Community Activities
Joel Becker’s Eagle Scout Project
For my Eagle Scout project, I am leading a St John the Forerunner’s landscaping project.
Details: some flowering shrubs and trees, flowers, and yes, the ever-needed mulch. Anyone can help. My 78 yr-old grandma is coming!
When:May 9, 2009, 9am – 1pm, Lunch provided. Please bring your own tools.
Please come and help make our landscape beautiful and help me achieve my goal to become an Eagle Scout. I appreciate any time you can give. Thank you very much!
Important Date!!
Sunday, May 31, will be our annual Paschal picnic. Invite friends, relatives and neighbors! More details coming soon....
Youth and Young Adult
“Time Out”
“The Upper Room” at Kurt Bringerud’s,
Wednesday evenings, 7:30 – 8:45pm
Pastoral & Administrative
Coffee Hour Food
May 10 – Broadstreet, Blandina, Michie
May 17 – Huldeen, Nelson, Watts
May 24 – J Rentsch, Abel, Adams
May 31 -- Paschal Celebration
Ministry Meetings
Parish Council Meeting
Benevolence Ministry
1st Saturday of the month -
Jill Baar’s house, 4653 W. Mooresville Road
Building & Grounds Ministry
Church work days - 2nd Saturday each month
Library Ministry
See Blandina or John Rafferty
For Your Contemplation
The way to God lies through love of people. At the Last Judgment I shall not be asked whether I was successful in my ascetic exercises, nor how many bows and prostrations I made. Instead I shall be asked, Did I feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the prisoners. That is all I shall be asked. About every poor, hungry and imprisoned person the Savior says "I": "I was hungry, and thirsty, I was sick and in prison." To think that he puts and equal sign between himself and anyone in need...I always knew it, but now it has somehow penetrated to my sinews. It fills me with awe.
- Mother Maria Skobtsova
Money Matters
The YTD totals at the end of April are:
YTD Pledges: $42,472.67
YTD Budget: $61,853.33
YTD Tithe: $54,894.45
Happy Birthday To:
May 3 - Katie Trent
May 3 - Diana Rollings
May 4 - Beth Michie
May 4 - Kellie Stewart
May 5 - Jean Thompson
May 8 - Wendell Broadstreet
May 9 - Stephanie Schnelzer
Happy Anniversary To:
Extra Announcements
Bridal Shower for Amber Elsts - May 16
Beth Michie and Linda Allen will host a shower for Amber Elsts at Linda's home on Saturday, May 16th, at 11:30 am. St. John's ladies please mark your calendars now to come and honor Amber before her upcoming marriage to Christian on May 17th. Amber is registered at Target and at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Baby Shower for Carrie Hodges - May 9
All ladies of St. John (and other friends of Carrie) are invited to a baby shower for Carrie Hodges on Sat., May 9, at 2pm, at St. Thomas Orthodox Church in Kokomo. (Call if you need directions - it's about a 1 1/4 hr. drive) The baby is due July 4, and we don't know the gender. Carrie is registered at ToysRUs/BabiesRUs and at
Wal-mart. Please RSVP to Becky Lashbrook on her cell phone (317)407-8307, or by e-mail . Hope to see you then!
From the Benevolence Ministry
The Benevolence Committee would like to thank all of you who gave so very generously to our Frozen Meat drive for Mary Rigg. We filled one of their freezers with meat. Mary Rigg was very grateful for the bounty that we gave them, as I am sure were the people that were fed by it.
A Note to our Visitors:
Thank you for choosing to worship with us. We're grateful for your prayers and participation. Please join us in the basement for coffee and continued fellowship after the service! If you are an Orthodox Christian and have the blessing of your priest, you may receive His Body and Blood after preparing for Holy Communion by prayer, worship, fasting and confession of sins. We are glad that you came to pray with us and we invite you to return as often as you are able. For those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Church, please contact Fr. Joseph, Fr. Zachariah or one of our greeters.