ClydachPrimary School

Ysgol Gynradd Clydach

Policy for

Special Educational Needs

Polisi am

Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig

SENCO : Mrs K. Bennett

This policy should not be read in isolation but be read in conjunction with the Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Needs (DFE 1994); City and County of Swansea Inclusion Policy; City and County of Swansea Behaviour Support Plan, the school policy for More Able and Talented Children and the school policy for Teaching and Learning. Policies are reviewed regularly and are always presented to the Governing Body for approval.
Curriculum Statement & Entitlement
Inclusion is at the heart of all learning at ClydachPrimary School. We remain committed to ensuring that all pupils benefit from a broad balanced and relevant curriculum irrespective of gender, ethnic origin or ability.
“The purpose of Education for all children is the same, the goals are the same but the help that individual children need in progressing them towards them will be different”.
Warnock Report (1978)
A child has a learning difficulty if he or she:
(a) has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.
(b) has a disability which either prevents or hinders the child from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local education authority.
(c) is under five and falls within the definition at (a) or (b) above or would do if special educational provision was not made for the child.
Special educational provision means:
(a) for a child over two, educational provision which is additional to, or otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally for children of the child's age in maintained schools other than special schools, in the area.
(b) for a child under two, educational provision of any kind.
“Inclusion is a process not a fixed state. It is about ensuring fair and equal treatment for all. “
ClydachPrimary School promotes inclusion through:
-removing discriminating structures
-celebrating diversity
-maximising achievement for all
Aims and Objectives
The general aims of the school are clearly set out in our School Prospectus. The basic principles underlying the provision of education within this school and within the county are
that each person is unique
people must live as social beings
people need a feeling of self-worth and self-confidence
people need to 'belong'
people need meaning in their lives
people need short-term objectives to achieve longer-term aims
people need to feel that they are sharing in the decision-making about themselves
We endeavour to uphold these principles when we come to provide a curriculum for the whole school including children with SEN.

The specific objectives of our SEN policy are as follows:

  • to provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment which facilitates effective nurturing of all pupils
  • to identify pupils with special educational needs and disabilities and ensure that their needs are met
  • to ensure that children with special educational needs and disabilities join in with all the activities of the school
  • to ensure that all learners make the best possible progress
  • to ensure parents are informed of their child’s special needs and provision and that there is effective communication between parents and school
  • to ensure that learners express their views and are fully involved in decisions which affect their education
  • to promote effective partnership and involve outside agencies when appropriate.

Staff, Roles and Responsibilities

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator – Mrs Karen Bennett
The SENCO has responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the special educational needs policy and liaison with the Headteacher and for co-ordinating provision for pupils with special educational needs, particularly through School Action and School Action Plus programmes.
The SENCO has specific responsibilities as listed below:
  • To liaise with class teachers and support staff.
  • To work closely with subject co-ordinators to ensure that the needs of children with Special
Educational Needs are met.
  • To manage provision for S.E.N. children.
  • To look after the S.E.N. Register and update accordingly.
  • To co-ordinate and deploy the Associate staff Team and provide for their training needs.
  • To monitor children’s progress.
  • To keep records.
  • To oversee teaching through withdrawal groups and in-class support.
  • To liaise with parents.
  • To liaise with external agencies including devising health care plans in conjunction with the
community paediatrician.
  • To ensure that the Graduated Response is carried out including referrals at Early Years
Action/School Action and Early Years Action Plus/ School Action Plus.
  • To facilitate transition between phases and also transfers to new schools.
  • To contribute to the in-service training of staff.
  • To inspire, develop and create an environment of continuous improvement culture with
regard to SEN within the ‘whole school’.
The Support teachers have specific responsibilities as listed below:
  • To liaise with class teachers to ensure that the needs of children with Special
Educational Needs are met.
  • To look update the S.E.N. Register accordingly, overseen by the SENCO.
  • To monitor children’s progress.
  • To keep records.
  • To oversee teaching through withdrawal groups and in-class support, in receipt of additional funding through the SEN survey.
  • To oversee teaching through intervention for those requiring Basic Skills reinforcement.
  • To liaise with parents.
  • To liaise with external agencies when appropriate
  • To carry out IEP reviews three times a year and ongoing assessment.
  • To gather information about the child and make an initial assessment, with the class teacher, of the child’s special educational needs.
  • To provide help and support, involving differentiated tasks.
SEN In-service training
The SENCO and the support teachers attend termly meetings within the county once a term at least. They attend appropriate training.
The Role of the Governing Body
The S.E.N. Governor is Mrs Jan Jarman
The Governing Body must:-
  • Have regard to the Code of Practice.
  • Do their best to ensure that necessary provision is made for any pupil who has S.E.N..
  • Ensure that the needs of a pupil with S.E.N. are made known to all that are likely to teach that pupil.
  • Ensure that teachers are aware of the importance of identifying and providing for pupils with S.E.N.
  • Consult with the L.E.A. Governing Bodies of other schools to co-ordinate educational provision in the area.
  • Report annually to parents on the school’s S.E.N. policy
  • Ensure that S.E.N. pupils, as far as is practical, join in the activities of the school together with pupils who do not have S.E.N. along with the efficient education of other children and the efficient use of resources.
The Responsibilities of the Headteacher
The Headteacher Mrs Emma Peters has responsibility for:-
  • The day to day management of all aspects of the school’s work including the provision for children with S.E.N..
  • Keeping the Governing Body fully informed.
  • Liaising with and supporting the School’s S.E.N.C.O.
The Role of the Teaching Assistant
“The contribution of Teaching assistants is central to successful S.E.N. practice”. (Education Act 1997).
In Clydach Primary School we believe that associate staff can help to raise the performance of individual pupils. They frequently provide coping strategies for pupils and assist in the management of pupils’ behaviour. Teaching assistants support the development of differentiated curricular approaches to meet the diversity of pupils’ learning needs. Teaching assistants in Sea View promote pupils’ independence. Associate staff can do much to promote the inclusion of children into our school. They are valued members of the school staff and are viewed very much as part of the school team. As a member of a team the teaching assistant is in a good position to observe pupil performance and to provide the teacher with valuable thoughts on what works for pupils, what obstacles to learning they encounter and the effectiveness of classroom organisation and processes.
At Clydach Primary School teaching assistants;-
  • attend the review of a statemented child in their care
  • liaise with the S.E.N.C.O. and support teachers
  • promote inclusion
  • attend appropriate training courses
  • attend TA support meetings
  • provide/deliver intervention provision

