Confidential – Event Contract for ______



Table of contents









This Partnership Exchange Program (PEP) Agreement between Reverse Logistics Association and the noted company is designed to allow the two companies to benefit from each other’s services. The PEP Agreement is a dollar-for-dollar exchange of services as noted within this contract. Please review and sign this contract and return all applicable pages to the Reverse Logistics Association.


Address: ______Suite/Mail Stop: ______

City: ______State:______

Country:______Mail Code (Zip): ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

  1. Exhibitor benefits

A.Exhibit Space: Booth Space will be reserved for Exhibitor upon:

1.Receipt of Signed Contract and

2.Receipt of $1,500 depositand/or VIP Coupon

3.Payment in full guarantees booth location

B.Show Floor Services Included at your request and no additional cost: Piping, Draping, or hardwall dividers depending upon venue.

C.Additional Show Floor Services:Electricity, wired internet access, audio/visual, carpet and furniture can also be arranged separately for an additional fee.

D.Online Marketing:As an Exhibitor your company logo with a link to your home page will appear on the RLTS website at

E.RLA News Media: RLTS invites exhibitors to provide press releases and articles for RLA News Clippings and Newsletter emails and RL Magazine.

F.Speaking/Panelist Opportunities: There are usually two (2) days of Conference Sessions:

1.As an Exhibitor you are allowed one speaker and one panelist slot. Please see the Event Schedule for each event to determine the topic themes.

2.If you are interested as a speaker or panelist, please register at

3.These slots are filled on a first come, first served basis and schedule priority is given to OEM and Retailer speakers.

4.All presentations must be of educational content on Reverse Logistics. Commercial presentations promoting your company are not allowed.

5.All speaker slots and presentations must be approved by RLA Advisory Board prior to the event

6.3PSPs and Consultants may participate as speakers or panelists at RLTS Conferences ONLY if they exhibit or sponsor at the event.

G.Nomination of OEM, Branded and Retail Speakers/Panelists: To ensure that we have all the individuals or companies that you are interested in meeting, please nominate your customers/prospects to be speakers and panelists. Those nominees that participate receive recognition and a one-year Associate membership to the Reverse Logistics Association along with other benefits. All speaker slots and presentations must be approved by RLTS Advisory Board prior to the event.

H.Direct Mailing:RL Magazine is mailed to reverse logistics professionals worldwide. We will include your prospects in this mailing when you use the VIP Voucher Program. Exhibitorscan purchaseadvertising space to accompany exhibiting at RLTS events.

Annual Direct Mailing & Advertisement Campaign for RLTS
RL Magazine(55K) /  /  /  /  /  / 
News Clippings /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
RL Newsletter /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 

I.E-mail Distribution: RLTS will send up tothree (3) e-mails to our database prior to each event. As an Exhibitor your company logo with a link to your home page will appear in these emails. These emails are sent at 90, 60 & 30 days prior to the event.

J.Exhibitor Logo: Exhibitor will provide a high-resolution, print-ready digital logo (EPS format preferred) to ensure that your company logo is printed properly on all RLTS publications and displayed properly on the RLTS website and email campaigns.

K.Attendee List: Following the Event completion, RLTS will provide the contact information of each event attendee if requested by Exhibitor.

L.Sales Meeting Space: RLTS will make meeting space available for you to conduct a sales meeting before or after the event. Space is limited and offered on a first come, first served basis.

M.Quarterly Business Review: If you are aware of an OEM/ODM, Branded Company or Retailer that will be attending, encourage them to plan a Quarterly Business Review around RLTS with their vendors at no charge. For more information on available hospitality facilities, please contact RLTS management at . Space is limited and offered on a first come, first served basis.

N.Internal Staff Registration: Up until 30 days before the Conference, Exhibitor may register at no charge up to 15 internal staff members to attend the Conference & Expo. The internal staff registration is only valid for those employed by the exhibiting company or on the company’s Board of Directors.

O.VIP Voucher Program - Exhibitors receive VIP Vouchers to the Conference and Expo allowing their Customers and Prospects to attend at a discounted rate.

