliance of National Merchandise Policies & Procedures
Scootr / NEB
Discussion: The current merchandise policy & procedure does not stipulate consequences for non compliance. Any action taken at this point is purely arbitrary. Minor infractions can be worked out but blatant disregard must be addressed.
Motion #9 – Scootr / NEB2nd – Slambo / Ok
Propose an addendum to the National Merchandise Policy & Procedure document as follows:
Grounds for non-compliance requiring disciplinary actions:
- Any Chapter producing merchandise using the BACA name or logo which has not been approved by the National Merchandiser.
- Any Chapter producing merchandise using the BACA name or logo for which the artwork has not been approved by the National Trademark Specialist.
- Any Chapter producing merchandise which is exclusive to BACA National.
- Any Chapter producing merchandise which is exclusive to another BACA Chapter.
Consequences for non-compliance:
- Initial infraction – 1 year probation. No other sanctions.
- Second infraction (during initial probation) – loss of production rights. Chapter may not produce any merchandise for one year from date of second infraction. All Chapter merchadise must come from National or those Chapters with exclusive rights of items.
- Subsequent infractions (while in secondary probation) will be loss of license (ie: Charter revocation).
Administration of disciplinary action:
- Multiple Chapter States will be held accountable by their State Board. Single Chapter States will have to deal directly with the NEB.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - abstain
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 27
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 1
Motion Passed
Item 7.3 #10 – “Add On” Chapter designation rockers
Scootr / NEB
Discussion: Propose to ban “add on” designation rockers.
Motion – Angel / MO2nd – Chris / UT
Ban “Add On” Chapter designation rockers.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - abstainVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - NSecurity – N
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 25
Opposed - 2
Abstain - 1
Motion Passed
Item 8.1 – Article 1 – Levels of Intervention – Level 1
Slambo / OK
Discussion: On whether the Level 1 ride has to be at the child’s house. It was decided no, that it should be at a location where the child felt safe.
Item 8.2 & 8.3 – Article 1 – Levels of Intervention – Level 1
Slambo / OK
Discussion: On whether the Level 1 ride should be a Member’s only ride or if others could attend. If others attend, should they have a background check.
Motion #11 – Slambo / OK2nd – Kickstand / AR
Only those with a successful background check are allowed on any BACA Intervention.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -NMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - abstainUT - YAmbassador - N
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 25
Opposed - 2
Abstain - 1
Motion Passed
Item 8.4 – Does the BACA National Rally consist of background checks.
Slambo / OK
Discussion: On whether attendees at the BACA National Rally needed to have background checks. It was decided that since is was an adult and invite only event, that background checks weren’t necessary.
Item 8.5 – Article 1 – Level III
Slambo / OK
Discussion: Should the drafted letter be distributed in the abuser’s area.
End of January 20, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2005 meeting was called to order at 8:00am
Attendance: Dawn / NEB
Roll call was taken.
Notation made that there was no one from Idaho attending the 2006 National Meeting
Missing from roll call was MN, MO, UT, Ambassador and Security
Item (not numbered) – Re-instating a candidate to the nominations ballot
Chief / NEB
Discussion: Due to a potential medical situation a candidate did not put themself on the nominations ballot and would now like to do so at this time. They understand they will not have time allowed to address why they should be elected.
Motion #12 – Chief / NEB2nd – Schep / AL
To add a candidate for election
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - absentPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – absent
FL - YMO - absentUT - absentAmbassador - absent
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 23
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 0
Absent - 5
Motion Passed
Item 4.2b – Re-visited - How deceased Member’s patch should be handled.
Tubby / OH
Discussion: Serious, in-depth and emotional discussion was made as to how to handle a deceased Member’s patch. Whether it should be turned in, buried with the Member, etc. An initial vote was taken on 01-20-06 with the results being a tie, so it was decided that the subject would be tabled until the following day so that the State Reps could discuss it further among themselves and with their Chapter’s Members in attendance.
Motion #6 – (01-21-06) Slambo / OK2nd – Angel / MO
The only provision allowed for retiring a patch will be to bury the BACA patch with the Member.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - absentPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – absent
FL - YMO - YUT - absentAmbassador - absent
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - N
In Favor – 23
Opposed - 1
Abstain - 0
Absent - 4
Motion Passed
Notation: MN, MO and UT State Reps as well as the Ambassador and Security came into the meeting.
Item 8.6 – Article 2 - Membership
Slambo / OK
Discussion: Is there a grace period for sold or wrecked motorcycles? It was decided that would be an individual Chapter issue.
Item 8.7– Article 2 - Supporter
Slambo / OK
Discussion: On what the definition of a Supporter was. Gambler shared what the TX Bylaws had listed as the description of a Supporter.
Motion #13 – Slambo / OK2nd – Gambler / TX
The definition of a Supporter will be as follows:
- Shall abide by the BACA Code of Conduct at all times while participating in BACA activities.
- Must complete and pass a background investigation.
- May attend all rallies, court hearings, events and meetings.
- May NOT participate in individual follow-ups with children.
- May NOT wear a Member patch and cannot identify themselves as a Member.
- Minimum age requirement is 18 years old.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 28
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 8.8– Article 4-3 – Ambassador’s position
Slambo / OK
Discussion: National Bylaws do not state who appoints the National Ambassador
Motion #14 – Slambo / OK2nd – Big John / FL
The Ambassador’s position will be appointed by the NEB.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -Y
AR - YLA - YOH - YVice Pres. - Y
CA - YMD -YOK - YSecretary – Y
CO -YMN - YPA - YTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - YSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 28
Opposed - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 8.9– Article 4-3 – Founder’s position
Slambo / OK
Discussion: National Bylaws do not state what happens in the event the Founder is no longer a Member in good standing.
Motion #15 – Slambo / OK2nd – Chief / NEB
To change wording as follows:
JP Lilly, Founder, will be on the NEB until he decides to step down or becomes a Member not in good standing.
AL - YKY - YNY - YPresident -N
AR - YLA - YOH - NVice Pres. - N
CA - NMD -YOK - YSecretary – N
CO -YMN - YPA - NTreasurer – Y
CT - YMA - YTX - NSecurity – Y
FL - YMO - YUT - YAmbassador - Y
KS -YNH - YWI - YFounder - Y
In Favor – 21
Opposed - 7
Abstain - 0
Motion Passed
Item 8.10– Article 4–3d – Appointed positions
Slambo / OK
Discussion: National Bylaws do not state who appoints the Chapter Development officer, Public Relations officer, Merchandise officer, Trademark Specialist officer and National Webmaster are NEB appointed positions with no voting power.