Key Skills
Due regard is given to all the Key Skills and the LNF framework when pupils with SEN are being supported.
Graduated Response
The Graduated Response
Clydach PrimarySchool follows the Graduated Response as proposed by the S.E.N. Code of Practice for Wales.(2002) The Graduated Response ensures that provision for a child with special educational needs should match the nature of their needs. In order to continually match provision to need there is a regular assessment of performance against the targets specified in the child’s Individual Education Plan.
Identification, Assessment & Provision
Clydach PrimarySchool recognises the importance of early identification, assessment and provision for any child who may have special educational needs. Assessment should not be viewed as a single event but rather as a continuing process.
To help identify children who may have special educational needs ClydachPrimary School refers to the following assessments:-
-The child’s performance monitored by the teacher as part of on-going observation and assessment
-The outcomes from baseline assessment results
- Progress in literacy and numeracy – evidence from N.F.E.R. /LNF assessments,
-Annual reading survey
-Standardised screening or assessment tools such as:
- NFER, Aston Index, Boxall Profile, Speechlink, Languagelink, Suffolk Reading Test,
Non-Verbal Reasoning Test
Parents’ views are valued at ClydachPrimary School. We are open and responsive to expressions of concern by parents and always take into account information that parents provide.
School Action
The identification of pupils for inclusion in School Action programmes is usually made by the class teacher on the basis that the child:-
-Makes little or no progress even when the teaching approaches are targeted particularly to identified areas of weakness.
-Shows signs of difficulty in developing literacy or numeracy skills that result in poor attainment in some curricular areas.
-Presents persistent emotional or behavioural difficulties that do not respond to the behavioural management techniques employed by the school.
-Has communication and /or interaction difficulties and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of the differentiated curriculum.
-Has sensory or physical problems and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of specialist equipment and/or intervention programmes.
-Has been identified through the Annual Reading Survey
School Action at ClydachPrimary School involves the class teacher, S.E.N.C.O.,
Support Teacher, parents and the child.
School Action includes the recording of interventions that are additional to or different from those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum. These interventions are recorded on Individual Education Plans. Individual Education Plans at ClydachPrimary School include information about:-
-the short-term targets set for the child by the class teacher and Support Teacher.
-the teaching strategies to be used
-the provision to be put in place
-the review date
-outcomes (to be recorded when the I.E.P. is reviewed)
I.E.P.’s are reviewed three times within a calendar year or more frequently if needed for some children. I.E.P.’s are shared with parents during consultations which occur as appropriate.
School Action Plus
School Action Plus is triggered when the pupil still does not make appropriate progress after School Action. The basis for School Action Plus is that despite receiving an individualised programme and/or concentrated support under School Action, the child:-
-Continues to make little or no progress in specific areas over a long period
-Continues working at National Curriculum Levels substantially below those expected of children of a similar age.
-Continues to have difficulty in developing literacy and numeracy skills
-Has emotional or behavioural difficulties which substantially and regularly interfere with the child’s own learning and that of the class group, despite having an individualised behaviour management programme.
-Has sensory or physical needs, and requires additional specialist equipment or regular advice or visits by a specialist service.
-Has ongoing communication or interaction difficulties that impede the development of social interactions and cause substantial barriers to learning.
At School Action Plus external support services provided by the L.E.A. will usually see the child, in school if that is appropriate and practicable. They can advise teachers on new I.E.P.’s., fresh targets and accompanying strategies. They can also provide more specialist assessments that can inform planning and the management of a pupil’s progress. They can give advice on the use of new approaches or materials and in some cases provide support for particular activities.
More Able and Talented Pupils (MAT)
Please refer to relevant policy.
Statements of Special Educational Needs
If progress at School Action Plus is deemed to have been insufficient then a request for statutory assessment of a child may be considered.
