Mrs. Barney’s Classroom Routines and Procedures


  • Weekly overview – A weekly classroom overview will be provided at the beginning of each week. This overview is a general outline that includes not only academic areas of study, but also current events with regard to the classroom and school. Please review the overview with your child each week.
  • Homework– Homework will be given Monday through Thursday. Assignments are posted on the board and students are given time to copy down assignments in their weekly homework notebook. Please review the homework notebook each evening and check over your child’s homework.

Homework is a valuable aid in helping your child make the most of his/her

experience in school. Homework reinforces what has been learned in class,

preparing your child for upcoming lessons, extending and generalizing

concepts, and helping him/her develop positive study habits. I suggest

parents make homework a top priority at home. Provide a quiet place, set a

daily homework time, provide necessary supplies, and provide praise and

support for your child. Help your child with the homework process, but

please do not do the homework for your child. Check your child’s work for

neatness as well as accuracy of the assignment. We want our children to

recognize the importance of quality work.

  • Math– Skills and concepts being covered in the classroom will be highlighted on the weekly overview. Practice and mastery of basic skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) will be essential for development.
  • Spelling– Students will be assigned a weekly spelling list to be used for homework and studying purposes. Students will take a weekly graded test.
  • Language –Skills and concepts being covered in the classroom will be highlighted on the weekly overview. Students will take a weekly language test based on skills introduced and reviewed through daily oral language.
  • Reading – Students will complete themed unitsfrom our curriculum reading

series, as well as grade-level novels, which will include various activities

within the classroom. Students will take weekly assessments based on

comprehension, skills, and vocabulary words. A list of current vocabulary

words will be in their blue notebook or homework folder. This notebook will

be used as a study guide in preparing for the weekly vocabulary test.

  • Social Studies and Science – Social studies and science are divided during

the nine-week grading period. Units of study, skills,

concepts, and projects will be highlighted on the weekly overview.

  • Handwriting: We use the Zaner-Bloser style of handwriting for both manuscript and cursive. Cursive instruction will begin the second nine week period. Handwriting is a non-graded subject.
  • Graded work – Graded papers will be sent home on Wednesday for parental

review. This will include work and tests completed the previous week.

Please reviewall work with your child. The cover sheet must be signed and

returned by Friday along with alltest papers.

  • Grading policy – Grades A, B, C, D, and F will be assigned in math, reading, language, spelling, science, and social studies for all four grading periods. The grades O, S, N or U will be used for conduct. Grading periods consist of nine weeks.

(A=93-100, B=85-92, C=75-84, D=67-74, F=0-66)

  • Money collection – Money that is to be credited to your child’s cafeteria account should be sent to school in an envelope with the child’s name, lunch number, and the amount of money enclosed.
  • Treats – I do occasionally give “treats” in the classroom. Please let me know if there is anything specific that you would not like your child to have.
  • Snack time – Each morning at approximately 10:30 students are allowed to have a healthy snack that is incorporated into our independent work time. Healthy snacks include fruit, vegetables, yogurt, granola bars, and pretzels. Chips, cookies, “fruit flavored” snacks, dry cereal/soup, and candy will not be allowed during this time. Snacks high in sugar, calories, and fat cause students to become lethargic and unable to focus during instruction.
  • Class Website: Please visit our class website to stay up to date with classroom information. The website includes the weekly overview, daily schedule, homework, policies and procedures, and important documents. You can access our class website by logging on to our school site at

  • Conferences: I am happy to discuss your child’s progress with you. You can reach me by calling the school office (626-8238) or by email (). If you have an email address where I can contact you as well, please list it below.


Please cut and return by August 12, 2016

  • *I have read and discussed the Classroom Policies and Procedures with my child. (Please sign and leave this page in the folder.) Thank You.
  • Child’s name: ______
  • Parent signature: ______
  • Parent’s Email: ______