1.Exhibitorsthat provide a minimum of 150 names to RLTS will receive aVIP Couponvalid towards their down payment for a booth at a future RLTS Conference.

2.RLTS VIP Vouchersallow you to track your Sales Team success.

a)RLTS can create VIP Voucher codes for up to 99 salespeople, allowing the exhibitor to send personalized mailings to clients and prospects.

b)When a person registers using a VIP Voucher, the exhibitor will be notified immediately via email. This allows contact with the VIPup to 120 days before the event.

3.VIP Mailing Options:

a)120 days prior to the event, RLTS will send an email with VIPVoucher to your VIP list.

b)90 days prior to the event another notice will be sent to your VIP list as a reminder to those who have not already registered.

c)60days prior to the event anothernotice is sent to your VIP list as a reminder to those who have not already registered.

d)30days prior to the event anothernotice is sent to your VIP list as a reminder to those who have not already registered.

e)Prior to the event RL Magazine is distributed globally. RLTS can include a VIP Voucher code along with the copy of RL Magazine sent to your VIPs. If you have purchased advertisement space, you might reference your booth location. To take advantage of this opportunity, your VIP list must be provided to RLTS beforethe scheduled dates.

f)All of the above.

4.The Exhibitor’s VIP list will never be sold, rented or given to anyone.

II.Discount Pricing

A.Discount Exhibitor Pricing: We have Membership, “Early Bird” and Multiple Event discounts for our Exhibitors that want to partner with us annually and around the globe.

Exhibit Pricing
Early Bird Discounts Multiple Event Discounts
Location / Las Vegas / Singapore / Amsterdam / Events / Events / Events
Pay 100% By: / October 1st / June 1st / March 1st
Discount for
$10,000 Booth: / 5% / 5% / 5% / 0 % / 5 % / 10 %
Final Cost / $9,500 / $9,500 / $9,500 / 1 Show / 2 Shows / 3 Shows
Membership Discounts
Level / Professional / Silver / Gold
Booth Discount: / 5% / 10% / 10%
Terms of payment:
The deposit must be paid no later than 30 days after contract signing. Exhibit space must be fully paid no later than 60 days before Event. All payments by exhibitor are non-refundable and exhibit space will be released for resale, without notice, in the event that the exhibitor fails to make any required payments herein. Each exhibitor is responsible to the Service Contractor, or any other contractor, for additional exhibit-related expenses.


A.Online Marketing: A link to your website will be provided at

B.RLA News Media: RLTS invites exhibitors to provide press releases and articles for RLA News Clippings and Newsletter emails and RL Magazine.

C.Nomination of OEM, Branded and Retail Speakers/Panelists: To ensure that we have all the individuals or companies that you are interested in meeting, please nominate your customers/prospects to be speakers and panelists. Those nominees that participate receive recognition and a one-year Associate membership to the Reverse Logistics Association along with other benefits. All speaker slots and presentations must be approved by RLTS Advisory Board prior to the event.

D.E-mail Distribution: RLTS will send up tothree (3) e-mails to our database for each event. As a Sponsor your company logo with a link to your website will appear in these emails. These emails are sent at 90, 60 & 30 days prior to the event.

E.Staff Passes:Sponsorswill receive one (1)InternalStaffPass to the Conference and Expo for every $2,000 spent on Sponsorships.

F.Panelist Opportunity: Sponsor can participate on one (1) discussion panel provided that the total amount of Sponsorships is equal or greater than $10,000.