In order for statutory assessment to be undertaken the school should be able to provide written evidence or information about:-
-the school’s action through School Action & School Action Plus
-individual education plans
-records or regular reviews and their outcomes
-the pupils health including the child’s medical history where relevant
-education and other assessments, for example from an advisory specialist support teacher or an educational psychologist
-national curriculum levels of attainment including those in literacy and mathematics
-views of the parents and of the child
-involvement of other professionals
-any involvement by the social services or educational welfare services
The evidence submitted is presented to the L.E.A.’s S.E.N. panel where a statement is issued where appropriate.
The Annual Review
All pupils holding a statement of special educational needs at Clydach Primary School must have an annual review. Advice is requested of those invited to the annual review meeting who include:
- the child
-the child’s parents
-the child’s teacher
-the S.E.N.C.O.
-the educational psychologist
-the school doctor
-any outside agencies involved in the child’s welfare or development
-the S.E.N.C.O. of the receiving school if the pupil is in Year 6
The views of the pupil are very important and are sought whenever possible/appropriate and contribute to the review.
At ClydachPrimary School the annual review meeting decides if:-
-the statement remains appropriate
-any amendments are required
-the local education authority is to continue to maintain the statement or if the child’s needs may be met appropriately through Early Years/School Action Plus
-new targets need to be set to meet the objectives set out in the statement
-whether any additions or amendments should be made to an existing transition plan
Use of Outside Agencies / Partnership
At School Action Plus the staff and governors at ClydachJuniorSchool request the involvement of one or more special educational needs specialists. Outside agencies can play an important part in the very early identification of special educational needs and advise the staff at our school on effective provision designed to prevent the development of more significant needs.
Any advice received is relayed to class teacher and all concerned and incorporated into the child’s Individual Education Plan.
Outside Agencies
Outside agencies which may be consulted are:
1Special Needs/ Advisory Service
2School Educational Psychology Service
3Health Visitor
4Speech, Language and Communication Team
6Integrated Support Services - Access to Learning (via staged referral)
7 Social services
8 Paediatric services
Mrs K. Bennett - SENCO
Support Teacher (Junior Department) - Mrs Jenny Rees
Support Teacher (Infant Department) - Mrs Jaynette Rees
Various teaching assistants
Special Needs Provision
At Clydach Primary School the child’s individual needs are catered for in a variety of different ways;-
  • withdrawal - individual and groups
  • in class support
  • Associate staff support when appropriate
  • Interventions
  • Outside agencies
Please refer to Clydach Primary School provision mapping (Infant and Junior departments)
  • The resources and equipment are kept in SEN rooms (Infant/Junior departments)
  • Class teachers have specific equipment/resources stored within classrooms
  • Confidential information/documentation on individual pupils are stored with SENCO - locked
  • SEN information to refer to/advice stored in SEN rooms and with SENCO (file)
  • The support teacher is responsible for the requesting and ordering of specialised resources as and when need be in coordination with the SENCO.
Special Facilities
Infant Department:
  • There is disabled access to the reception class via a ramp and likewise the infant canteen.
  • The Infant department has no steps in both entrances and has access to the toilets. There is a purpose-built changing room with toilet and hand washing facilities for the use of the disabled infant canteen.
Junior Department:
  • There is disabled access to the Junior department yard and Junior department hall/canteen via a ramp.
  • The Junior department has no steps and access appropriate for disabled use. There is a purpose-built disabled toilet at the main entrance of the Junior department. There is a ramp towards Junior department school hall.

See Assessment policy in addition to Individual Education Plan reviews and target setting
Self Evaluation
As a self-evaluating school Clydach Primary School provides a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for all our children. The success of the S.E.N. policy will be primarily assessed by whether children with S.E.N. are having their needs met.
We evaluate through;-
- Reviews of I.E.P.s
- S.E.N. survey /tracking sheet
- S.E.N. self evaluation report
- S.E.N Action plan targets
- Views of children, parents and all staff
- Class assessment/target files