Course of Study for Spanish 4

Text: Buen Viaje 3, Glencoe Publishing Company 2005

Scope: Spanish 4 will be covering the first 4 Chapters of the text with Spanish 5 covering the last 4 Chapters. In addition to text readings lectures and ancillaries, students will be required to do outside readings in the target language from time to time.

Chapter 1 Scope and Sequence

Topics / Culture / Structure / Functions
The Geography of Spain / Trains of the Future / The preterite of regular verbs. / How to express past actions
The History of Spain / Immigrants in Tarifa / The preterite of stem-changing verbs / How to refer to specific items
Spanish Culture / The preterite of irregular verbs / How to express ownership
Nouns that begin with a or ha.
Irregular nouns that end in a
Demonstrative Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns

Chapter 2 Scope and Sequence

Topics / Culture / Structure / Functions
He geography of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia / Tungurahua Volcano / The imperfect / How to describe habitual past actions
The history of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia / Peruvian woman who celebrates her 110th Birthday. / Preterite vs. Imperfect / How to talk about past events
The culture of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia / Discussing two past actions in the same sentence. / How to express what may or may not take place
The Subjunctive / How to express necessity and possibility
Expressing necessity and possibility with the subjunctive / How to express wishes possibilities and demands.
Expressing wishes, preferences and demands with the subjunctive

Chapter 3 Scope and Sequence

Topics / Culture / Structure / Functions
The geography of Chile, Argentina, Parguay, and Chile / Summer fashion in the workplace / Ser vs. estar location,characteristics, origin, and condition / How to state a location, origin,condition, or characteristic
The history of Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay / Leaving home to go to college. / Special uses of ser and estar / How to express surprise, interest, and annoyance
The culture of Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay / Using verbs with indirect objects to express surprise, interest, and annoyance / How to express likes, dislikes, and needs
Expressing likes and needs using gustar and faltar / How to express affirmative and negative ideas
Affirmative and negative words / How to express emotions, doubt, and uncertainty
Using the subjunctive to express emotion, doubt, uncertainty, and in adverbial clauses

Chapter 4 Scope and Sequence

Topics / Culture / Structure / Functions
The geography of Central American Countries / Social announcements in the Newspaper / The future tense / How to express future events
The history of Central American Countries / Microchip implants in pets for identification / The conditional tense / How to refer to people, places, and things already mentioned
The culture of Central American Countries / Direct and indirect object pronouns / How to express emotions and possibilities about past events
Direct and indirect object pronouns in the same sentence / How to use time expressions such as en cuanto and hasta que
The imperfect subjunctive
The subjunctive with conjunctions of time.

Pacing and Leveling: One academic year. The text chapters cover such a large amount of grammar and at such a high level that students will be covering roughly one grammar or one vocabulary group per week so as to ensure understanding. This will also allow them to clear up grammar misconceptions or issues that they have had previously and may continue to struggle with before moving on. Note these are approximations.

Chapter 1: España

Lesson 1: Culture (5-10 days)


Vocabulary for the reading


Historical Account

Historical view

Would you like to try something

Structure Review

Past tense of Regular verbs

Past tense of Irregular verbs

Use what you have learned performance tasks


Lesson 2: Conversation (5-10 days)


Vocabulary for a trip to Spain

A trip to Spain

Structure Review

Past tense of irregular verbs

Use what you learned


Lesson 3: Media (5-10 days)


Vocabulary for the lecture

Five immigrants die

Advanced Structure

Feminine nouns beginning with ha or a

Irregular nouns ending in a

Demonstrative pronouns

Possessive pronouns

Use what you have learned


Proficiency Task (1-5 days)

Video tour (1-2 days)

Literature (5-7 days)

Chapter 2:Países Andinos

Lesson 1: Culture (5-10 days)


Vocabulary for lecture


Historical look

Historical views


Structural Review


Te toca a ti


Lesson 2: Conversation (5-10days)


Vocabulary for the conversation

A Robbery


Imperfect and Preterite: two actions in the same sentence.

Te toca a ti


Chapter 2 Contd.

Lesson 3 (5-10 days)


Vocabulary for lecture

New Explosions ins the Tungurahua Volcano


Vocabulary for the lecture

Aayacuchana celebrates 110 years old

Advanced Structure


Subjunctive with impersonal expressions

Subjunctive with clauses

Proficiency tasks 1-5 days

Video Tours 1-2 days

Literature (5-10 days)

Chapter 3: El Cono Sur

Culture: (5-10)


Vocabulary for the lecture


Historical Look

Historical view


Structure Review

Location and origin with ser and estar

Characteristics and condition with ser and estar

Special uses of ser and estar

Te toca a ti


Lesson 2: Conversation (5-10)


Vocabulary for conversation



Verbs with special indirect objects

Gustar and faltar

Posititive and Negative words

Te toca a ti


Lesson 3: Periodismo (5-10)


Vocabulary for lecture

Executives in Short Sleeves

Advanced Structure

Subjunctive expressions of emotion

Subjunctive expressions of doubt

Subjunctive in adverbial clauses

Te toca a ti


Proficiency Tasks (1-5)

Videotour (1-2)

Literature (5-10)

Chapter 4: America Central

Lession 1: Cultura (5-10)


Vocabulary for the lecture


The Maya

Central American Capitals

Historical Views


Structure Review



Te toca a ti


Lesson 2: Conversation (5-10)


Vocabulary for the conversation


Structure Review

Object pronouns

Two pronouns in the same sentence

Te toca a ti

Lesson 3: Periodismo


Vocabulary for lecture

Social announcements


Vocabulary for lecture


Advanced Structure

 Imperfect Subjunctive

Subjunctive with conjunctions of time

Te toca a ti


Proficiency tasks (1-5)