RLTS Sponsorships
Sponsorship / Details
Breakfast / Sponsor breakfast for attendees at the start of each conference day. Sponsor logo and messaging will appear at each buffet line. Sponsor will be given the opportunity to make a brief (10 minute) presentation introducing their company information.
Lunch / Sponsor lunch for attendees. Sponsor logo and messaging will appear at each lunch table. Sponsor will be given the opportunity to make a brief (10 minute) presentation introducing their company information.
Evening Reception / Sponsor hors d’eourves and light-bar for attendees following close of conference session. Opportunity to provide your company’s promotional items.
Hospitality Suites / Entertain your invited customers or open your hospitality suite to everyone by purchasing sponsorship of one of the conference rooms.
Internet Kiosk / Give attendees an opportunity to access email and the internet while visiting the exhibit hall. Sponsor will provide laptops, wireless internet server and on-site technical support. Signage to include banner indicating sponsorship of kiosk area. Signage to be produced by organizer. Sponsor must provide logo for signage.
Wireless (WiFi) Hotspot / Sponsor the cost for the high speed internet line for the event. Laptop screens in the kiosk area will include event logo and indicate "wireless access powered by [sponsor]".
Registration Area / Welcome signage located outside registration area and at specific sponsorship locations.
Event Schedule Brochure / Your corporate logo to be included on the daily printed event schedule and on any event schedule signage.
Conference Rooms – Refreshment Breaks / Well-deserved refreshment breaks help attendees stay focused throughout the day. Sponsorship by your company will be announced to all attendees. Promotional materials to be provided by sponsor. Signage is produced by organizer. Sponsor must provide logo for signage.
Lanyards / Each attendee will receive your corporate logo or messaging on attendee lanyard. Lanyard will also include RLTS logo and design of logo must be approved by organizer.
Namebadge Insert / An additional insert will be placed behind the attendee name badge which will highlight your company’s name. Insert may also include your website address and other marketing information.
Attendee Totebags / Each attendee will receive your corporate logo. Organizer requires the event logo on bag along with sponsor logo. Final proof to RLTS for approval prior to production. Exclusive to one company. Preferred Materials: Durable paper shopping bag or canvas bag with handles to reduce risk of ripping or tearing.
Brochure Insert / Promote your company and product with a promotional insert in the official event totebag which will be distributed to each attendee. Sponsor responsible for production and shipment to organizer. Organizer to approve brochure prior to production. Insert must not exceed 8½ x 11’ and must be of lightweight stock.
Banners / Aisle Signs / Select a location to hang your logo banner. Signage is produced by organizer; Sponsor must provide logo for signage. Standard dimension of sign is 2 ft. x 4 ft.
Exhibitor Lounge / Inform exhibitors about your company and products as they take a break from the exhibit hall. Sponsor food and refreshment (water/soft drinks/snacks). Promotional materials to be supplied by sponsor. Signage produced by organizer. Sponsor must provide logo for signage.
Online Speaker Presentations / Sponsor the online posting of the speaker presentations. A splash page with your company’s logo be added to indicate your sponsorship.
Terms of payment:
Sponsor fees must be fully paid no later than 60 days before Event. All payments by sponsors are non-refundable and sponsorship opportunity will be released for resale, without notice, in the event that the sponsor fails to make any required payments herein. Each sponsor is responsible to the Service Contractor, or any other contractor, for additional sponsorship-related expenses.

Additional sponsorship opportunities are available online at .

IV.RLA Memberships

A.Memberships provide discounts for many services during the year.

Annual Memberships Types / Platinum / Gold / Silver / Professional
Passes to any RLTS Conference or Regional Seminars / 5 / 5 / 3 / 2
RL Quote - Access/Respond to RFIs* / / / /
RL Quote - Submit RFIs* / / / /
Logo and Home Page Link from Data Base Profile / / / /
News clipping services (weekly) / / / /
Posting Approved member's white papers / / / /
Corporate Logo & Home Page Link from RLA web site / / / /
Industry Job Posting / / / /
Logo and Link from Job Posting / / / /
Search of World Wide OEM/ODM / / / /
Full Web Site Critique & Recommendations / / / /
Discounts on Exhibit Booths & Sponsorships / 10% / 10% / 10% / 5%
Download Conference Presentations / / / /
Search of World Wide 3PSP (with Profile information) / / / /
Search of World Wide 3PSP (without Profile information) / / / /
Search of Regional 3PSP (without Profile information) / / / /
Discount on all reports and research published by RLA / 10% / 10% / 10% / 5%
Discount on Custom Studies/Research / 10% / 10% / 5% /
Online/Newsletter Advertisement Discount / 10% / 10% / 5% / 3%
Publicize company events in News Clippings / / / /
Publicize company events in Newsletter / / / /
Email Your Customersinvitations forRL Magazine / / /

V.Reverse Logistics seminars

A.Seminar Sponsor Passes: Each Sponsor will receive one (1) SponsorPassfor every $2,000 spent in sponsorships. This will allow entrance to the Seminar for your Staff or Prospects.

