Time opened: 8.45pm
Present: Anna Feiss (Holy Rosary), Danielle Schuffelen (Falcons), Josie Caruso (Zodiacs), Gill Davey (Flames), Michelle Smith & Amanda O’Neill (Eaglehawk), Kathryn Gilmore (Strath Storm), Linda Gibson (Girton Grammar), Sharyn Dredge (Castlemaine), Rhylee Elliott (Camp Hill P.S), Michelle Forrester (South Bendigo), Melissa Keith, Heather Abdy, Nikki Boulter, Daryl Cheeseman, Tracey Rigney
Apologies: Fiona Schubert (Strath Storm), Jayden Cowling (Kangaroo Flat), Kay Robb (Creek St), Tiff Jenkyn (Golden Square)
Child Safety Policy:Movement: BSNA except the child safety policy and child safety code of conduct as prepared by Netball Victoria to meet new child safety standards of Victoria for 2017
Moved: Melissa Keath All in favour
Business arising from previous meeting:
During the last meeting Gill Davey had suggested that BSNA move the AGM to November every year. This was to accommodate clubs being able to make decisions regarding their teams and what sections to place teams in. During the time in between meetingsBSNA executive committee looked into this possibility and found that moving the AGM would mean changes to the Constitution. Gill Davey explained that she didn’t realise moving the AGM would mean extra work for the executive committee and suggested that maybe something else could be worked out. Kathryn Gilmore suggested that maybe registrations at BSNA could happen in October. General conversation around this subject where some clubs said this wouldn’t suit them as they don’t do their own registrations until February. Conversation led to clubs asking for more consistency on sections that play on Friday nights and Saturdays.Suggestions were made regarding meetings – There would be a February meeting
Executive will have a meeting in January
Information to be more readily available
Tracey is working on having more consistency
This subject will be raised again on October.
Movement: AGM date to be moved to November so everyone knows what selections were playing what day so clubs could work out their selections with players other commitments.
Moved: Kathryn Gilmore All against
Players from BFNL being allowed to play at BSNA: Kathyrn Gilmore raised the subject regarding players that play in the outer leagues playing at BSNA. Kathryn explained that clubs are bringing in players that are of age to play in teams at BSNA, mainly section 1, to help out these teams for various reasons. Some of these players come from various teams in the outer leagues and have also been players that play in VNL. Kathryn has asked the committee if there is a way that this can be stopped due to this being unfair to opposing teams due to skill level of these players. Kathryn explained that she cannot understand why teams would be allowed to do this as teams within BSNA can “pull” from sections below but cannot “pull” from sections above. E.g. A section 1 team can pull from section 2 but a section 2 team cannot pull from section 1. General conversation about this subject where there were arguments for and against. Tracey explained that at this stage as far as she knew there wasn’t anything BSNA could do about itbut said she would enquire with Netball Victoria and will report back at the next meeting.
Meeting Closed : 9.32pm