(1)What was the name of the main character, played by Russell Crowe?
(2)What was his position for Rome?
(3)Two senators tell him, after the initial battle, that Rome was always supposed to be a ______.
(4)Who was the Emperor of Rome, at the beginning of the film?
(5)What was the name of his son, who desired to be the next Emperor?
(6)Religiously, what type of society was Rome?
(7)What does the Emperor ask of the main character?
(8)Roughly how old were the sons of the main character and the Emperor’s daughter, Lucilla?
(9)How does the Emperor’s son respond to the Emperor’s desire that he would not be the Rome’s next Emperor?
(10)What happened to the main character’s family because of the new Emperor’s orders?
(11) The main character was eventually sold into ______and turned into a ______.
(12) The main character befriends another slave, Juba, who is from ______.
(13)What does the crowd call the main character when he is fighting?
(14) What was given to Proximo by the previous Emperor as a sign of his freedom?
(15)What does the new Emperor put on, in honor of his father’s death?
(16)What does the main character say was his ultimate desire?
(17)In the first gladiator contest in the Colosseum, which legendary enemy was Rome fighting?
(18) What color was the main character’s horse?
(19)What does the crowd cheer/chant when the new Emperor tried to kill the main character?
(20)The main character has to fight the greatest gladiator of all-time. What was his name?
(21)Along with the other gladiator, what other animals did the main character have to worry about, surrounding the fight?
(22)What does the crowd cheer/chant after the main character’s victory?
(23)What does the main character receive from Cicero, his servant?
(24)What was the name of the senator who the main character agreed to meet with?
(25)Who would the main character return to Rome with, if he was given his freedom?
(26) Lucilla told the main character that she has always ______.
(27)Who does Lucious hope to be like?
(28)What was the motto of the gladiators under the main character?
(29)Prior to their fight, what does the new Emperor do the main character, giving himself an advantage?
(30)What happens to both the main character and the new Emperor, at the conclusion of their fight?
(31)Who was carried out of the Colosseum, in honor of his loyal service to Rome?
(32)(33) By using the comments and actions of the various characters, what conclusions can you draw about the nature of religious belief in this time period? What religious practices, rituals, or traditions are depicted in the film?Discuss the similarities or the differences you see between religion as demonstrated in the film and contemporary Christianity.Please state your response in 1-2 paragraphs, using complete sentences, appropriate grammar and contextual evidence.
(4)Marcus Aurelius
(7)to become the Protector of Rome
(9)kills Marcus Aurelius (the Emperor)
(10)tortured (raped) and killed
(14)wooden sword
(15)150 days of games
(16)to kill Commodus
(25)his army
(26)loved him
(28)strength and honor
(29)stabs him
(30)both are killed