Course Number: NUR 208
Course Title: Health-Illness Transitions in Chronic Illness

Semester: Fall & Spring

Credit Hours: 8 Hours: 4 hours weekly in classroom/theory (4 credits)

12 hours weekly in clinical (4 credits)

Course Leader:

Pamela Stetina, RN, PhD

Nursing Building, Room 109

Office Phone: 928-523-7209

Pager: 928-913-7743

Office hours: TBA and by appointment.

Faculty Team (Flagstaff):

Donna Sutton, RN, MSN
Nursing Building, Room 207
Office Phone: 928-523-9317
Pager: 928-913-6881 (preferred)
/ Dawn Rivas, RN, BSN
Mobile Phone: 928-699-5358

Michelle Musich, RN, MSN
Nursing Building, Room 207
Office Phone: 928-523-5874
/ Simulation Specialist
Bobby Eccleston
Nursing Building, Room 121
Office Phone: 928-523-2608

Prerequisites: NUR 205, NUR 214, BIO 320, NUR 215

Corequisites: NUR 390W

Course Description

Focuses on beginning nursing care to promote healthy transitions for individuals exhibiting manifestations of chronic illness in well-defined practice setting. Emphasis is on basic time management concepts and continued development of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and skills.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of NUR 208, the successful student will be prepared to:

Didactic Portion

Clinical Practice and Prevention

·  Examines nursing situations using standards of care, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practice.

·  Applies a range of knowledge to promote health and well-being and prevent complications in adults experiencing illness and disease.

·  Applies the nursing process to patient learning needs.


·  Demonstrates professional, empathetic and therapeutic communication skills in all learning situations.

Critical Reasoning

·  Applies the nursing process as a basis for clinical decision-making.

·  Constructs and implements safe, effective, patient-centerednursing care using nursing knowledge, information technologies and research evidence.


·  Explores principles of collaboration and advocacy to safely provide and manage patient care.

Professionalism and Professional Values

·  Emulates professional behavior in all learning situations.

·  Examines ethical and legal principles and professional standards that are foundations to nursing practice.

·  Explores caring’s essential elements as they are expressed in holistic patient-centered care.

Global Health

·  Discusses the impact of health equity and social justice on nursing and health care in a variety of settings.

Clinical Portion

Clinical Practice and Prevention

·  Applies sound nursing judgment to nursing situations using standards of care, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practice.

·  Applies a range of knowledge to promote health and well-being and prevent complications in adults experiencing illness and disease.

·  Applies the nursing process to patient learning needs.


·  Demonstrates professional, empathetic and therapeutic communication skills in all learning situations.

Critical Reasoning

·  Applies the nursing process as a basis for clinical decision-making in classroom activities and in clinical experiences.

·  Constructs and implements safe, effective, patient-centerednursing care using nursing knowledge, information technologies and research evidence.


·  Applies principles of collaboration and advocacy to safely provide and manage patient care.

Professionalism and Professional Values

·  Emulates professional behavior in all clinical settings.

·  Applies ethical and legal principles and professional standards to nursing practice.

·  Applies caring’s affective characteristics into holistic patient-centered care and with other healthcare professionals.

Global Health

·  Plans culturally appropriate care and/or teaching in selected situations.
Course Structure/Approach

This course is learner centered. The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) is committed
to providing quality education and programs at Arizona's public universities. This commitment includes placing the student and the learning process at the center of education. The NAU - ABOR link for the definition of Learner Centered Education is as follows: http://www.azregents.edu/specialprogramsandinitiatives/default.aspx

NUR 208 will utilize a variety of approaches to meet the course objectives. These instructional methods may include, but are not limited to the following: lecture, audio-visual material, guided discussion, group work, demonstration and return demonstration, clinical experiences, clinical conferences, role playing, simulations, self-evaluation, computer programs, decision making exercises, written tests and quizzes, and written assignments. While the faculty will provide guidance and consultation, the student is responsible for identification of learning needs, self-direction, seeking consultation and demonstration of course and clinical objectives. The clinical experience in this course will be completed at hospitals in Arizona. You may be required to travel and spend at least one night a week in distant areas in Arizona.

