Parking Meeting 16 November 2016
The notes of the Parking & Traffic Flow meeting held at 14:00 on16 November 2016 in Town Council Office, Amble.
Julia Aston (JA) – Director, ADT
Cllr Helen Lewis (HL) – ATC
Cllr Jane Dargue (JD) - ATC
Anne Burke (AB) – Amble Business Forum
Cllr Robert Arckless (RA) –NCC
Ruth Bendell (ARB) – Infrastructure Manager, NCC
Dale Rumney
Jonathan Dickinson
Elaine Brown (EB) – Town Clerk, ATC
1. Apologies for absence – Cllr Watson - NCC2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 19 October 2016 – The minutes were noted.
3. Matters arising not covered in agenda items – None.
4. Agenda items
a. Lines and signs on the one way system from Tesco – This was being finalised for the one way system, information would be provided as soon as it was ready. It was noted that the costing for the signage in the Audit trail was still awaited. The prices were needed ASAP to be included in the Town Council’s precept request.
b. Recycling bins at The Braid Car Park – The Town Council would take this up with a meeting they had planned with Neighbourhood Services on 30th November.
c. Highways priorities (Island View) – update from Ruth Bendall – Ruth would contact G Bucknall to find out if the Island View Car park would be repaired as funding was to be used by the end of the financial year.
d. Town Centre Car Park – The fencing was still around Northumbrian Waters access points, as Lesley Wood had left the authority Ruth would raise this with Mike Robbins.
e. GBHS Town Centre Directional Signs update – Julia was still awaiting a letter of permission from NCC.
f. Leazes Street / Newburgh Street junction works update – the work on this junction would take place before the end of the financial year.
g. Update of removal of cobbles on Queen Street including widths of pavements - £170,000 capital programmes project for 2016/17 a slot had been programmed in for Mid February. A road closure had been applied for from Jan-March although the work was not expected to take place longer than 1 week in total. The plan was to remove the cobbles and replace with an alternate surface. Options were discussed and all were in agreement that the surface should be easy to maintain, functional and good for pedestrians. It was queried whether any work on the pavements would be carried out in conjunction with this. The painting of the street furniture would be included in the scheme. The one way system works would be co-ordinated at the time of the Queen Street works as would the Newburgh Street junction with Leazes Street.
h. Persimmons roundabout signage replacement sign off clarification – The Town Council had agreed to cover the costs of replacing this sign once the Section 278 agreement had been signed off.
5. Any other matters
At a previous meeting the frequency of Civil Enforcement Officer visits had been queried. Ruth informed that the visits are monthly and there are approximately 200 PCN’s each month apart from during the summer when the order had expired.
Cycle signage – Jane was hoping Martin Podevyn would attend the next meeting.
Puffin Crossing – Church Street, the lights are incredible bright making visibility difficult.
De-registration of an area of village green – This was being pursued.
Dip in the Road – A1068 at Radcliffe. NCC were having dialogue with UK Coal regarding the subsidence. Correspondence goes back to the Olympic torch route. Dale was trying to re-open discussions. It was hoped that the A1068 from Amble to Red Row would be resurfaced in 2017/18 along with Bede Street and Acklington Road.
Julia would provide some old mining plans for Dale that she was aware of in regard to the dip in the road.
6. Date and time of next meeting:
Wednesday 21st December 2.00pm