Toronto Area Safety Coalition
Thursday August 14, 2016
10:00am – 11:00am
Active Members:Peter Mohyla, GO Transit/Metrolinx / Wendy Jang, City of Toronto, PF&R
Silvana Farrace-Perry, York Public Health / Sheldon Koo, City of Toronto, Transportation / X
Stephanie Cowle, OIPRC / X / Brock Munro, Toronto Fire Services
Joanne Banfield, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (C&T) / X / Giancarlo Marrelli, Toronto Police Services / X
Brandy Tanenbaum, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre / X / Jill Miller, Toronto Police Services / X
Karen Hodge, York Regional Police / Mary Louise Yarema, Toronto Public Health / X
Andrew Lee, York Regional Police / Lisa Thompson, Ministry of Transportation (S)
Sheila Dove, Toronto District School Board/Toronto Catholic District School Board
Associate Members:
Sonia Douglas, Health Canada (A)
Prepared by: Stephanie Cowle1
Attendees present (X) / Associate Members (A) / Chair(C) / Treasurer
(T) / Secretary
(S) / Guest
Agenda item / Discussion/Outcome/Decision / Action/Follow-up
- Welcome and introductions
- Review previous Minutes
- Motion approved: Brandy Tanenbaum
- Seconded by: Jill Miller
- Treasurers Report
- Visibility by Design exhibit
Subcommittee is also preparing documentation capturing the 2016 Visibility by Design Contest to share with others. A draft will be prepared by the September 8 meeting.
Lisa and Joanne met with Adorable and created a list of new potential sponsors. Plan to use the same template as 2016 but expand across Canada, including new schools. Sponsorship will determine how large/small the contest will be. (Note: Sponsorship Proposal was sent as an attachment to all members) / Brandy following up with Hollman with clarifying questions.
Stephanie will send draft to TASC for review.
Joanne and Lisa have a follow-up meeting with Adorable. Will provide update at September meeting.
- Safety Day
Open to TASC members to participate. / Joanne to email Peter to request more information.
- Strategic Plan
Paula Waddell and Stephanie Cowle to lead. / Joanne and Stephanie to meet with Paula to discuss. Calendar invite to follow.
- New Business
City of Toronto Transportation - Sheldon – Road Safety Plan approved by council. Could arrange a presentation (October meeting) for TASC, to explore ways TASC’s work and the plan support each other. / TPS will provide more details when available.
Sheldon will discuss with his manager and provide an update.
- Roundtable
- Next meeting
Prepared by: Stephanie Cowle1