B.Online Marketing:A link to your website will be provided at

C.E-mail Distribution: RLTS will send 3 e-mailings for each Seminar location to our database showing your logo.

1.Each Sponsor is requested to send RLTS a mailing list of prospects and customers. This list will never be sold, rented or given to anyone.

2.30 days prior to the event a notice is sent to those on your prospects and our database of RL Professionals.

3.At 15 & 7 days prior to the event a reminder notice will be sent to those that haven’t registered.

4.At 3 days & 1 day prior to the event a reminder notice is sent to anyone that has registered.

D.Group Sponsor Passes:Group discounts are available if your company would like to purchase additional Sponsor passes to allow your sales team to distribute to your Staff or Customers. Group rates are available online at

E.Facility Tours:For Sponsors that purchase at least 15 Passes, a tour of your facility will be included in the program. Attendees will be shuttled to your facility where a tour and reception can be held (catering & bus transportation not included).

1.On top of the full agenda of speakers, your company can provide a rare glimpse intosome of the most efficient returns facilities in theworld, yours. The tour enables attendees to see how you structure your returns operations.

Sponsorship / Details
Facility Tour / Highlight your services & solutions by showcasing your facility. These tours allow you to show-off your most efficient return, repair and services operations.
Breakfast / Sponsor breakfast for workshop attendees. Sponsor will be given the opportunity to make a brief (10-minute) presentation on their company and services.
Roundtable Lunch / Sponsor lunch for workshop attendees. Sponsor will be given the opportunity to make a brief (10-minute) presentation on their company and services.
Speaker Slots / Present a case study during the afternoon session
Workbook / Sponsor the workshop binder given to each attendee.
Lanyards / Each attendee will receive your corporate logo or messaging.
Name Badge Insert / An additional insert will be placed behind the attendee name badge which will highlight your company’s name. Insert may also include your website address and other marketing information.
Wireless (WiFi) Hotspot / Sponsor the cost for the high speed internet line for the event. Laptop screens in the kiosk area will include the event logo and indicate "wireless access powered by [sponsor]".
Registration Area / Welcome signage located outside registration area and at specific sponsorship locations.
Evening Reception / Sponsor the post event appetizers while you rub shoulders with the presenters and attendees.

Additional sponsorship opportunities are available online at .

Reverse Logistics Trends, Inc. v05.31.07Page 1 of 14Initials: ______

Confidential – Event Contract for ______

Logo Use. Signature also gives RLTS permission to post exhibitor’s logo on the RLTS website, RLTS direct mailings and RLTS emails.

Amendments. This Agreement may be amended, modified or renewed only by a written instrument signed by authorized representatives of both partiesof this contract. Said amendments become effective upon such signing.

I have read and agreed to all pages, Terms, and Conditions herein contained in this contract and have initialed all pages.

Agreed: ______Date: ______

(Signature - Exhibitor/Sponsor Representative)

Name: ______

Title: ______

Company: ______

Agreed: ______Date: ______

for Reverse Logistics Trade Shows

Gailen Vick


Reverse Logistics Trends, Inc.

Copyright © 2007 Reverse Logistics Trade Shows, owned and operated by Reverse Logistics Trends, Inc. 43289 Osgood Road, Fremont, CA 94539. All Rights Reserved. Reverse Logistics Trends, RLTS, Reverse Logistics Trade Shows, and associated design marks and logos are trademarks owned or used under license by Reverse Logistics Trends, Inc. and may be registered in the United States and other countries. Other names mentioned may be the trademark of their respective owners.

Contact Information: To secure your exhibitor/sponsor opportunity, please complete and sign and initial all pages of this contract and fax to +1 510-991-9950or email to RLA.

Make checks payable to Reverse Logistics Trends, Inc.

For Electronic Remittance:

Bank Name: US Bank

Bank Address: 39510 Paseo Padre Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538, USA

Account Name: Reverse Logistics Trends, Inc.