Our Ref: NRZ/YN 4 October 2017
Dear Parent / Guardian
Year 7 Disco
Wednesday 18th October 2017, 6pm – 8pm
We are holding a disco for Year 7 students on Wednesday 18th October from 6pm – 8pm. The disco is an Oaklands tradition to raise money for the Year 11 Prom decorations and has been organised by the Year 11 Prom Committee, supported by the Year 11 tutor team.
The cost of the ticket will be £6.00 to include entry to the disco, a glow stick, hot dog, drinks and a bag of sweets.
The disco will take place in the school hall. Students will need to be dropped off and picked up from the main entrance to the hall via the covered walkway. It is vital, for reasons of safety and availability of staff, that they are picked up promptly at 8pm. On this occasion, students will not be allowed to make their own way home.
We would advise that students do not take valuables out on school activities, however should they be taken parents should ensure personal possessions are adequately insured.
Please complete and return the consent form to the Finance Office by Wednesday 11th October. Our preferred method of payment is online. Alternatively, you can pay by cash or cheque (made payable to Oaklands Catholic School).
Please be advised that tickets will not be available to purchase on the night and due to catering costs, no refunds will be given after Wednesday 11th October.
Thank you in advance for your support for this event
Yours sincerely
Mrs N Riddle
Head of Year 11
Disco organiser
Year 7 Disco, Wednesday 18th October 2016, 6pm – 8pm
I confirm that I have parental responsibility for
Name…………………………………………………………………………… Form……………………
He/she is in good health and I consent to him/her taking part in the programme detailed in your letter.
I enclose payment of £
I will pay online
I have made arrangements for my child to be collected at 8pm
I understand and accept that it is my responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about my child. Please communicate these to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Manager.
Parental Signature: ………………………………………………………….…….Date…………………
My emergency contact number on the night, should it be required is:: ………………………………
Email address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..