Primary School Sports Funding Expenditure Report 2016/17

Number of pupils and PE & Sport Premium Grant received / £9,530
This is the fourth year that Skerne Park Academy has received the PE and Sports funding. This funding is to continue to improve the quality of Physical Education, School Sports and Physical Activity for all children.
The main priority for Skerne Park Academy this year:
  • Monitor and evaluate ‘Progress in PE’ planning and assessment tool.
  • Create a tracking sheet to record evidence of children’s involvement in activities and sport across the school.
  • Provide opportunities for children to access a range of physical activities.

Funding has been allocated to the following area
Staff Professional development Intra/Inter-School competition
  • School Sports Partnership SLA– Entry to Darlington SSP competitions and festivals, PE network access, School Games day, CPD & regional PE conference, Athletics/Games and Dance packages, 0.5 PE specialists support (£5242)
  • Sports Coach 2 afternoon sessions and 1 afterschool club per week (£4560)
  • Cricket programme £400
  • Skipping £350
Extra-curricular opportunities
  • Football club - 1 hour after school each week for the whole year (sports coach)
  • Football/multi skills activities – Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes every week for the whole year (sports coach)
  • Adventure club – 1 hour each week for the whole year.
  • Netball club – 1 hour each week for the spring term.
Sports week (£900)
  • Rock-it climbing wall + fencing
  • Skipping fun day

Measuring the impact of Sports Funding Spending
  • The number of competitions and festivals attended and the number of pupils who access these events.
  • Teaching and learning quality of PE sessions.

The impact of Sports Funding spending during the academic year 2016/17 was:
Staff Professional Development, Intra/Inter-School competition
216 pupils accessed competitions and festivals across the academic year 2016/17.
All pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 participated in intra-school competitions.
  • We won the Year 5/6 Sportshall athletics festival – finishing third in the finals.
  • Participated in the very successful Darlington Dance festival at the Dolphin Centre.
  • Third in the year 2 Quad Kids festival.
  • Second in the Year 6 open cricket.
  • Reached the semi-finals in the penalty shootout at the RA.
  • One of three schools selected for ‘exceptional engagement during the day and showcasing their leadership skills’
  • Paige Hunt won the town athletics ‘Howler’ competition and went on to represent the school in the town team at the Tees Valley Primary School Games.
  • Change 4Life - Adventure club represented the town at the Tees Valley Games.
Skerne Park Academy has been awarded the Games Gold Kite mark.
Total School Sports Pupil Premium received / £9530
Total School Sports Pupil Premium expenditure / £10,552
Net expenditure / £1022