JUNE 2013
JUNE 4, 2013
MARRIOT Rive-gauche hotel & conference center
paris, france
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Standardization Committee in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the NMC Standardization Sub Team and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The NMC Standardization Sub-Team was called to order at 8:30 a.m., 4-JUN-13.
The meeting was restricted to Sub-Team members as well as NMC members and invited guests.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Pascal / Blondet / Airbus
* / Richard / Blyth / Rolls-Royce PLC
* / Robert / Bodemuller / Ball Aerospace & Technologies
* / Katie / Bradley / Lockheed Martin Corporation
* / Christian / Buck / SAFRAN Group
* / Robert / Cashman / Parker Aerospace Group
* / Amie / Emerson / Spirit AeroSystems Inc
* / John / Haddock / BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI)
Robert / Hogan / Honeywell Aerospace
Robert / Koukol / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Peter / Krutoholow / Sikorsky Aircraft
* / Serge / Labbe / Heroux-Devtek
* / Eric / Le Fort / SONACA
* / Jeff / Lott / The Boeing Company
Scott / Maitland / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / Frank / Mariot / Triumph Aerostructures - VAD
* / Steve / McGinn / Honeywell Aerospace / Committee Chairperson
* / Ana / Ottani dos Santos / Embraer
Fabrizio / Quadrini / AgustaWestland
* / Mark / Rechsteiner / GE Aviation
* / Per / Rehndell / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
* / Bradley / Richwine / Raytheon Co
* / Davide / Salerno / Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A.
Victor / Schonberger / Israel Aerospace Industries
Lisa / Shaw / Eaton Aerospace
David / Soong / Pratt & Whitney
* / George / Winchester / Northrop Grumman Corporation
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Michael / Brandt / Alcoa, Inc.
Sergey / Chernata / Irkut
Yury / Kokryazky / Irkut
* / Dave / Michaud / Fountain Plating Co.
Alexander / Pashenkin / Irkut
Yuliya / Puzyreva / Irkut
* / Vitorio / Stana / Avcorp Industries Inc.
* / Michael / Schleckman / Voss Industries, Inc.
PRI Staff Present
Mark / AubeleMike / Graham
Scott / Klavon
Jim / Lewis
Brittany / McSorley
Jon / Steffey
NOTE: NMC Voting Members are requested to identify any changes to Mike Graham.
1.2 Review of Nadcap Code of Conduct and Meeting Conduct
The attached presentation addressing Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest was reviewed. Meeting attendees were reminded of the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest documented in the Attendees Guide on page 7 which should guide all in their participation in the meeting.
1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by Pascal Blondet(Airbus) to approve the minutes from 19-FEB-13 as written. Motion was seconded by Robert Bodemuller(Ball Aerospace) and passed unanimously.
Current RAIL was reviewed. All action items listed as “recommend close” were approved for closure. (20 voted to close identified items and 0 opposed). Motion passed unanimously.
3.0 UPDATE: Nadcap aUDITOR cONSISTENCY / eFFECTIVENESS –Single measure of consistency
Richard Blyth (Rolls-Royce PLC) reported on the activities and status of the Auditor Consistency Sub-Team with the below presentation. It was noted that “NOP-012” has been balloted to staff and a meeting Tuesday evening will be taking place with the Staff Engineers, Task Group Chairs and Vice Chairs to resolve comments and issues received in the ballot.
Action Item: Factor Task Group Assessment Data into proposed Single metric of auditor consistency. Mike Graham and Richard Blyth to review data set and verify that it can be used effectively. Feedback to NMC in September for comment and finalize by October. Add Pascal Blondet and Robert Koukol to team. (Due date 15-SEPT-13)
Robert Koukol (Honeywell Aerospace) reported on the activities and status of the “Smart Checklist” Sub-Team. See the attached presentation for more details. It was stressed that supplier preparation does not change, and the expectation is that the “self-assessment” always included all questions.
A few questions were brought up during the discussion.
· How often will full scope audits be performed? Does merit impact this?
· What is the roll out plan?
· How much more work is required from IT or Task Groups to implement?
ACTION ITEM: Bob Koukol is requested to address these questions during the October 2013 Meeting. (Due Date: 21-Oct-2013)
5.0 UPDATE: identification of prime customers (system demonstration)
Jon Steffey presented a demonstration on the eAuditNet enhancement where Suppliers may identify their Subscriber Customers
Motion made by Mark Rechsteiner (GE Aviation) and seconded by Frank Mariot (Triumph Aerostructures) to remove option for Subscribers to elect to participate or not participate in the enhancement on eAuditNet. (21 approved, 0 opposed)
ACTION ITEM: Jon Steffey and Mike Graham to revise verbiage asking suppliers to identify subscriber customers (to ensure clarity of expectation). (Due Date: 21-Oct-13)
6.0 UPDATE: Time cycle definition
Mike Gutridge presented the attached presentation to propose to let the sub-team continue on and add the Comparison AMS2750 vs Proposed Nadcap into the appropriate Nadcap document. Motion made by Frank Mariot(Triumph) and seconded by Mike Brandt(Alcoa). (21 approved, 0 opposed). Motion passed unanimously
ACTION ITEM: Michael Gutridge and Time Cycle Sub-Team to draft specific time cycle definitions (i.e. daily, monthly, weekly etc.) and ballot to the NMC Standardization Committee for approval. (21-OCT-13)
ACTION ITEM: Michael Gutridge/PRI Staff to identify appropriate document to house these definitions. (21-OCT-13)
Jim Lewis reported on the activities and status of the standardized template for task group agendas, minutes and rails. Review attached.
Motion made by Pascal Blondet(Airbus) and seconded by Jeff Lott(Boeing) to adopt the Agendas, RAIL and Minutes as presented.(21 accepted, 0 opposed). Motion passed unanimously.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to incorporate the standardized templates for the October Meeting. (21-OCT-13).
Proposal that since Nadcap now has several years of experience with Export Control that a Sub-Team be developed to assess “lessons learned” during this time as well as best practices developed by Task Groups to develop a standard recommended approach. This would include: data collected and a format/structure for Nadcap job Audits.
Motion made by Robert Bodemuller(Ball Aerospace) and seconded by Mark Rechsteiner(GE Aviation) to support the development of an “Export Control” Sub-Team. (21 approved, 0 opposed) Motion passed unanimously.
ACTION ITEM: Mike Graham to solicit additional team members – cross section of Nadcap Task Group representatives. Team to update NMC Standardization committee at October 2013 Meeting. (Due Date: 20-OCT-13)
No New Business to Report
ACTION ITEM: Extend meeting time from 2.5 hours to 3 hours and give Auditor Consistency 30 minutes. (Due Date: 21-OCT-13)
ADJOURNMENT – 22-JUNE-13 – Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Minutes Prepared by: Brittany McSorley
***** For PRI Staff use only: ******Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one)
*If yes, the following information is required:
Documents requiring revision: / Who is responsible: / Due date:
NOP-012 / Mike Graham / 30-JUN-13
Time Cycle Definitions-Document TBD / Mike Gutridge / 15-SEPT-13