Roane County Special Education Tier 3 Systems of Positive Behavior Supports

(updated 3/19/13)

Purpose (Mission) of Roane County’s Tier 3 Systems of Support and Expected Student Outcomes

The mission of the special education component of Roane County’s Tier III system is to put into practice the supports and interventions that will enable each student to be successful in all areas of his or her life.

Student screening/referral and selection for Tier 3 Supports

Referral for behavior supports may be made by any IEP team member or by SWIS ODRs exceeding 2 by October. Referrals may be made orally or in writing. Once the referral is made, Level 1 supports are put into place. If the behavior requires more intensive services, the school psychologist and case manager may determine that Level 2 or 3 services are to be put into place immediately.

LEVEL 1 Positive Behavior Supports- Case Manager

At this level, if a behavior problem exists, the student’s case manager is to review the IEP in terms of (a) if the student has behavior goals and/or behavior plan and, if so, how they are being implemented; (b) if the student has regular education program accommodations and modifications, (c) how the regular program accommodations and modifications have been routinely implemented, and (d) whether to refer student to check- in/check-out, if available, or other type of “self”- monitoring system. If the student is in the general education, the case manager is to consult with the general education teacher(s) regarding goals, accommodations, and modification as per the student’s IEP and provide support as needed. If current accommodations and modifications are ineffective, the case manager is to consult with the school psychologist regarding additional Tier 1 or Tier 2 supports. If the case manager has questions regarding implementation of a student’s IEP regular program accommodations and modifications, she/he is to bring the student’s IEP and consult with the school principal regarding how to proceed.

LEVEL 2 Positive Behavior Supports- School Psychologist

Upon receiving a request from the student’s case manager, pending completion of Level 1 supports and receipt of the Level 1 Checklist, the school psychologist initiates Level 2 Positive Behavior Supports.

Step 1: The school psychologist is to request and obtain completion of the (a) PTR FBA Checklist, (b) FACTS Part B Checklist, and (c) classroom management self assessment.(Each school psychologist will determine where forms will be located and how teachers will obtain and return completed forms for each school.) In addition, the school psychologist will conduct/coordinate walk through observations of the student in his/her classrooms.

Step 2: Upon receipt of the completed documents noted in Step 1 and the observation(s), the school psychologist is to meet informally with teacher(s) involved to (a) define and prioritize the problem behavior (a single instance is defined as beginning when …. and ending when ….), (b) obtain the baseline estimate(s) (can be as frequent as … and infrequent as …), (c) obtain clarifications, as need, and (d) review Level 1 efforts.

Step 3: Based on the data and discussions from Step 2, the school psychologist is to generate a Level 2 Behavior Support Consultation Plan to include prevent, teach, reinforce, correction, and extinction (if possible) interventions.

Step 4: The school psychologist is to share the Level 2 Behavior Support Consultation Plan electronically with the case manager, IEP team, and school principal for follow-up, including attach data collection sheets for behavior decreases and fidelity of implementation with an explanation for its need and recommendation for data collection. Each person on the team with an action, is to complete the fidelity of implementation self evaluation and submit it, along with hard evidence of implementation as per the recommendations, to the school principal at the end of each week.

Student Involvement:

The school psychologist will facilitate student completing, or will work with the student to complete, a student FBA interview, interest inventory, and learning styles/multiple intelligences profile. After the Pre-ILI consult or ILI meeting, school psychologist will meet with the student to re-cap the meeting recommendations/behavior support plan recommendations. Wherever possible, the student is to be involved in his/her own goal setting, data collection, and data evaluation process.

Family Involvement:

Family members are invited and encouraged to participate in their son’s/daughter’s ILI meeting, to implement mutually determined recommendations, and to share outcomes.

LEVEL 3 Positive Behavior Supports (ILI/FBA Level) School Psychologist – This begins Tier 3 Supports

Step 1: School psychologist is to notify the Director of Special Education when a student is referred to this level. Director will follow up with the school principal.

Step 2: School psychologist is to request and review data on occurrence of problem behavior and fidelity of implementation on Level 1 and Level 2 behavior support recommendations. If no data (which may include SWIS data), school psychologist refers to past recommendations for data collection and requests one to two weeks of data based on reported frequencies/intensity. Data requests are to be shared to the school principal.

Step 3: Once 5-10 data points have been collected on the problem behavior occurrences and, depending on the fidelity of implementation of the Level 1 and Level 2 recommendations, the school psychologist may request that the case manager schedules an IEP team meeting to conduct ILI and generate a behavior support plan.

Step 4: At the IEP, the school psychologist is to co-facilitate completion of the ILI and generation of an updated Behavior Support Action Plan (BSAP)

Step 5: The school psychologist is to disseminate the BSAP, data collection sheets, and fidelity of implementation data sheets to IEP team members, ensuring parent and administrator(s) receive a copy. A copy of the BSAP is to be placed in the student’s blue notebook, directly behind the student’s current IEP.

Step 6: Team members are to submit completed fidelity of implementation data sheet along with hard evidence of implementation of recommendations, to the school principal at the end of each week. School principal is to review to ensure accuracy of implementation of the BSAP.

Procedures for training IEP team members

The psychologist will provide brief descriptive fact sheets of critical behavior support consultation (Level 2) and BSAP (Level 3) recommendations along with examples to all IEP team members. School psychologists will be available for consults regarding implementation challenges. School principals are encouraged to review the BSAP recommendations prior to teacher walkthroughs and evaluations to determine if and to what degree the BSAP recommendations are being implemented.

System for monitoring and evaluating student progress

The school psychologist and the student’s case manager are to ensure (a) that the data system is set up, (b) who enters the data, (c) who generates the data reports, and (d) when the data reports are generated. If there is a problem with data collection, the school psychologist is to notify the school principal and Director of Special Education. The case manager schedules a follow up IEP meeting within a month of the ILI meeting to discuss the student’s progress and BSAP implementation.

Fidelity and effectiveness of intervention implementation

Once BSAP is developed, school psychologist gives a copy to the school principal for review and addresses any questions. If there is a chronic problem with BSAP implementation and behavior problem increases, school psychologist meets with the principal to discuss the issues. If the problem persists, the school psychologist notifies the Director of Special Education who will follow-up with the school psychologist and others as appropriate.

Roane County Tier 3 Systems of Positive Behavior Supports Flow Chart

(updated 3/19/13)

Purpose (Mission) of Roane County’s Tier 3 Systems of Support and Expected Student Outcomes

The mission of the special education component of Roane County’s Tier III system is to put into practice the supports and interventions that will enable each student to be successful in all areas of his or her life.

Student screening/referral and selection for Tier 3 Supports

Referral may be made orally or in writing by any IEP team member or by ODRs exceeding 2 by October. If the behavior requires more intensive services, the school psychologist and case manager may determine that Level 2 or 3 services are to be put into place immediately.

LEVEL 1 Positive Behavior Supports- Case Manager

Review of IEP in terms of (a) behavior goals and/or behavior plan and, if so, how implemented; (b) regular education program accommodations and modifications,(c)how the regular program accommodations and modifications have been routinely implemented, and (d) whether to refer student to check- in/check-out, if available, or other type of “self”- monitoring system.

· If the student is in the general education, consult with the general education teacher(s) regarding goals, accommodations, and modifications as per the student’s IEP and provide support as needed.

· If current accommodations and modifications are ineffective, consult with the school psychologist regarding additional Tier 1 or Tier 2 supports.

· If questions regarding implementation of a student’s IEP regular program accommodations and modifications, bring the student’s IEP and consult with the school principal regarding how to proceed.

LEVEL 2 Positive Behavior Supports- School Psychologist

Pending completion of Level 1 supports and receipt of the Level 1 Checklist, initiate LEVEL 2 Supports. Facilitate student completing, or work with the student to complete, a student FBA interview, interest inventory, and learning styles/multiple intelligences profile. After the Pre-ILI consult or ILI meeting, meet with the student to re-cap the meeting recommendations/behavior support plan recommendations. Wherever possible, the student is to be involved in his/her own goal setting, data collection, and data evaluation process.

Step 1: Request and obtain completion of the (a) PTR FBA Checklist, (b) FACTS Part B Checklist, and (c) classroom management self assessment. Determine where forms will be located and how teachers will obtain and return completed forms. Conduct/Coordinate walk through observations of the student in the classrooms.

Step 2: Upon receipt of the completed documents noted in Step 1 and the observation(s), meet informally with teacher(s) involved to (a) define and prioritize the problem behavior (a single instance is defined as beginning when …. and ending when ….), (b) obtain the baseline estimate(s) (can be as frequent as … and infrequent as …), (c) obtain clarifications, as need, and (d) review Level 1 efforts.

Step 3: Based on the data and discussions from Step 2, generate a Level 2 Behavior Support Consultation Plan to include prevent, teach, reinforce, correction, and extinction (if possible) interventions.

Step 4: Share the Level 2 Behavior Support Consultation Plan electronically with the case manager, IEP team, and school principal for follow-up, including attach data collection sheets for behavior decreases and fidelity of implementation with an explanation for its need and recommendation for data collection. Each person on the team with an action, is to complete the fidelity of implementation self evaluation and submit it, along with hard evidence of implementation as per the recommendations, to the school principal at the end of each week.

Procedures for training IEP team members - School Psychologist

Brief descriptive fact sheets of critical BSAP recommendations along with examples will be provided to all IEP team members. School psychologists will be available for consults regarding implementation challenges. School principals are encouraged to review the BSAP recommendations prior to teacher walkthroughs and evaluations to determine if and to what degree the BSAP recommendations are being implemented.

LEVEL 3 Positive Behavior Supports (ILI/FBA Level) School Psychologist

Step 1: School psychologist is to notify the Director of Special Education when a student is referred to this level. Director will follow up with the school principal.

Step 2: School psychologist is to request and review data on occurrence of problem behavior and fidelity of implementation on Level 1 and Level 2 behavior support recommendations. If no data (which may include SWIS data), school psychologist refers to past recommendations for data collection and requests one to two weeks of data based on reported frequencies/intensity. Data requests are to be shared to the school principal.

Step 3: Once 5-10 data points have been collected on the problem behavior occurrences and, depending on the fidelity of implementation of the Level 1 and Level 2 recommendations, the school psychologist may request that the case manager schedules an IEP team meeting to conduct ILI and generate a behavior support plan.

Step 4: At the IEP, the school psychologist is to co-facilitate completion of the ILI and generation of an updated Behavior Support Action Plan (BSAP)

Step 5: The school psychologist is to disseminate the BSAP, data collection sheets, and fidelity of implementation data sheets to IEP team members, ensuring parent and administrator(s) receive a copy. A copy of the BSAP is to be placed in the student’s blue notebook, directly behind the student’s current IEP.

Step 6: Team members are to submit completed fidelity of implementation data sheet along with hard evidence of implementation of recommendations, to the school principal at the end of each week. School principal is to review to ensure accuracy of implementation of the BSAP.

Procedures for training IEP team members - Psychologist

Brief descriptive fact sheets of critical BSAP recommendations along with examples will be provided to all IEP team members. School psychologists will be available for consults regarding implementation challenges. School principals are encouraged to review the BSAP recommendations prior to teacher walkthroughs and evaluations to determine if and to what degree the BSAP recommendations are being implemented.

System for monitoring and evaluating student progress

The school psychologist and the student’s case manager are to ensure (a) that the data system is set up, (b) who enters the data, (c) who generates the data reports, and (d) when the data reports are generated. If there is a problem with data collection, the school psychologist is to notify the school principal and Director of Special Education. The case manager schedules a follow up IEP meeting within a month of the ILI meeting to discuss the student’s progress and BSAP implementation.

Fidelity and effectiveness of intervention implementation

Once BSAP is developed, school psychologist gives a copy to the school principal for review and addresses any questions. If there is a chronic problem with BSAP implementation and behavior problem increases, school psychologist meets with the principal to discuss the issues. If the problem persists, the school psychologist notifies the Director of Special Education who will follow-up with the school psychologist and others as appropriate.