Required Textbooks


Kee, J. L. (2010). Laboratory and diagnostic tests with nursing implications (8th ed.). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Lewis, S.L., Dirksen, S.R., Heitkemper, M.M., Bucher, L., & Camera, I.M. (2011). Medical-

surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier:


Maltas, J.L. (2011) Study guide for Lewis, S.L., Dirksen, S.R., Heitkemper, M.M., Bucher, L., &

Camera, I.M. (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical

problems (8th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier: Mosby

Smith, S.F., Duell, D.J., & Martin, B.C. (2012). Clinical nursing skills: Basic to advanced skills

(8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wilson, B.A., Shannon, M.T. & Shields, K.M. (2013). Pearson nurse’s drug guide 2013 (2nd ed.).

Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


Recommended Textbooks

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association. (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Silvestri, L.A. (2010). Saunders comprehensive review for NCLEX-RN examination (5th ed.).

Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders.

Westgard, E. (2011). Clinical coach for fluid & electrolyte balance. Philadelphia: FA Davis.

Wilson, B.A., Shannon, M.T. & Stang, C.L. (2011). Pearson intravenous drug guide 2011-2012

(2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Online Requirements

·  Evolve Online Case Studies: https://evolve.elsevier.com/

·  Kaplan Resources: https://kaplanlwwtesting.kaplan.com/s_login.aspx

·  Blackboard Learn assignments and readings: http://bblearn.nau.edu

NUR 208 COURSE OUTLINE – Fall 2012

Week / Date / Topic / Preparation / Learning Activities*
1 / 8/29 / Introduction to Course
Introduction to Blackboard Learn
Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing
Care of the Older Adult
Chronic Illness-Rehabilitation
Disabilities Experience
Culture / Lecture
On-Line / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 1, 2, 5
Read Disabilities Experience module
Complete optional Disabilities Experience Assessment
8/29 / Care of the Patient with Pain / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 10, 12
Complete Pain pre quiz
2 / 9/5 / Management of the Perioperative Patient / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 18, 19, 20; pp 705-710
Read the blood module in BBLearn
9/5 / Test Taking / Lecture / See Course Content on BBLearn
9/5 / Syllabus Acknowledgement Due / Assignments
3 / 9/12 / Management of Patients with Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 17
9/12 / Perioperative Case Study Due (in Fundamentals Section) / On-Line / Evolve Case Study
Submit score to Assignments
4 / 9/19 / Exam # 1 Weeks 1-3; Lab / Proctored
9/19 / Problems of Male Reproduction / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 51, 55
5 / 9/26 / Problems of Regulation and Metabolism: Management of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 48 ,49
9/26 / Optional Disabilities Experience (Pre & Post Assessment) Due / On-Line / Assignments
6 / 10/3 / Problems of Renal and Urinary Function / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 45, 46. 47
10/3 / Diabetes Type 1 Case Study Due (in Medical-Surgical Section) / On-Line / Evolve Case Study
Submit score to Assignments
7 / 10/10 / Problems of Renal and Urinary Function / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 45, 46. 47
10/10 / Chronic Kidney Disease Case Study Due (in Medical-Surgical Section) / On-Line / Evolve Case Study
Submit score to Assignments
10/10 / Patient Education Brochure Groups & Topics due / On-Line / Submit to Assignments
8 / 10/17 / Exam # 2 Weeks 4-7; Lab / Proctored
10/17 / Problems of Mobility: Management of Patients with Problems of the Musculoskeletal System / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 62, 63, 64, 65
9 / 10/24 / Problems of Mobility: Management of Patients with Problems of the Musculoskeletal System / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 62, 63, 64, 65
10 / 10/31 / Problems of Regulation and Metabolism: Management of Patients with Endocrine Problems / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 48, 50
10/31 / Osteoporosis Case Study Due (in Medical-Surgical Section) / On-Line / Evolve Case Study
Submit score to Assignments
11 / 11/7 / Problems of Protection: Management of Patients with Burns / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 25
11/7 / Problems of Protection: Management of Patients with Integumentary Problems / On-Line / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 13, 23, 24
11/7 / Problems of Protection: Management of Patents with Immunity and Infection Problems / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 14, 15, pp. 553-557, pp 1664-1674
11/7 / Thyroid Disorders Case Study Due (in Medical-Surgical Section) / On-Line / Evolve Case Study
Submit score to Assignments
12 / 11/14 / Exam # 3 Weeks 8-11 (excluding Immunity and Infection) / Proctored
11/14 / Problems of Protection: Management of Patents with Immunity and Infection Problems / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 14, 15, pp. 553-557, pp 1664-1674
13 / 11/21 / Problems of Protection: Management of Patents with Immunity and Infection Problems / Lecture / Read Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 14, 15, pp. 553-557, pp 1664-1674
11/21 / Problems of Protection: Management of Patients with Cancer / Lecture / See Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 11, 16, 51, 52
11.21 / Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Tuberculosis (Tb) Case Study Due (in Medical-Surgical Section) / Evolve Case Study
Submit score to Assignments
11/21 / Patient Education Brochure Due / Assignments
14 / 11/28 / Problems of Protection: Management of Patients with Cancer / Lecture / See Course Content on BBLearn
Read Ch. 11, 16, 51, 52
15 / 12/5 / Kaplan Comprehensive Course Exam (Time to be Determined) / Testing Center
16 / 12/12 / Final Exam-Comprehensive / Proctored

