

This Activity Plan is designed as one among many through which studentswillrotate insmallgroups. The studentswillbegiven some theory,andthe instructor will demonstratetheproperprocedureofjoiningtwo wires togetherusingsoldering techniques. The ability to joinwirestogether using soundsoldering techniques isanessential skillforan automotive technician.


The student willbeableto:

• Join electrical wirestogetherusing a fillermaterial

• Demonstratecompetentsolderingtechniques

• Understand basic soldering terminology

• Understand why good soldering techniques are vital to beingan automotiveservicetechnician


Beforedoing so themselves,students will havebeen given sometheory and theinstructorwillhave demonstrated theproperprocedure of joining two wires togetherusing solderingtechniques.


Cleaning sponge: asponge usedtocleantheendof thesoldering ironinorder toallowtheirontofunction properly.

Electricalwire: wirethat isdesignedtoeasily conductelectricity.

Needle-nose pliers: astyleof pliers witha long, narrow end, designedto getinto tightareas.

Safetyglasses: glassesspecially designedto protect theeyesinaworkplace setting.

Solder:the metal-basedfiller materialused tojoin wirestogether.Soldering iron: atoolusedtomeltthe solder.

Solderingiron holder:atoolusedtosupportthesolderingironwhennotin use.

Wirecutters:atypeofplier that is designedtocut electrical wire.

Wiregauge:thethicknessof wire.

Wirestrippers:atool usetostrip awireof itsinsulationsothatit canbe soldered.


30–45 minutes


20, basedonthe BCTechnology Educators’Best PracticeGuide, 1–2 students perstation


Automotive or industrialeducationshop


•Cleaning sponge

•Heat gunfor Activity6: HeatShrink (optional)

•Needle-nose pliers







Figure1—Heavy duty automatic wire stripper


Electricalwirein the18–22 gauge category (1foot perstudent)


•Electricaltapefor Activity5:TapeaWire (optional)

•Heat shrink tubefor Activity 6: Heat Shrink (optional)

•Electricalcomponents suchas resistors, capacitors, transistors, circuit boards or others.Thesewould typically befoundin anelectronics class.



•Terminal connectors








1.Plugin thesoldering ironand let itheat up for afew minutes.

2.Cut theelectrical wire intotwo6"longpieces.

3.If the solderingiron isnew, then “tin” thesoldering iron.“Tinning” isapplying asmallamount of solderdirectly to thesoldering iron tip.

4.Cleanthe tipofthesoldering iron withawet sponge.

5.Cuta small 4" pieceofsolderoff ofthemain solder roll.

6.Withthewirestrippers, stripoffapproximately½"of insulationfromtwo separate wires.

7.Ifthewireyouareusingis composed ofmanyfinestrandsofwire,thenspreadthefinerstrands apartontwo separatepieces ofwire.

8.Proceed tocarefully intertwine thefinestrandstogether.Thistechniqueattemptstomakethetwo bareends intoone. Itshould nottake a longtime.

9.If the wire you are usingis a solidpiece of wire,simply twist the two ends togetherasneatly asyou can.

10.Placethe hot tip of the solderingiron onone side of the joinedwires.

11.Withthe needle-nosepliers, hold asmall pieceofsolder onto theopposite sideofthejoinedwires.

12.Aftera fewseconds the solder willbegin tomeltinto the wire.You don’twant the tipof thesolderingiron tomeltthesolder—ratheryou wantthehotwireto melt the solder.

13.Oncea small amountof solderhas melted,remove boththe solderingiron andthe solder.

14.Let the joinedwires cool for afew seconds.

15.Thesolderingprocess is now complete.

16.Lightly try to pullthejoint apart; itshould stayattachedevenundermoderatestrain.

17.Optional:If electroniccomponents suchasresistors, capacitors, transistors,circuit boardsor othersare available,theycould be also besoldered,although thisis typically done in anelectronicsclassroom.


1.Cut3" from one endofthe previously soldered wire.

2.Usea spliceconnector (sometimescalledaScotch lock) to connect the short wire you just cut offtheotherwire. Useplierstopush themetal spadeconnectorinto thewires.Theattachment point should be approximately2" in from the endofthelong sideofthe wire.

Figure2—Quickspliceconnector, connectingwires together

3.Withpliers, squeeze themetal tabdown into the wires.

4.Closethe plastic tabover the connector.Makesure itclicks into place.


1.Cut thewirein adifferent spot.


3.Insert eachendofthewire into thebuttconnector.

4.Usingthe wirecrimpers, crimpthe buttconnector neareachend toconnect thewires.Note: Most crimpers will have three different crimpareasdependingon the gauge ofwireyou are using. These different sizesaredesignated by threecolours: red,blueor yellow.Most connectors arecolour-coded tothe wire gauge,red, blue or yellow. Simplymatchupthecolour of the connector to thecoloured area onthe crimper.



1.Cut thewirein adifferent spot.


3.Insert one wireend into the female terminaland crimpitusing thewire crimptool.

4.Insert the other wire end into the male terminal andcrimp it using the wirecrimp tool.

5.Jointhemaleandfemale terminalstogether.



SolderingRubric (seenext page)



Criteria / Poor / BelowStandard / Satisfactory / Good / Excellent
Hasthesolderingirontipbeenproperly cleaned? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Have thewires beenproperlystripped? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hasthewirebeentwistedtogether properly beforethesoldering procedure? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hasthesolder properlymeltedand sunk into thewireas opposed to simplysittingontopofit? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
AretheScotchlockandbuttconnectorssecuredproperly? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Isthesolder joint strongandunableto be pulledapart? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


Afterhaving thesolderjoint inspectedand markedcompletethe following.

1.Get arollof electricaltape.

2.Unravelapproximately2" of tape.

3.Beginto wrapthe solder jointby looping the tapesecurely oncearound theinsulation ofthewire, right beside thesolderedjoint.

Figure5—Wrapthesolderjoint by looping thetape securely.

4.Continueto wrapthe solder jointby angling thetape rollslightly.Keep tension onthe taperollsoitwraps tightly.Thetape should overlap itself byapproximately halfthewidth of thetape.

5.Whenthesolderjointiscovered,finishthetaping job byending on thewireinsulation ontheotherside, wrapping it completelyaroundonce.It should end approximately 1tapewidthaway from the solderedjoint.Remember to hold tension onthe taperoll.

Note: On thisfinal loop oftapingthe tape rollshould be straight, so thereisnohalfwidthoverlapping.

Figure6—Finish by endingon the wire insulationon the other side.

6.Cut thetape withscissors ora utility knife.Smoothoverthecutend onto the wire.

Activity 6:HeatShrink

Afterhaving thesolderjoint inspectedand markedcompletethe following.

1.Cut thewire approximately3"awayfrom thesolder joint.

2.Cuta smallpiece of heatshrinktubeto just coverandextend pastthesoldered joint.Assumingthatthesolderjoint isabout an inchlong,theheatshrink tube should beapproximately1.5"long.

3.Centretheheatshrink tube over the solder joint.

4.Evenlyapplyheat from a heatgunoverthetubeuntilitshrinksand fits tightlyoverthewire.

Caution: Heat gunsandthehotair they produce canbe extremely hot and burn.

Figure7—Applyingheat shrinktoasolderedjoint