Draft MINUTES of the

Town of Cross Plains Plan Commission Meeting

8:00 P.M.

October 2, 2017


Plan Commission: Wayne Parrell, Greg Hyer, Tom Rhude, Sherry Krantz

Staff: Mary Scott (PC Secretary/ Deputy Clerk)

2 Interested Citizens

Board Member: Greg Haack

Call to Order: Parrell called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.

Approve Minutes: Sherry Krantz moved to approve the September 5th minutes as amended. Rhude seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Public Comments: none

Discussion/Action: Gene Lauber appeared to discuss his plans rezone his parcel located on 3795 Garfoot Rd. He informed that he has not completed a CSM. Parrell informed that Lauber will need to complete a Town application and pay the fee. Parrell and Hyer explained the process of a rezone of the 3-4 acre plot he is intending to sell. The topic has been tabled for this meeting pending additional information.

Discussion/Action: Deb Theimann’s request for a CUP for Lazy Lainey’s Lane Private Dog Park was discussed. The Commission reviewed the business plan submitted. Greg made a motion to support the CUP request with the following conditions: the entire property for the dog park must be fenced; they must have liability insurance; parking is on the property; and hours of operation will be dawn to dusk. Rhude seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion: Ken Schulenberg received a CSM for his property on Hwy S. Hyer explained that the Commission did not need to hear the topic any further, as the topic was passed unanimously at a previous meeting.

Discussion: The Commission will discuss the County zoning rewrite and blanket rezone of Town Properties. Hyer explained he spoke with Dane County Zoning. ZLR is still working on the zoning changes and explained that there will be a public hearing and an opportunity for the Towns to provide input before all is finalized. Hyer mentioned that there are some properties in the Town that he would like the Commission to advocate for early on to ensure the current uses of these parcels will be maintained; that the new descriptions would not limit these the properties, such as limiting “small scale farming”. Hyer suggested that Brian Standing could be asked to appear at the January meeting.

Discussion/Action: Hyer informed that the board did support pursuing the amendment regarding TDR Super Sending Areas approved by the Commission in September. The public hearing will be on Thursday, November 9th from 7 to 8 PM here at the Town Hall, 3734 County Rd. P, Pine Bluff.

Public Comment for Discussion: none

There being no further public comment, Rhude motioned to adjourn and Sherry Krantz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.

______Action Items ______

Wayne Parrell (Acting Chair) and Secretary: Deadline for the November agenda is October 27, 2017.

Submitted on October 4, 2017.