*Chapter readings are from Lewis, S.L., Dirksen, S.R., Heitkemper, M.M., Bucher, L., & Camera, I.M. (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier: Mosby

Other assigned readings, including articles, websites, handouts, and PowerPoint slides, will be on the Blackboard Learn course shell.

A separate clinical schedule is available in the clinical course pack.


In order to pass NUR 208, the student must achieve the following:

1. An overall course grade of 78% or higher.

2. A combined average of 78% on all exams, except the Kaplan exam; students who do not achieve a 78% exam average will receive an F for the course.

3. A score of three (3) or higher in all elements of the Clinical Evaluation used for the clinical component of the course.

4. Completion of all required clinical requirements, including, but not limited to, clinical hours, evidence based practice project, care plans, skills check offs, simulation experiences, math exam and additional assignments required by clinical faculty.


Evaluation Tool / Percentage
Five of six* online Evolve Case Studies / 10%
Patient education brochure / 10%
Test 1 / 15%
Test 2 / 15%
Test 3 / 20%
Comprehensive Final Exam / 25%
Kaplan Exam / 5%
Clinical evidence based practice project / Pass/Fail
Clinical Assignments / Pass/Fail
Math Exam / Pass/Fail
Clinical Evaluation Tool / Pass/Fail
Clinical Portfolio / Pass/Fail
Total Percentage / 100%

Grading Scale

A = 93 + points

B = 84 - 92 points

C = 78 - 83 points (A grade of "C" or above is a passing grade in this course).

F = <78

Please Note: Both the clinical and lecture portions of the course must be passed in order to pass this course and progress to the next nursing course. Tests, projects and written assignments make up the course grade. The clinical portion of this course, NUR 208L, is PASS/FAIL. You must pass the NUR 208L (clinical) portion of NUR 208, as well as the lecture portion, in order to pass Nursing 208. Students who do not pass the clinical component of NUR 208 will receive an F, regardless of the points earned in the theory (lecture) portion of the course.


Retests/Makeup tests

Exams will be given only on the date and time scheduled. Make-up examinations, except for the Kaplan, will be provided only in extraordinary circumstances. The Kaplan exam cannot be made-up. Students who are absent from an examination for any reason must call the course coordinator at least 24 hours prior to the examination. Students who do not call before an examination will receive a zero for that examination and will not be eligible to take a make-up examination except for extreme circumstances. Any make-up exam must be completed within two business days of the original exam date or at the discretion of the course coordinator; the final exam must be completed within two business days or by the last day of final exams, whichever comes first or students may receive a zero on the exam. Make up tests may be in any form (oral, written, essay) over the same objectives as the multiple choice exam. Assignments are due at 11:59 pm Arizona Time on the date they are due. Assignment due dates are printed on the course schedule. Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.

Northern Arizona University, School of Nursing and NUR 208 Course Policies

Policies and guidelines in both NUR 208 and 208L course syllabi apply to all aspects of this course. You are responsible for review and compliance with NUR 208, 208L, NAU School of Nursing, and NAU policies. You are also responsible for review and adherence to the professional standards and rules of the Arizona Nurse Practice Act and Board of Nursing, and the American Nurses’ Association Code of Ethics. All policies are described in the NAU School of Nursing BSN Handbook and the NAU Student Handbook. For full handbook descriptions, visit these websites: